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tonywujun wrote:



小小鸟 wrote:
你在实验中也能将外周血单核细胞浓度调整到1*10的9次方/L?真是羡慕啊。不过听我师姐说外周血单核细胞不多,要将10 ml的血分离出这么多单核细胞我还是有点诧异。请问八戒兄也是用10ml血分离的吗?



寒冰 wrote:


wzmc225 wrote:
在学习了playingstone 战友的2篇大作(一篇已经发表:生物医学工程与临床,2005,7,9(4)243~246.恭喜恭喜)之后,受益颇丰:
1.playingstone 战友培养方法比较有新意,综合了目前2种有争论的培养方法。我想问下48h内贴壁细胞和48h后贴壁细胞中内皮祖细胞的纯度比较问题,哪个更纯一些?也就是说哪个内皮祖细胞含量更多些?
2.playingstone 战友采用骨髓来源的培养方法,在用密度为1.071的淋巴细胞分离液(上海华精生物制品厂)进行梯度密度离心分离单核细胞,18℃,1500r/min离心23min后。想问下,实验室采用的是什么离心机,哪个厂家的。因为我们自己也在用这种淋巴细胞分离液,效果很不好,用的是Beck man高效离心机,400g,30min,效果很差,几乎看不到白膜层,连红细胞都没离心下来,试剂是刚买的,未过期。很是郁闷。
3.playingstone 战友在离心后,似乎未经过洗这一步,就直接制成细胞悬液,是不是在骨髓来源的培养方法中是这样的呢,有点疑问?呵呵
一般是800G的离心力,既然你的机子是400G 那就把转速适当调高就是,比方现在是1500R/M,先调到2500R/M左右试试。,
小小鸟 wrote:
你在实验中也能将外周血单核细胞浓度调整到1*10的9次方/L?真是羡慕啊。不过听我师姐说外周血单核细胞不多,要将10 ml的血分离出这么多单核细胞我还是有点诧异。请问八戒兄也是用10ml血分离的吗?

我是10毫升分大约10的7 单个核细胞的


EPC生长特征.doc (35.0k)
我们买的VEGF是 sigma公司的,2微克包装的,500块钱,bFGF没买,我们用的是M199培养基+VEGF+PEX+20%FBS养的兔的EPC,效果还行。
寒冰 wrote:



2577.part1.rar (244.14k)

2577.part2.rar (211.6k)
请问cici_wl 师兄:



用DMEM低糖 和 高糖 的培养基对细胞的影响是什么呢?为什么MSC要用低糖的呢?



综述 <Unresolved questions, changing definitions, and novel paradigms for defining endothelial progenitor cells >
(blood ,106,1525-1531).
这片文献上有很漂亮的EPC集落 "Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Mobilizes Functional Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease"(Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005;25:296-301.)
是pdf 文件,不知道怎么上传,如果有需要请告诉我邮箱.

我现已问好小鼠CD 133 和FLK-1 上流式检测抗体,最小包装分别为25微克和50微克。(为Biosource公司产品)(都可以上100管以上)

由于本人只能用一半的量。价钱比较昂贵。想找位战友一起分享。我在武汉。有意者请与我联系。qq 358228927。 手机:13476210795



my mail: dryudecai@hotmail.com
方式: Hotmail MSN
Role of eNOS in neovascularization: NO for endothelial progenitor cells

Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous molecule with an astonishingly wide range of physiological and pathophysiological activities, including the regulation of vessel tone and angiogenesis in wound healing, inflammation, ischaemic cardiovascular diseases and malignant diseases. Recent data have revealed the predominant role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), an endothelial-cell-specific isoform of NO producing enzyme, in both angiogenesis (the development of new blood vessels derived from existing vessels) and vasculogenesis (blood vessel formation de novo from progenitor cells). In addition, successes in gene therapy, together with the recent development of an eNOS-specific inhibitor, suggest that the modulation of eNOS might be a potent new strategy for the control of pathological neovascularization.

