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【文献导读】期刊Journal of AAP PEDIATRICS Februa

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February 2007 | Volume 119 | Issue 2


Pediatric Telephone Call Centers: How Do They Affect Health Care Use and Costs?
Maya Bunik, Judith E. Glazner, Vijayalaxmi Chandramouli, Caroline Bublitz Emsermann, Teresa Hegarty, and Allison Kempe
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e305-e313. [Full text]

Longitudinal Relationship Between Television Viewing and Leisure-Time Physical Activity During Adolescence
Elsie M. Taveras, Alison E. Field, Catherine S. Berkey, Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, A. Lindsay Frazier, Graham A. Colditz, and Matthew W. Gillman
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e314-e319. [Full text]

Effect of Long-term Steroids on Cough Efficiency and Respiratory Muscle Strength in Patients With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Ameet S. Daftary, Mark Crisanti, Maninder Kalra, Brenda Wong, and Raouf Amin
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e320-e324. [Full text]

Repeat Urine Cultures in Children Who Are Admitted With Urinary Tract Infections
Nicolas M. Oreskovic and Eduardo U. Sembrano
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e325-e329. [Full text]

Impact of Newborn Skin-Cleansing With Chlorhexidine on Neonatal Mortality in Southern Nepal: A Community-Based, Cluster-Randomized Trial
James M. Tielsch, Gary L. Darmstadt, Luke C. Mullany, Subarna K. Khatry, Joanne Katz, Steven C. LeClerq, Shardaram Shrestha, and Ramesh Adhikari
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e330-e340. [Full text]

Underinsurance and Key Health Outcomes for Children With Special Health Care Needs
Donald P. Oswald, Joann N. Bodurtha, Janet H. Willis, and Melinda B. Moore
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e341-e347. [Full text]

Impact of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure on Child Behavior Problems Through School Age
Henrietta S. Bada, Abhik Das, Charles R. Bauer, Seetha Shankaran, Barry Lester, Linda LaGasse, Jane Hammond, Linda L. Wright, and Rosemary Higgins
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e348-e359. [Full text]

Cognitive Impairment After Cerebral Malaria in Children: A Prospective Study
Michael J. Boivin, Paul Bangirana, Justus Byarugaba, Robert O. Opoka, Richard Idro, Anne M. Jurek, and Chandy C. John
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e360-e366. [Full text]

Diphtheria, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis, Tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccinations and Risk of Eczema and Recurrent Wheeze in the First Year of Life: The KOALA Birth Cohort Study
一岁以内白喉、白日咳、脊髓灰质炎、破伤风及流感嗜血杆菌B的疫苗和湿疹的风险性及反复喘息发作的关系:The KOALA Birth队列研究
Ischa Kummeling, Carel Thijs, Foekje Stelma, Macheld Huber, Piet A. van den Brandt, and Pieter C. Dagnelie
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e367-e373. [Full text]

Explaining Change in Quality of Life of Children and Adolescents With Anorectal Malformations or Hirschsprung Disease
Esther E. Hartman, Frans J. Oort, Daniel C. Aronson, Marianne J.G. Hanneman, Ernest van Heurn, Zacharias J. de Langen, Gerard C. Madern, Paul N.M.A. Rieu, David C. van der Zee, Nic Looyaard, Marina van Silfhout-Bezemer, and Mirjam A.G. Sprangers
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e374-e383. [Full text]

Issues in Estimating the Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Examination of 2 Counties in New York State
Charlotte M. Druschel and Deborah J. Fox
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e384-e390.[Full text]

Guardianship Planning Among HIV-Infected Parents in the United States: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample
Burton O. Cowgill, Megan K. Beckett, Rosalie Corona, Marc N. Elliott, Michelle T. Parra, Annie J. Zhou, and Mark A. Schuster
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e391-e398. [Full text]

A 12-Year Prospective Study of Childhood Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: Is There a Broader Spectrum of Disease?
Jorina M. Elbers, Ari Bitnun, Susan E. Richardson, Elizabeth L. Ford-Jones, Raymond Tellier, Rachel M. Wald, Martin Petric, Hanna Kolski, Helen Heurter, and Daune MacGregor
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e399-e407. [Full text]

