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Title: Preparation and Evaluation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Derivatized Silica Monolithic Column for Capillary Electrochromatography and Capillary Liquid Chromatography

Author:Junjie Ou, Xin Li, Shun Feng, Jing Dong, Xiaoli Dong, Liang Kong, Mingliang Ye, and Hanfa Zou

Resource: Analytical Chemistry, 2007,79 (2):639-646.

Abstract:A method for preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) derivatized onto the surface of a monolithic silica capillary column was successfully developed. The vinyl groups were first introduced onto the silica monolith by immobilization of -methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane. Then the MIP coating was copolymerized and anchored onto the surface of the silica monolith. Acetonitrile was selected as porogen (solvent). The other preparation conditions, such as monomer concentration, temperature, and time of polymerization, were systematically studied. The obtained MIP-derivatized silica monolith using L-tetrahydropalmatine (L-THP) and (5S,11S)-(-)-Tröger's base (S-TB) as the imprinted template, respectively, was characterized in terms of the retention behavior of thiourea and toluene. Under the optimized CEC conditions, baseline enantioseparations of THP and TB were achieved in 4 min though the effective length of the columns was 8.5 cm. The result indicates that enough recognition sites were on the surface of silica monolith, resulting in strong recognition ability. Compared with a MIP organic monolith, the MIP-derivatized silica monolith exhibits better column efficiency and stability in CEC. Additionally, the comparison of these two kinds of monolithic columns was performed by capillary liquid chromatography. The separation on MIP-derivatized silica monolith was superior to that on the organic monolith.

PMID: 17222031
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文章来源:分析化学 2007,79 (2):639-646.

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