Nitric oxide (NO) is produced by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), a haem-containing enzyme that is linked to NADPH-derived electron transport by flavin adenine dinucleotide and flavin mononucleotide. NOS catalyzes the oxidation of l-arginine to L-citrulline and NO, using tetrahydrobiopterin as an essential co-factor. There are three isoforms of NOS. Endothelial NOS (eNOS, also referred to as type III NOS) is constitutively expressed by vascular endothelial cells; it has a calcium-dependent activity and generates relatively low levels of NO. The NO produced by eNOS mediates a variety of physiological functions in vivo including neovascularization, regulation of blood vessel tone (vessel wall tension), platelet aggregation, vascular permeability and leukocyte–endothelial interaction. By contrast, inducible NOS (iNOS, type II NOS) is transcriptionally regulated by inflammatory cytokines and other stimuli, it is calcium-independent and it generates higher levels of NO (than does eNOS), which can induce cytostatic or toxic effects. Finally, neuronal NOS (nNOS, type I NOS) mediates the transmission of neuronal signals. In this article, we focus on the complex roles of eNOS during neovascularization, the process of new blood vessel formation.

Endothelial NO synthase in angiogenesis.
Pathological angiogenesis is a hallmark of cancer and of various ischaemic and inflammatory diseases. In addition to NO, more than 20 angiogenic factors have been discovered during the past two decades, including vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF-A, B, C, D and E), placental-derived growth factor (PlGF), platelet-derived growth factors (PDGF-A, B, C and D), fibroblast growth factors (FGF-1 and 2), transforming growth factors (TGF- and ), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), platelet-derived endothelial growth factor (PD-EGF), tumour necrosis factor- (TNF), interleukin-8 (IL-8), angiopoietins (Ang-1 and 2) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). The interactions among these molecules and their effect on vascular structure and function in different environments are currently under intensive investigation. As a central mediator, NO not only functions alone to induce endothelial migration and proliferation, but also modulates the effects of many of the aforementioned angiogenic factors.

VEGF, an endothelial-specific mitogen and survival factor, is one of the most potent angiogenic factors, and its signalling is crucial for both angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. In endothelial cells, VEGF activates eNOS by the induction of calcium flux, the recruitment of heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) and the phosphorylation of NOS via the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH-kinase [PtdIns(3)K]–Akt pathway. Predominantly mediated through eNOS, the intricate relationship between VEGF and NO has a major role in vascular permeability, vessel tone and angiogenesis during inflammation, wound healing and tumour growth. This makes the selective modulation of eNOS activity an attractive strategy for altering angiogenesis and vascular permeability. The first proof of this concept was recently published by Gratton, Sessa and colleagues, who showed that selective inhibition of eNOS by cavtratin blocks tumour vessel hyperpermeability and halts tumour progression.

Postnatal vasculogenesis: mechanisms of progenitor and stem-cell mobilization.
Over the last few years, several seminal studies have highlighted the key role of bone-marrow-derived cells in both normal and pathological states. Major advances have been made in the identification of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), the determination of their function and niche location, and the experimental expansion of HSC populations. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), which are closely related to HSCs, carry out postnatal vasculogenesis and mediate post-ischaemia and tumour neovascularization in both xenografted models and (to a lesser extent) genetically induced tumours. The group of Rafii and collaborators showed that growth factors such as VEGF, PlGF, Ang-1 and stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) induce the mobilization and expansion of EPC and HSC populations in the bone marrow. This was the consequence of both direct signalling through receptors on various subsets of precursor cells and of paracrine interactions with the bone marrow stromal cells. One crucial event for mobilization is the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9 or gelatinase in the bone marrow stromal-cell compartment. In turn, MMP-9 releases soluble c-Kit ligand (sKitL), which induces survival, mobilization and proliferation in the stem and progenitor cell compartments. In the bone marrow, VEGF itself conveys survival and mitogenic signals to both endothelial progenitor cells and hematopoietic stem cells through VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2 or flk-1/KDR). Furthermore, VEGF and PlGF contribute to cell mobilization for neovascularization and haematopoiesis reconstitution after 5 fluorouracil (5-FU) injury, via VEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1 or flt-1), present on a variety of precursor cells and their progeny. In agreement with these reports, a recent study demonstrated that VEGFR1 signalling upregulated MMP-9 in lung endothelial cells. It is also of interest that MMP-9 is activated by NO.
Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells

Blood vessel development is a regulated process involving the
proliferation, migration, and remodeling of endothelial cells (ECs)
from adjacent pre-existing blood vessels (angiogenesis) or following
differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) or angioblasts
from mesodermal precursors (vasculogenesis). EPCs were originally
thought to be present only during embryonic development. However,
accumulating evidence in the past several years suggests that they can
persist into adult life. This has generated interest in the use of EPCs
for neovascularization of ischemic or injured tissue and for the clinical
assessment of risk factors for various diseases.