Risk Factors for Deformational Plagiocephaly at Birth and at 7 Weeks of Age: A Prospective Cohort Study
Leo A. van Vlimmeren, Yolanda van der Graaf, Magda M. Boere-Boonekamp, Monique P. L'Hoir, Paul J.M. Helders, and Raoul H.H. Engelbert
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e408-e418. [Full text]

Provocation of Neurocardiogenic Syncope During Head-up Tilt Testing in Children: Comparison Between Isoproterenol and Nitroglycerin
Antonios P. Vlahos, Meropi Tzoufi, Christos S. Katsouras, Theodora Barka, Irene Sionti, Lampros K. Michalis, Antigoni Siamopoulou, and Theofilos M. Kolettis
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e419-e425. [Full text]

Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Gender Differences in Childhood Mental Health Problems: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study
Kapil Sayal, Jon Heron, Jean Golding, and Alan Emond
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e426-e434. [Full text]

Factors Associated With the Diagnosis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study
Chuan-Yu Chen, Chieh-Yu Liu, Wen-Chuan Su, Su-Ling Huang, and Keh-Ming Lin
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e435-e443. [Full text]

Grandmother and Parent Influences on Child Self-esteem
Judith S. Brook, Yuming Ning, Elinor B. Balka, David W. Brook, Erika H. Lubliner, and Gary Rosenberg
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e444-e451. [Full text]

Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
Susan T. Azrin, Haiden A. Huskamp, Vanessa Azzone, Howard H. Goldman, Richard G. Frank, M. Audrey Burnam, Sharon-Lise T. Normand, M. Susan Ridgely, Alexander S. Young, Colleen L. Barry, Alisa B. Busch, and Garrett Moran
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e452-e459.[Full text]

New York State Cystic Fibrosis Consortium: The First 2.5 Years of Experience With Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening in an Ethnically Diverse Population
Robert Giusti, Ashley Badgwell, Alejandro D. Iglesias and the New York State Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening Consortium
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e460-e467. [Full text]

Outcomes of Dialysis Initiated During the Neonatal Period for Treatment of End-Stage Renal Disease: A North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies Special Analysis
William A. Carey, Lynya I. Talley, Sally A. Sehring, Janet M. Jaskula, and Robert S. Mathias
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e468-e473. [Full text]

Adolescents’ Reported Consequences of Having Oral Sex Versus Vaginal Sex
Sonya S. Brady and Bonnie L. Halpern-Felsher
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 229-236.

Systolic Blood Pressure in Childhood Predicts Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome Later in Life
Shumei S. Sun, Gilman D. Grave, Roger M. Siervogel, Arthur A. Pickoff, Silva S. Arslanian, and Stephen R. Daniels
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 237-246.

Unwanted and Wanted Exposure to Online Pornography in a National Sample of Youth Internet Users
Janis Wolak, Kimberly Mitchell, and David Finkelhor
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 247-257.

Physician Attitudes Regarding Breakthrough Varicella Disease and a Potential Second Dose of Varicella Vaccine
Matthew M. Davis, Mona Marin, Anne E. Cowan, Dalya Guris, and Sarah J. Clark
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 258-264

Postnatal Dexamethasone Therapy and Cerebral Tissue Volumes in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
Nehal A. Parikh, Robert E. Lasky, Kathleen A. Kennedy, Fernando R. Moya, Leo Hochhauser, Seferino Romo, and Jon E. Tyson
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 265-272.

Factors Associated With Treatment for Hypotension in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns During the First Postnatal Week
Matthew Laughon, Carl Bose, Elizabeth Allred, T. Michael O'Shea, Linda J. Van Marter, Francis Bednarek, Alan Leviton for the ELGAN Study Investigators
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 273-280.

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children and Infant Feeding Practices
Alison Jacknowitz, Daniel Novillo, and Laura Tiehen
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 281-289.

Randomized Trial of a Single Repeat Dose of Prenatal Betamethasone Treatment in Imminent Preterm Birth
Outi M. Peltoniemi, M. Anneli Kari, Outi Tammela, Liisa Lehtonen, Riitta Marttila, Erja Halmesmäki, Pentti Jouppila, Mikko Hallman for the Repeat Antenatal Betamethasone Study Group
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 290-298.

