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Titlerug treatment of the overweight patient.

Authors:Bray GA, Ryan DH.

Resource: Gastroenterology. 2007 May;132:2239-52

Three medications with approval for long-term use in the treatment of obesity are currently available in the United States. Sibutramine (U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] approved in 1997), orlistat (FDA approved in 1999), and rimonabant (available in Europe and given FDA approvable status in 2006 and expected to be marketed in 2007) represent modern approaches to medications used adjunctively for weight management. As demonstrated in large clinical trials of 2 to 4 years' duration, these medications significantly increase weight loss compared with placebo; weight loss with these drugs reaches a nadir between 20 and 28 weeks; weight loss, averaged 8%-10%, with the placebo contributing 4%-6% of that. Weight maintenance is demonstrated as long as adherence to medication continues. All medications have side effects that need to be considered. For sibutramine, there is a rise in blood pressure and heart rate that may require discontinuation of the drug in a small percent of patients. For orlistat, steatorrhea produces the principal gastrointestinal side effects. Rimonabant appears to have a favorable safety and tolerability profile. Nausea and gastrointestinal symptoms are the chief tolerability issue, but they are usually self-limited. In addition there are several drugs and drug combinations in phase 2 or phase 2 trials that will be reported on in the coming years.

PMID: 17498515 [PubMed - in process]
Title:Drug treatment of the overweight patient
Authors:Bray GA, Ryan DH.
作者:Bray GA, Ryan DH.
Resource: Gastroenterology. 2007 May;132:2239-52
来源:胃肠病学.2007 May;132:2239-52
Three medications with approval for long-term use in the treatment of obesity are currently available in the United States. Sibutramine (U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] approved in 1997), orlistat (FDA approved in 1999), and rimonabant (available in Europe and given FDA approvable status in 2006 and expected to be marketed in 2007) represent modern approaches to medications used adjunctively for weight management.
As demonstrated in large clinical trials of 2 to 4 years' duration, these medications significantly increase weight loss compared with placebo; weight loss with these drugs reaches a nadir between 20 and 28 weeks; weight loss, averaged 8%-10%, with the placebo contributing 4%-6% of that.
Weight maintenance is demonstrated as long as adherence to medication continues. All medications have side effects that need to be considered. For sibutramine, there is a rise in blood pressure and heart rate that may require discontinuation of the drug in a small percent of patients.
For orlistat, steatorrhea produces the principal gastrointestinal side effects. Rimonabant appears to have a favorable safety and tolerability profile. Nausea and gastrointestinal symptoms are the chief tolerability issue, but they are usually self-limited. In addition there are several drugs and drug combinations in phase 2 or phase 2 trials that will be reported on in the coming years.

Bray GA及其同事对肥胖的药物治疗进行了研究,结果发表在2007.5的《胃肠病学》。现在3种用于肥胖长期治疗的药物已经在美国上市。西布曲明(1997年获美国食品药品管理局[FDA]认可)、奥利司他(1999年获FDA认可)和利
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