Phenotypic Characterization and Lineage of EPCs
Studies to purify and characterize EPCs from bone marrow (BM) or peripheral blood (P have been hampered by the absence of markers to phenotypically distinguish these cells from mature vascular wallderived ECs and from subsets of hematopoietic cells (Table 1). The identification of markers has in turn been hindered by the lack of functional assays to accurately evaluate EPCs. Subsequently, the term EPC has been used to describe different cell populations by different authors, with some recent papers calling the primary cells EPCs and others calling the progeny (cultured) cells EPCs. Although the precise differentiation pathway of an immature EPC to a mature EC is undefined, the loss of expression of CD133 is currently thought to represent a good marker to distinguish between an endothelial progenitor and a mature endothelial cell.1,5 At least some cells that express the antigens CD133, VEGFR2 and/or CD34 can differentiate into cells of the endothelial lineage in vitro, and contribute to neovascularization in animal models of ischemia.6-8 However, hematopoietic stem cells may also co-express these antigens. For this reason, some investigators believe that these cells represent the “hemangioblast”, a bipotential progenitor that can give rise to both endothelial and hematopoietic cells. Clonogenic studies by Pelosi et al.9 demonstrate that CD34+VEGFR2+ cells from BM and cord blood are able to form mixed hematopoietic-endothelial colonies in vitro as might be expected of the hemangioblast, although pure endothelial colonies were not shown. Lineage marker negative, CD117+ (c-kit+) BM cells, considered to contain hematopoietic stem cells, can also induce neovascularization of ischemic myocardium when delivered locally, thereby improving cardiac function in a mouse myocardial infarct model, suggesting that EPC are contained within that population.10 Reyes et al.11 have shown that multi-potent adult progenitor cells (MAPCs) were able to form cells capable of differentiating into cells expressing markers of mature endothelium (CD31, CD36, vWF). These cells formed vascular tube-like structures in Matrigel™ and, following injection into immunocompromised mice, contributed to tumor angiogenesis and participated in wound healing. The SP cell population (cells with the ability to efflux fluorescent dyes) contains hematopoietic stem cells and may also contain EPCs. SP cells may be derived from BM12 and other tissues.13 The time required for mature ECs to arise from cultured hematopoietic cells has been used as an alternative approach to the characterization of EPCs.14 In a study using sex-mismatched bone marrow transplant recipients, recipientderived cells expanded ~20 fold in endothelial culture conditions, whereas donor (bone marrow)-derived cells expanded ~1000 fold in the same conditions. The majority of EC outgrowth from recipient cells occurred in 5 - 9 days, while EC outgrowth from donor (bone marrow) cells occurred later (~1 month). These results suggest that EPC (with a greater proliferative potential) are bone marrow-derived and can be distinguished from mature EC by expansion potential and kinetics in culture. More recently, clonogenic studies have evaluated the proliferative potential of single cells derived from the adherent mononuclear cells of adult peripheral and umbilical cord blood.15 Adult PB was found to contain cells with the ability to expand for 20 – 30 population doublings, termed low proliferative potential endothelial colony-forming cells (LPP-ECFC). However cord blood contained cells that were able to form secondary and tertiary colonies (100 population doublings) containing cells expressing an array of EC surface proteins. These cells were termed high proliferative potential endothelial colony-forming cells (HPP-ECFC). The development of such clonogenic assays to evaluate the self-renewal and proliferative capacity of putative EPCs will be very helpful in determining the phenotype of the EPC and its differentiation pathway.
Isolation and Culture of EPCs
The majority of in vitro studies have focused on developing culture conditions to promote the differentiation of EPCs into mature, terminally differentiated ECs.7,8,14,16,17 However, there is currently no standardized procedure for the isolation and in vitro culture of EPCs. Most commonly, mononuclear cells are cultured on plastic (with either the adherent or the non-adherent fraction considered to contain the EPC), or CD34+ or CD133+ cells are positively selected and then cultured. The medium formulation, concentration of serum, growth factors utilized (VEGF, IGF-1, FGF-b, bovine brain extract), substrate upon which cells are grown (fibronectin, type I collagen, gelatin), and time in culture vary between researchers. This makes it very difficult to compare studies. Analysis of the EC phenotype of the outgrowth cells has been performed by flow cytometric analysis or immunostaining using the phenotypic markers described above, or by colony morphology at various time points (7 days to 4 weeks) following culture. This has led to contradictions in the estimation of EPC numbers in the circulation and may be problematic when using EPC quantitation as a surrogate marker in clinical studies (see below). For example, Kalka et al.18 suggested that EPCs (defined as CD34+VEGFR2+VE-cadherin+) are present at a frequency of ~ 3000 - 5000 cells per mL of blood based on flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In contrast, a study by Peichev et al.7 using CD34 magnetic beads for isolation estimated the frequency of EPCs (defined here as CD34+VEGFR2+AC133+) to be ~ 70 - 210 cells per mL of blood.