Both Extremes of Arterial Carbon Dioxide Pressure and the Magnitude of Fluctuations in Arterial Carbon Dioxide Pressure Are Associated With Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Preterm Infants
Jorge Fabres, Waldemar A. Carlo, Vivien Phillips, George Howard, and Namasivayam Ambalavanan
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 299-305.

Association of Apolipoprotein E Genotype and Cerebral Palsy in Children
Maxine M. Kuroda, Mary E. Weck, John F. Sarwark, Aaliyah Hamidullah, and Mark S. Wainwright
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 306-313

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Census Influences Discharge of Moderately Preterm Infants
Jochen Profit, Marie C. McCormick, Gabriel J. Escobar, Douglas K. Richardson, Zheng Zheng, Kim Coleman-Phox, Rebecca Roberts, and John A.F. Zupancic
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 314-319.

Reduced Time in Bed and Obstructive Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children Are Associated With Cognitive Impairment
Paul M. Suratt, Jeffrey T. Barth, Robert Diamond, Lynn D'Andrea, Margarita Nikova, Vito A. Perriello, Jr, Mary A. Carskadon, and Christopher Rembold
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 320-329.

Persistent Diastolic Flow Reversal in Abdominal Aortic Doppler-Flow Profiles Is Associated With an Increased Risk of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Term Infants With Congenital Heart Disease
Waldemar F. Carlo, Thomas R. Kimball, Erik C. Michelfelder, and William L. Border
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 330-335.

The Impact of Placement Stability on Behavioral Well-being for Children in Foster Care
David M. Rubin, Amanda L.R. O'Reilly, Xianqun Luan, and A. Russell Localio
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 336-344.


Guidelines for Implementation of Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening Programs: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Workshop Report
Anne Marie Comeau, Frank J. Accurso, Terry B. White, Preston W. Campbell, III, Gary Hoffman, Richard B. Parad, Benjamin S. Wilfond, Margaret Rosenfeld, Marci K. Sontag, John Massie, Philip M. Farrell, and Brian P. O'Sullivan
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e495-e518. [Full text]

Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: 2005
Brady E. Hamilton, Arialdi M. Miniño, Joyce A. Martin, Kenneth D. Kochanek, Donna M. Strobino, and Bernard Guyer
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 345-360.

Nonphysician Clinicians in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Meeting the Needs of Our Smallest Patients
Eric W. Reynolds and J. Timothy Bricker
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 361-369.

The Use of Statins in Pediatrics: Knowledge Base, Limitations, and Future Directions
Brook Belay, Peter F. Belamarich, and Catherine Tom-Revzon

Pediatrics 2007; 119: 370-380.


Time for Pressure Tactics
Keith Barrington
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 396-397.


Gabapentin Successfully Manages Chronic Unexplained Irritability in Children With Severe Neurologic Impairment
Julie M. Hauer, Beverly S. Wical, and Lawrence Charnas
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e519-e522.[Full text]

Diagnostics and Therapeutic Insights in a Severe Case of Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency
Marco Nevyjel, Alessandra Pontillo, Lorenzo Calligaris, Alberto Tommasini, Andrea D'Osualdo, Hans R. Waterham, Marilena Granzotto, Sergio Crovella, Egidio Barbi, and Alessandro Ventura
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e523-e527. [Full text]

Staphylococcus aureus Panniculitis Complicating Juvenile Dermatomyositis
Steven J. Spalding, Manuel P. Meza, Sarangarajan Ranganathan, and Raphael Hirsch
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e528-e530.[Full text]

Percutaneous Device Closure of Atrial Septal Defect in a Premature Infant With Rapid Improvement in Pulmonary Status
D. Scott Lim and G. Paul Matherne
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 398-400.


Noninitiation or Withdrawal of Intensive Care for High-Risk Newborns
Committee on Fetus and Newborn
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 401-403. [Full text]

Diagnostic Assessment of the Child With Status Epilepticus
American Academy of Neurology and Child Neurology Society
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 404. [Full text]

AAP Publications Retired or Reaffirmed, October 2006
American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 405. [Full text]


Neonatal Screening: Old Dogma or Sound Principle?
Nicholas Wald
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 406-407.

Neonatal Screening: Old Dogma or Sound Principle?: In Reply
Duane Alexander and Peter C. van Dyck
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 407.

Preventing Pediatric Sudden Cardiac Death
Steven M. Yabek
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 407-408.

