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BOSTON, May 23 -- Regular use of aspirin reduced the risk of colon cancer but only in tumors high in an enzyme that promotes cancer growth, researchers here reported. Action Points
Explain to interested patients that in this observational study regular use of aspirin (two tablets a week) appeared to reduce the risk of colon cancer, but only for tumors high in an enzyme that promotes cancer growth.
Tell patients who ask that at this point, no one knows how to identify people who might benefit from aspirin therapy.
Extended use of aspirin cut the risk of colorectal cancers that overexpress cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) by almost a third, but not the risk of cancers with weak or absent COX-2 expression, Andrew T. Chan, M.D., M.P.H., of Harvard, and colleagues reported in the May 24 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
长期服用阿斯匹林由于环氧合酶(COX-2)的几乎高于3倍的过度表达从而降低结肠癌风险,但这不是说,结肠癌患者没有环氧合酶(COX-2)的表达或者表达较弱,哈佛大学的医学博士Andrew T. Chan和同事在5月24日发行的新英格兰医学杂志报道上说。
The significance of the COX-2 target emerged from 2,446,431 person-years of follow-up of 82,911 women in the Nurses' Health Study and 47,363 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Assessments of Cox-2 expression came from a review of pathology reports.
The investigators identified 636 incident cases of colorectal cancer among users and nonusers of aspirin that were available for analysis of COX-2 expression. Of the tumors, 423 (67%) had moderate or strong COX-2 expression (P for heterogeneity = 0.02).
Aspirin users took at least two standard 325 mg tablets a week or used aspirin at least twice a week.
Regular aspirin use conferred a significant reduction in the risk of colorectal cancers that overexpressed COX-2 (multivariate relative risk 0.64; 95% confidence interval, 0.52 to 0.78), the researchers found. It had no effect on tumors with weak or absent expression of Cox-2 (multivariate relative risk, 0.96, CI 0.73 to 1.26).
对比定期服用阿斯匹灵患大肠癌风险显著减少,研究人员发现COX-2高表达 (多元相对危险度0.64;95%置信区间,0.52到0.78)。环氧合酶-2弱表达或不表达对肿瘤没有影响 (多元相对危险度,0.96,ci0.73至1.26).
The age-standardized incidence rate for cancers that overexpressed COX-2 was 37 per 100,000 person-years among regular aspirin users, compared with 56 per 100,000 person-years among those who did not use aspirin regularly.
In contrast, with absent or weak COX-2 tumors, regular or nonregular use of aspirin made no difference. The rate for cancers with little or no COX-2 expression was 27 per 100,000 person-years among regular aspirin users compared with 28 per 100,000 person years among nonregular aspirin users.
相反, COX-2不表达或表达较弱的肿瘤,定期或不定期使用阿斯匹林没有差别。定期使用阿斯匹林每十万人年中27人癌症发生率很少或没有COX-2表达,相比那些不定期的使用阿斯匹林每十万人年中有56人癌症发生率患者很少或没有COX-2表达。
Increasing duration of use and increased aspirin dose were also significant, the researchers said.
A reduction for the risk of COX-2-positive tumors was found with increasing duration of aspirin use (multivariate relative risk 0.59), becoming evident after 10 years, the researchers said. But they found was no statistically significant reduction for the Cox-2-negative tumors.
The fact that the reduction in cancer risk was found only after several years of aspirin use suggests an effect of aspirin on the early stages of colorectal adenoma or cancer, the researchers wrote.
研究者写道,事实上, 服用阿斯匹灵减少癌症的风险数年之后才会被发现,且显示阿斯匹林对早期大肠腺瘤或癌有效。
A reduction in the relative risk became most apparent with an intake of more than five tablets a week and was further reduced as the number of tablets (six to 14 or more) increased, but again not for the COX-2-negative tumors.
一周摄入量超过5粒或更多(6至14个或更多)将明显降低相对危险性,但是, COX-2在肿瘤中不在是阴性表达。
COX-2 is progressively overexpressed during the stepwise sequence from adenoma to carcinoma, Dr. Chan said. Randomized controlled trials have shown that selective COX-2 inhibitors prevent recurrence of adenoma in patients with a history of adenoma or familial polyposis.
Our study suggests, he said, that the anticancer benefit of aspirin is mediated, at least in part, by inhibition of COX-2. Possibly through production of inflammatory prostaglandins or eicosanoids, COX-2 may regulate angiogenesis, apoptosis, or tumor-cell invasiveness.
Experimental studies have shown that aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), especially at high doses, have a range of other potentially antineoplastic actions, suggesting that further work is needed to clarify the effects of these agents and COX-2 (or its downstream effectors) on the development of colorectal cancer, the researchers said.
Study limitations acknowledged by the authors included the fact that the study was observational and aspirin use was self-selected. Thus, among users and nonusers there were small, but statistically significant differences in risk factors, including smoking history, physical activity, and use of multivitamins.
Another limitation, they noted, was the lack of a standardized classification system for COX-2 expression in colorectal cancer. However, in this study, in the overall population, the proportion of tumors that overexpressed COX-2 was similar to that found by other investigators, the researchers said.
These results support the importance of continued investigation into COX-2 and related pathways for the development of new treatments and the potential use of COX-2 as a molecular marker for tailoring chemoprevention in participants with a history of colorectal cancer, the investigators concluded.
In an accompanying editorial, Sanford D. Markowitz, M.D., Ph.D., of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, wrote that current thinking ascribes the cancer-preventive activity of aspirin and NSAIDS principally to the ability of COX-2 to block the generation of PGE2, the most abundant colon prostaglandin.
