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Public release date: 3-Apr-2007

Transfusion expert urges wider use of filtered blood

Leukoreduction is better for patients, University of Rochester study concludes
Filtering white cells from donor blood before a transfusion is much safer for patients and long overdue as a national standard for all surgical procedures, according to University of Rochester researchers who present their analysis in the April journal, Transfusion. 减白血球血液对患者有益,根据Rochester大学的研究者在今年4月输血杂志发表的论文,Rochester大学的研究推断,献血者所献的血液,在过滤的白细胞后,再输给患者或者长期储存,会更加安全,并且这一程序应该成为手术操作的国家标准。

The practice of removing the white cells from blood is called leukoreduction. But despite the recommendations of two national advisory committees in 10 years that voted in favor of all patients in the United States receiving leukoreduced blood, ("universal leukoreduction"), the practice is still not wholly supported in the medical community, nor recommended by the Food and Drug Administration. Part of the reason is fear of increased cost. 从血液中去除白细胞称为减白血球。但是尽管两个美国国家咨询委员会认为患者接受减白血球的治疗对患者对患者有益。虽然这个建议已经提出10年了,但是这个治疗始终不能得到全部医学界的支持,并且不被食品药品管理局推荐。这里面有害怕增加成本的原因。

However, Neil Blumberg, M.D., lead author of the study and a proponent of leukoreduction, argues that several cost-benefit analyses show that an upfront increase of $25 to $35 for each unit of filtered blood is offset by savings from less use of antibiotics, reduced patient time in the ICU, and shorter lengths of hospital stays overall. 但是,医学博士,Neil Blumberg,研究的第一作者,减白血球的支持者, 讨论几个成本效益分析,认为减白血球的多花费的25-35美元可以通过节约使用抗生素、减少患者在重症监护室的时间和缩短总的住院时间抵消。

One study, in fact, estimated that the savings in treating heart surgery complications alone could total $1 billion a year, nationwide.实际上,一个研究估计在全国范围内在治疗心脏手术并发症一项,就可以节约10亿美元。

"Rarely do we come up with a medical advance that saves money and is better for patients at the same time. 我们很少能提出一个科学进步,不但对患者有益并且同时可以节约资金。

This is as basic as washing your hands before conducting a physical examination of a patient," Blumberg said. Blumberg 说,这就像对患者进行物理检查要洗手一样基础"

But despite much scientific evidence that supports this notion, millions of people today are still receiving transfusions that might needlessly be harmful to them. 虽然由很多科学的证据支持这个主张,但是现在数以百万计的人一直认为对他们不会有危害。

The single most effective and overdue safety measure the FDA could take at this time is to mandate leukoreduction of all transfusions through its regulatory power."这个最简单有效,但是并不能实现的安全措施,食品和药品管理局应该利用这次机会通过他们的管理势力要去要输减白细胞血。

Blumberg's group reviewed approximately 520 abstracts and nine published randomized clinical trials, on the risks and benefits of using leukoreduced blood. Blumberg's 的研究团队复习接近520个摘要和9个发表的临床随机试验,调查使用减白细胞血的风险和益处。

They assessed the statistical methods that were used in each study, and found what they believed to be flawed data in some cases. 他们采用研究普遍使用的统计学研究方法,发现了在一些病例中他们认为得瑕疵。

The chief problem, Blumberg's group discovered, was that some studies included hundreds of patients who never received blood transfusions. Blumberg's 研究组发现首要的问题是一些研究包括数以百计的人从没有进行过输血治疗。

These patients would have been irrelevant to a study assessing the risks and/or benefits of certain types of transfusions, because they couldn't have benefited nor could they have been harmed by a transfusion.这些患者因为没有从输血中受益或者损害,所以不能进行一定类型的输血风险和利益相关的评估。

Furthermore, some studies used data that did not reflect actual investigative results, Blumberg said. Blumberg说,而且一些研究的数据不能反映真实的调查结果。

When the data was restricted to patients receiving transfusions, researchers found that post-surgical infection rates dropped from 33 percent to 23 percent. In other words, the relative risk of infection dropped by about 30 percent for the patients with leukoreduced blood.当数据限制在接受输血治疗的患者时,研究发现在输减白细胞血的患者中,术后感染率从33%下降到23%,换句话说,感染的危险性降低了10%。

