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Scientists at The University of Manchester believe injections of tiny sponge-like particles could provide an alternative to major surgery in the treatment of chronic lower back pain.
Dr Brian Saunders from The School of Materials and Professor Tony Freemont from The Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences have developed tiny gel particles that swell and stiffen when injected into a damaged area.
曼彻斯特大学的科学家们相信注入微小海绵状凝胶颗粒可以替代外科手术治疗中的慢性腰背痛。来自这所学校材料学院的Brian Saunders博士和来自医学与人类科学系的Tony Freemont教授发明了一种当注入损伤区域句可以膨胀和变硬的微小胶体颗粒。
Investigations have revealed that degenerated animal intervertebral discs containing the injected 'microgels' regain their mechanical properties.
研究显示在包含有注入的“微凝胶体” 的变性的动物椎间盘中,它们可以恢复机械特性。
This development opens up the possibility of human patients being able to regain full mobility and flexibility after receiving spinal injections.
This would compare favourably with spinal fusion - a major surgical procedure with considerable recovery time for the patient, resulting in a significant loss of mobility at the fused and adjacent discs.
Degeneration of intervertebral discs causes holes in the load-bearing tissue of the disc, decreasing disc height and resulting in pain.
The microgel particles the research team have developed are like 'smart sponges' when dispersed in water.
The material is a fluid at a low pH - in other words, a low level of acidity - and can be injected through a syringe. It changes to a stiff gel at physiological pH values - that is, once it enters the body - due to absorption of water by the particles.
During their investigations, the research team injected the material into a damaged bovine intervertebral disc and increased the pH to biological levels by injecting an alkaline solution.
Professor Freemont, who works in the Division of Regenerative Medicine in the School of Medicine, said: "This research was motivated by the urgent need for a non-surgical method for repairing intervertebral discs.
"Our approach has the advantage of restoring spinal mobility whereas spinal fusion surgery results in a significant loss of mobility at the fused and adjacent discs."

Dr Saunders said: "Although we are encouraged by our findings, much work lies ahead to develop a viable non-surgical repair technology to replace spinal fusion as the standard surgical treatment for chronic lower back pain."
He added that future work will investigate biodegradable microgels that release additives to stimulate regeneration of intervertebral disc tissue.
he research was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and The University of Manchester Intellectual Property Ltd (UMIP).
他的研究工作是由自然科学与工程研究委员会和曼彻斯特大学Intellectual Property公司所资助的。
Dr Saunders and Professor Freemont recently reported their findings in the online journal Soft Matter. They now hope to secure extra funding with a view to conducting clinical trials.
Saunders博士和Freemont教授最近把他们的研究成果发表在《Soft Matter》杂志的在线版本,他们现在希望固定的资金为了要实施临床试验。

曼彻斯特大学的科学家们相信注入微小海绵状凝胶颗粒可以替代外科手术治疗中的慢性腰背痛。来自这所学校材料学院的Brian Saunders博士和来自医学与人类科学系的Tony Freemont教授发明了一种当注入损伤区域句可以膨胀和变硬的微小胶体颗粒。
研究显示在包含有注入的“微凝胶体” 的变性的动物椎间盘中,它们可以恢复机械特性。
" Saunders博士说:“我们方法的优势在于修补了脊柱活动度,而脊柱融合的外科手术在相临椎盘的融合导致有明显的丧失活动度,虽然我们被我们的发现鼓舞,但是还有大量的工作摆在面前去研究多种非手术修复技术去取代在治疗慢性腰背痛中脊柱融合术这种标准的手术方式。
他的研究工作是由自然科学与工程研究委员会和曼彻斯特大学Intellectual Property公司所资助的。
Saunders博士和Freemont教授最近把他们的研究成果发表在《Soft Matter》杂志的在线版本,他们现在希望固定的资金为了要实施临床试验。
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