The work of Dr. Chan and his colleagues, Dr. Markowitz said, raises a number of questions. How is the cancer-promoting activity of COX-2 mediated? Is it the only or the best target in the pathway to colon cancer? Can we identify the people who are most likely to benefit from COX-2? Are some established colon cancers responsive to inhibitors of this pathway?
与陈博士一起工作的同事Markowitz 说,新增了许多问题。COX-2究竟是怎样的间接促进癌症的发展?它是否惟一的或是最佳的作用位点在结肠癌的发生过程中?人们是否能够从COX-2获得最大的好处?某些既定的结肠癌迅速抑制这条通路?
He noted that, given the findings of this study, in which only one-third of colon cancers that are positive for COX-2 are prevented by regular aspirin use, it is necessary to ask whether there are alternative strategies for targeting the COX pathway that are more effective and have lower rates of adverse effects.
Furthermore, Dr. Markowitz said, the study's findings pose the challenge of whether we can identify persons in whom COX inhibitors would have the highest likelihood of conferring protection.
A final caveat, he said, is that the primacy of PGE2 has been extrapolated from murine models. There may remain unexpected features unique to the pathogenesis of human colon cancers and particularly of cancers with the highest levels of COX-2.
他说, PGE2最终结论,首先是从鼠类模型被推断出的,结肠癌患者发病机理可能仍有意想不到的特点,特别高水平的COX-2表达的癌症患者。
The findings of this study, Dr. Markowitz said, "provide powerful support for the role of COX-2 as a key mediator in the development of colon cancer and now pose important questions about the biologic basis and clinical implications of discovering differences between colon cancers that express high or low levels of COX-2."
这项研究的结果,谢维兹说,“ COX-2的作为主要调剂者在结肠癌发展与现在构成重大问题的生物学基础及临床意义显示COX-2在结肠癌表达的水平高低,提供强有力的支持作用” 。

The study was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute, NIH, the Marshall S. Kates Memorial Funds, the Bennett Family Fund for Targeted Therapies Research, and the Entertainment Industry Foundation National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance. Dr. Chan reported receiving a career development award from the Glaxo Institute for Digestive Health for an unrelated study. He is a recipient of the American Gastroenterological Association/Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition Research Scholar Award and a career development award from NCI. Dr. Markowitz, the editorial writer, reported no potential conflict of interest.
在来自美国国家癌症研究所,国立卫生研究院,马绍尔国会kates纪念基金贝内特的家庭基金,有针对性的治疗研究中心,及娱乐事业基金会全国大肠癌研究联盟的研究赠款的支持下, 陈博士接到由葛兰素研究所消化健康无相关的研究机构颁发的职业生涯研制奖。他是一个受美国胃肠病学会/消化健康与营养基金会研究学者奖和生涯发展奖由国立癌症研究所。markowitz博士的主编,没有发现潜在的利益冲突。

长期服用阿斯匹林由于环氧合酶(COX-2)的几乎高于3倍的过度表达从而降低结肠癌风险,但这不是说,结肠癌患者没有环氧合酶(COX-2)的表达或者表达较弱,哈佛大学的医学博士Andrew T. Chan和同事在5月24日发行的新英格兰医学杂志报道上说。
对比定期服用阿斯匹灵患大肠癌风险显著减少,研究人员发现COX-2高表达 (多元相对危险度0.64;95%置信区间,0.52到0.78)。环氧合酶-2弱表达或不表达对肿瘤没有影响 (多元相对危险度,0.96,ci0.73至1.26).
相反, COX-2不表达或表达较弱的肿瘤,定期或不定期使用阿斯匹林没有差别。定期使用阿斯匹林每十万人年中27人癌症发生率很少或没有COX-2表达,相比那些不定期的使用阿斯匹林每十万人年中有56人癌症发生率患者很少或没有COX-2表达。
研究者写道,事实上, 服用阿斯匹灵减少癌症的风险数年之后才会被发现,且显示阿斯匹林对早期大肠腺瘤或癌有效。
一周摄入量超过5粒或更多(6至14个或更多)将明显降低相对危险性,但是, COX-2在肿瘤中不在是阴性表达。
与陈博士一起工作的同事Markowitz 说,新增了许多问题。COX-2究竟是怎样的间接促进癌症的发展?它是否惟一的或是最佳的作用位点在结肠癌的发生过程中?人们是否能够从COX-2获得最大的好处?某些既定的结肠癌迅速抑制这条通路?
他说, PGE2最终结论,首先是从鼠类模型被推断出的,结肠癌患者发病机理可能仍有意想不到的特点,特别高水平的COX-2表达的癌症患者。
这项研究的结果,谢维兹说,“ COX-2的作为主要调剂者在结肠癌发展与现在构成重大问题的生物学基础及临床意义显示COX-2在结肠癌表达的水平高低,提供强有力的支持作用” 。
在来自美国国家癌症研究所,国立卫生研究院,马绍尔国会kates纪念基金贝内特的家庭基金,有针对性的治疗研究中心,及娱乐事业基金会全国大肠癌研究联盟的研究赠款的支持下, 陈博士接到由葛兰素研究所消化健康无相关的研究机构颁发的职业生涯研制奖。他是一个受美国胃肠病学会/消化健康与营养基金会研究学者奖和生涯发展奖由国立癌症研究所。markowitz博士的主编,没有发现潜在的利益冲突。
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