"Our data would suggest that when you combine all of the safety measures that have been made to the blood supply since the AIDS epidemic, all of those safety adjustments combined are is still less beneficial to patients than the benefits of leukocyte reduction," Blumberg said. Blumberg说,现在获得性免疫缺乏综合征流行,我们的数据显示,当联合使用所有的安全方法对血液感染获得性免疫缺乏综合征进行预防,但是所有的联合预防方法都不如输减白细胞血液带给患者的益处大。

Transfusions are done routinely, and some practitioners are not convinced they hold many risks. 输血现在都变成了例行公事,现在开业医生不认为输血会带来危险。

But doctors at the University of Rochester, leaders for two decades in the study of "transfusion immunomodulation," believe otherwise. Giving donor blood to someone, Blumberg said, is akin to a temporary organ transplant. 但是Rochester大学的医生,这二十年输血免疫调节的领导者却不这样认为。Blumberg说,给别人输血,类似于给别人短期的器官移植。

In many cases the transfused blood modifies a person's immune system ?either in a favorable or unfavorable way ?by interacting with the patient's own white cells.在很多病例,输入的血液调节了患者的免疫系统。输入血液的白细胞与患者自身的白细胞互相作用,这是有益的还是有害的。

Removing the foreign white cells from transfused blood reduces the chances of a negative reaction by the host immune system. 从输入的血液中清除外来的白细胞可以减少外来白细胞与宿主免疫系统发生负反应的机会。

In 1998 the University's Strong Memorial Hospital was among the first hospitals in the country to begin using leukoreduced blood for all cardiac surgery cases. 1998年大学的Strong Memorial医院成为国内首批对所有的心脏手术患者使用减白细胞的医院之一。

Since then, the hospital has extended its leukoreduction practice to all patients, beginning in 2000.从2000年开始,这个医院扩大减白细胞血液的适用范围,在所用的患者中使用。


从血液中去除白细胞称为减白血球。两个美国国家咨询委员会都认为患者接受减白血球的治疗对患者有益,而且这个建议已经提出10年了,但是这个治疗不但始终不能得到全部医学界的支持,而且不被食品药品管理局推荐。其中部分原因是有害怕增加成本。但是,根据该篇文章的第一作者Neil Blumberg研究,认为减白血球的多花费的25-35美元可以通过节约使用抗生素、减少患者在重症监护室的时间和缩短总的住院时间抵消。实际上,一个研究估计在全国范围内在治疗心脏手术并发症一项,就可以节约10亿美元。

Blumberg的这个建议不但提出一个科学进步,而起对患者有益并且同时可以节约资金。这样的主张是比较少的。这就像对患者进行物理检查要洗手一样基础"虽然由很多科学的证据支持这个主张,但是现在数以百万计的人一直认为对他们不会有危害。这个最简单有效,但是并不能实现的安全措施,食品和药品管理局应该利用这次机会通过他们的管理势力要去要输减白细胞血。Blumberg's 的研究团队复习接近520个摘要和9个发表的临床随机试验,调查使用减白细胞血的风险和益处。他们采用研究普遍使用的统计学研究方法,发现了在一些病例中他们认为得瑕疵。Blumberg's 研究组发现首要的问题是一些研究包括数以百计的人从没有进行过输血治疗。这些患者因为没有从输血中受益或者损害,所以不能进行一定类型的输血风险和利益相关的评估。Blumberg说,而且一些研究的数据不能反映真实的调查结果。当数据限制在接受输血治疗的患者时,研究发现在输减白细胞血的患者中,术后感染率从33%下降到23%,换句话说,感染的危险性降低了10%。


从输入的血液中清除外来的白细胞可以减少外来白细胞与宿主免疫系统发生负反应的机会。1998年大学的Strong Memorial医院成为国内首批对所有的心脏手术患者使用减白细胞的医院之一。从2000年开始,这个医院扩大减白细胞血液的适用范围,在所用的患者中使用。

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