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Kidney Ailment Linked to Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease
Screening test could help prevent surgery and amputations, study says
By Robert Preidt
Thursday, January 11, 2007
健康日报Robert Preidt 2007年1月11,星期四
THURSDAY, Jan. 11 (HealthDay News) -- People with chronic kidney disease have an increased risk of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a condition that causes reduced blood flow in the legs and can lead to amputation. PAD is usually caused by atherosclerosis -- hardening of the arteries.
"Recognition of this increased risk is important, because early detection of PAD through a simple screening test could identify high-risk patients and prevent PAD-related complications, such as leg revascularization surgery and amputation," Dr. Keattiyoat Wattanakit of the University of Minnesota, said in a prepared statement.
明尼苏达州大学Keattiyoat Wattanakit博士在一次精彩的报告中指出,“提高对这种风险的认识是很重要的,早期筛查可筛选出高危人群,并预防PAD相关并发症发生,如下肢血管置换或截肢等”。
Wattanakit was lead author of a study of more than 14,000 middle-aged adults who were followed for an average of 13 years. The participants were split into three groups: those with normal kidney function; those with mildly decreased kidney function; and those with stage 3 or stage 4 chronic kidney disease, which results in a gradual, irreversible loss of kidney function.
在一项跟踪观察14,000中年人13年之多的大型研究中,Wattanakit是发起者。参与对象被分成三组:肾功正常者、轻度异常者、渐进性不可逆肾功能损害的3或4期慢性肾病患者。Overall, 7.1 percent of the study volunteers developed PAD. People with chronic kidney disease had a much higher rate of PAD (22.8 percent) than those with normal kidney function (6.6 percent). After adjusting for multiple factors (such as age, race and sex), the study authors found that the rate of PAD was nearly two times higher in chronic kidney disease patients than in people with normal kidney function.
The findings are published in the February issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
A simple test that compares blood pressure in the arms and legs can be used to screen people for PAD. This type of screening is already recommended for many diabetes patients.
"Our findings similarly highlight and support development of a PAD screening strategy to identify CKD (chronic kidney disease) patients at high risk for PAD," Wattanakit and the other study authors concluded.

明尼苏达州大学Keattiyoat Wattanakit博士在一次精彩的报告中指出,“提高对这种风险的认识是很重要的,早期筛查可筛选出高危人群,并预防PAD相关并发症发生,如下肢血管置换或截肢等”。
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