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Cocoa Boosts Heart Health

WebMD Medical News

March 24, 2007 (New Orleans) -- There is more sweet news about chocolate. A cup of cocoa a day may help drive heart disease away, researchers say.

Overweight adults who drank a specially processed cocoa beverage significantly improved their blood vessel function in just two hours.

Improved blood function, in turn, mitigates the risk of cardiovascular disease, says researcher Valentine Yanchou Njike, MD, of the Yale Prevention Research Center in New Haven, Conn.康涅狄格州纽黑文市耶鲁预防研究中心的研究员,医学博士,Valentine Yanchou Njike称依次,提高血液的功能,降低心血管疾病的风险。

Njike credits flavonoids, a group of antioxidant compounds also found in fruits and vegetables. The more flavonoid-rich foods you eat, the lower your risk of heart disease, he says.

Studies have shown flavonoids appear to benefit blood vessel function by influencing the body's production of nitric oxide, which helps regulate blood vessel tone.

Concentrated Flavonoid Source

Cocoa and other dark chocolate products are considered one of the most concentrated sources of flavonoids, Njike says.

But go easy on the milk chocolate: Though it too contains flavonoids, fats in milk can raise the risk of heart problems, particularly in overweight people. And white chocolate contains none of the heart-healthy flavonoids, says Robert S. Rosensen, MD, director of the preventive cardiology center at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.
芝加哥西北大学医药学院预防心脏病学中心的负责人,医学博士Robert S. Rosensen说是要有节制的食用牛奶巧克力,虽然它也包含黄酮类化合物,但牛奶里的脂肪能增加心脏疾病的风险,尤其是对那些超重的人。而且白巧克力不包含有益于心脏健康的黄酮类化合物。

“One of the refreshing things about this is that we so often have to tell patients what they can’t do, what they can’t eat,” says Rosensen, who moderated a news conference to discuss the findings at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology.

“Here we can tell them that a favorite mood-improving product can also improve their [heart] health,” Rosensen says.

Cocoa Improves Blood Flow

The study involved 45 overweight or obese people aged 30 to 75. "We chose overweight people because they’re at higher risk for cardiovascular disease," Njike says.

The participants drank an 8-ounce cup of sugar-free cocoa, sugared cocoa, or a hot nonfat milk beverage each morning for six weeks

The cocoa beverage was made with Hershey’s Cacao Reserve, which uses a process that helps retain the flavonoids naturally found in cocoa beans. Hershey provided the cocoa beverage and also provided partial funding for the study.
这些可可饮料是使用好时的Cacao Reserve制成的,他们使用一道程序,能够保留在自然界中发现的可可豆中的黄酮类化合物。好时公司提供了Cacao Reserve,也提供了这项研究的部分科研资金。

Results showed that the ability of arteries to relax and expand to accommodate increased blood flow to the heart increased by about 39% by two hours after people drank the sugar-free cocoa. When they drank cocoa with sugar it improved by about 23%. In contrast, it dropped 12% when they consumed the nonfat milk drink.

Not All Cocoa Processed the Same

Rosensen notes that previous studies have shown that improvement in blood flow tends to fade about six hours after eating flavonoid-rich foods. “It could be that we’re best off eating small cocoa snacks throughout the day,” he says.

Despite the findings, the researchers caution against bingeing on dark bonbons. That’s because not all chocolate and cocoa products are processed the same. In some cases, commercial producers of cocoa remove flavonoids because of their bitter taste, Rosensen note.

“Moderation is key,” he tells WebMD.



据WebMD医疗新闻2007年3月24日于纽奥尔良市报道,发现了关于巧克力的新好消息。研究人员称一天一杯可可有助于减少心脏疾病的发生。超重的成年人如果饮用特殊加工过的可可饮料,在短短两个小时内就能够改善他们血管的功能。涅狄格州纽黑文市耶鲁预防研究中心的研究员,医学博士,Valentine Yanchou Njike称,能依次提高血液的功能,降低心血管疾病的风险。Njike把这些作用归功于黄酮类化合物——一组抗氧化剂复合物,也存在于水果和蔬菜中。他说,你吃越多富含黄酮类化合物的食品,你得心脏病的危险性也就越低。研究表明,黄酮类化合物能够通过影响身体生产氧化亚氮来改善血管的功能,而氧化亚氮能帮助调节血管的张力。

Njike说,可可和其它黑巧克力产品被认为是一个黄酮类化合物的最集中的来源。芝加哥西北大学医药学院预防心脏病学中心的负责人,医学博士Robert S. Rosensen说要有节制的食用牛奶巧克力,虽然它也包含黄酮类化合物,但牛奶里含有的脂肪能增加发生心脏疾病的危险,尤其是对那些超重的人。而且白巧克力也不包含有益于心脏健康的黄酮类化合物。Rosensen还主持了一次新的会议来讨论美国心脏病学院年会上的发现,它说:“关于这个发现的一件另人耳目一新的事是我们以前经常不得不告诉患者什么事情不能做,什么东西不能吃。”Rosensen说:“但是现在我们能告诉他们一种受人喜爱的能改善心情的产品也能够提高他们心脏的健康。”

这项研究包括45名超重或肥胖者,年龄为30~75岁。Njike说:“我们选择超重的人是因为他们有较高的得心血管疾病的风险。”参加者每天早晨饮用一杯(8盎司)的无糖可可、有糖可可或者热的脱脂牛奶,共六周。这些可可饮料是使用好时的Cacao Reserve制成的,他们使用一道程序,能够保留在自然界中发现的可可豆中的黄酮类化合物。好时公司提供了Cacao Reserve,也提供了这项研究的部分科研资金。结果表明在人们饮用无糖可可后两个小时左右,动脉舒张、扩展用来适应增加的到心脏的血流的能力增加了39%左右。当他们喝有糖的可可后,增加了23%左右。相反,当他们饮用脱脂牛奶时,刚减少了12%左右。


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