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Re:【商业翻译】医师报约稿:Novel noninvasive device

Last Updated: 2007-05-18 14:33:11 -0400 (Reuters Health)
路透社健康新闻:2007-05-18 14:33:11

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A device that measures fluorescence of advanced glycation end products in skin is more accurate in detecting diabetes than fasting plasma glucose or hemoglobin A1c (A1c) determinations, investigators report in the May issue of Diabetes Care.

An elevated level of skin advanced glycation end products (AGE) is a biomarker of diabetes, the authors explain. Spectroscopic measurement of dermal AGEs (SAGE) measures skin fluorescence due to AGEs, automatically compensating for melanin, hemoglobin, and light scattering. The instrument is a table-top apparatus with a cradle in which the subject rests the left forearm. A fiber optic probe measures skin fluorescence.

In the current study, Dr. Marwood N. Ediger, from VeraLight and colleagues in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and associates compared the performance of the SAGE device with fasting plasma glucose and A1c tests, against the "gold standard" of the 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test.
在最近的研究中,来自VeraLight的Marwood N. Ediger博士、位于新墨西哥州爱伯克奇的同事及其助手将SAGE检测装置的性能与空腹血浆葡萄糖和A1c检验作了比较,并与2小时葡萄糖耐量试验这一“金标准”作了对比。

The study cohort included 351 individuals, of whom 84 had abnormal glucose tolerance test results indicating diabetes.

At a cutoff of 100 mg/dL, fasting plasma glucose testing had a sensitivity of 58% and specificity of 77.4% for detecting diabetes. At the same specificity, the sensitivity of SAGE was 74.7%, while the sensitivity of A1c testing was 63.8%. "The sensitivity advantage for the noninvasive device over both blood tests ... was statistically significant (p < 0.05)," the researchers report.
空腹血浆葡萄糖以100mg/dL为切点,则诊断糖尿病的灵敏度为58%、特异度为77.4%;在相同特异度,SAGE诊断糖尿病的灵敏度为74.7%,而A1c为63.8%。研究人员报道说:“这一非侵入性装置的较两项血检验的灵敏度优势有显著的统计学差别(p < 0.05)。”

The race/ethnicity mix of the group included Caucasians, Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, Asians and East Indians. SAGE sensitivity was not impaired by skin melanin variations, or by ambient blood glucose levels.

"The combination of accuracy and convenience of SAGE make it well suited for opportunistic screening and earlier detection of diabetes and pre-diabetes," Dr. Ediger and colleagues conclude.

Diabetes Care 2007;30:1120-1124.



发表在《糖尿病护理》杂志(Diabetes Care 2007;30:1120-1124)这篇论文的作者声称,升高的皮肤晚期糖基化终末产物(AGE)是糖尿病的生物标志物。皮肤AGEs(SAGE)分光镜测量法测量皮肤AGEs产生的荧光,自动修正黑色素、血红蛋白和光散射。这个设备是带有支架的台面装置,受检者只要将左前臂放在支架上。

在当前研究中,来自VeraLight的Marwood N. Ediger博士、位于新墨西哥州爱伯克奇的同事及其助手将SAGE检测装置的性能与空腹血浆葡萄糖和A1c检验作了比较,并与2小时葡萄糖耐量试验这一“金标准”作了对比。这项队列研究共有351例受试者,种族包括高加索人、西班牙人、非洲裔美国人、本土美国人、亚洲人及东印度人。其中84例有提示糖尿病的糖耐量试验异常。空腹血浆葡萄糖以100mg/dL为切点,诊断糖尿病的灵敏度为58%、特异度为77.4%;在相同特异度,SAGE诊断糖尿病的灵敏度为74.7%,而A1c为63.8%。研究人员报道说:“这一非侵入性装置的较两项血检验的灵敏度优势有显著的统计学差别(p < 0.05)。”研究中SAGE的灵敏度未受皮肤黑色素变异或外周血糖水平的影响。

最后 Ediger博士及同事得出结论:“SAGE的灵敏度和操作便利的联合优势,更能适合伺机性筛检及早期诊断糖尿病和前驱糖尿病。”


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