Preventing Pediatric Sudden Cardiac Death: In Reply
Robert M. Campbell and Stuart Berger
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 408-409.

Stimulants and Sudden Death: What Is the Real Risk?
Lydia Furman
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 409. [Extract] [Full text] [PDF]

Stimulants and Sudden Death: What Is the Real Risk?: In Reply
Timothy Wilens, Joseph Biederman, Thomas J. Spencer, and Jefferson Prince
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 409-410.

Long-term Health Outcomes of Extremely Premature Infants
Joseph W. Kaempf and Mark Tomlinson
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 410-411.

Long-term Health Outcomes of Extremely Premature Infants: In Reply
Saroj Saigal, Barbara Stoskopf, Lorraine Hoult, Michael Boyle, Janet Pinelli, David Streiner, Nigel Paneth, and John Goddeeris
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 411-412.

Residency Faculty as Hospitalists
Peter C. Smith
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 412.

Residency Faculty as Hospitalists: In Reply
Kristen Samaddar, John Boyd, III, Lilia Parra-Roide, Edith Prieto Allen, and Bruce White
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 412-413.

Lack of Association Between Video Game Exposure and School Performance
Jerald J. Block
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 413.

Lack of Association Between Video Game Exposure and School Performance: In Reply
Iman Sharif and James D. Sargent
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 413-414.

False-positive Results in Expanded Newborn Screening
W. B. Hanley
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 414-415.

False-positive Results in Expanded Newborn Screening: In Reply
Beth A. Tarini, Dimitri A. Christakis, and H. Gilbert Welch
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 415.

Could Hearing Loss Be Related to Delay in Administration of Other Antibiotics Rather Than Early Use of Vancomycin?
Bonita E. Lee, Sarah E. Forgie, Ari R. Joffe, Joan L. Robinson, and Wendy L. Vaudry
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 415-416.

Could Hearing Loss Be Related to Delay in Administration of Other Antibiotics Rather Than Early Use of Vancomycin?: In Reply
Steven C. Buckingham, B. Keith English, Jonathan A. McCullers, Katherine M. Knapp, Jorge Luján-Zilbermann, and Karen L. Orman
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 416-417.

Long-term Risk of Atypical Fungal Infection After Near-Drowning Episodes
Christian Garzoni and Jorge Garbino
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 417.

Long-term Risk of Atypical Fungal Infection After Near-Drowning Episodes: In Reply
Piet Leroy and Annick Smismans
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 417-418.

Acetaminophen Protein Adducts in Children With Acute Liver Failure of Indeterminate Cause
G. Randall Bond
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 418-419.

Acetaminophen Protein Adducts in Children With Acute Liver Failure of Indeterminate Cause: In Reply
Laura P. James, Jack A. Hinson, Estella M. Alonso, Linda S. Hynan, William M. Lee, Timothy J. Davern, Robert H. Squires and the Pediatric Acute Liver Failure Study Group (NIDDK 072146)
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 419-420.

Good News for Patients and Medical Staff: A New System to Assist With Intravenous Procedures
Koichi Tsunoda, Sotaro Sekimoto, and Kenji Kondou
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 420-421.

Ketorolac and Renal Compromise in Neonates
Prabhakar Devavaram
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 421-422.

Hypothermia: A Neuroprotective Therapy for Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Dominic J. Wilkinson, Dan Casalaz, Andrew Watkins, Chad C. Andersen, and Trevor Duke
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 422-423.

Childhood Obesity: A Passive Route to Physical Activity
James Fisk
Pediatrics 2007; 119: 423.



Colchicine Use in Children and Adolescents With Familial Mediterranean Fever: Literature Review and Consensus Statement
Tilmann Kallinich, Dieter Haffner, Tim Niehues, Kristina Huss, Elke Lainka, Ulrich Neudorf, Christof Schaefer, Silvia Stojanov, Christian Timmann, Rolf Keitzer, Huri Ozdogan, and Seza Ozen
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e474-e483. [Full text]

Adrenal Insufficiency: Still a Cause of Morbidity and Death in Childhood
Dorothy I. Shulman, Mark R. Palmert, Stephen F. Kemp for the Lawson Wilkins Drug and Therapeutics Committee
Pediatrics 2007; 119: e484-e494. [Full text]

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