EPC in Disease States
There has been no systematic study of the number of EPCs in healthy individuals. Several studies have described the influence of pathological conditions, drugs, and growth factors on the number of “EPCs” (not exactly the same cells in each study) in vivo (Table 2). For example, the number of circulating EPCs and their migratory activity has been reported to be reduced in patients with risk factors for coronary artery disease19 or to negatively correlate with the Framingham cardiovascular risk score.20 EPCs from patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 are characterized by a decreased proliferative capacity, reduced adhesiveness, and reduced ability to form capillary tubes in vitro.21 The mechanism responsible for these findings are unknown but may be attributed to a decreased mobilization of EPCs from the BM, an increased consumption of EPCs at the injured site, and/or a reduced half-life of EPCs. In contrast, limb ischemia22 and acute myocardial infarction23 were associated with a rapid increase of EPCs in the circulation. Treatment with different hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) inhibitors (statins)24-25 and a number of growth factors including EPO,26 VEGF,18 G-CSF,7 and GM-CSF22 have also been reported to increase the number of EPCs in vivo. Preliminary evidence suggests that they may act by mobilizing EPCs from the BM and/or may improve the survival of EPCs by activation of the PI3 kinase/Akt pathway.6 Mancuso et al.4 found the numbers of resting and activated mature endothelial cells were increased in both breast cancer and lymphoma patients. More importantly, seven lymphoma patients who had chemotherapy and were in complete remission had similar numbers of mature ECs compared to healthy controls. These findings may indicate that quantitation of EPC or EC numbers could be used as a surrogate marker for evaluating response to treatment in specific diseases.
Although significant progress has been made in this exciting arena of research,
it is evident from the literature that a standardization of the procedures used for the
isolation, phenotypic characterization and culture of EPCs will be a prerequisite for
the use of EPCs in future therapies or for EPC quantitation as a diagnostic tool in
clinical studies.
1. Schmeisser A, Strasser RH: Phenotypic overlap between hematopoietic cells with suggested angioblastic
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2. Rafii R: Circulating endothelial precursors: mystery, reality, and promise. Journal of Clinical
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3. Leucocyte Typing VI. White cell differentiation Antigens. Eds. Kishimoto, T. et al. Garland Publishing,
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4. Mancuso P, Burlini A, Pruneri G, Goldhirsch A, Martinelli G, Bertolini F: Resting and activated endothelial cells are increased in the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Blood 97: 3658-3661, 2001
5. Rafii S, Lyden D: Therapeutic stem and progenitor cell transplantation for organ vascularization and
regeneration. Nat Med 9: 702-712, 2003
6. Masuda H, Asahara T: Post-natal endothelial progenitor cells for neovascularization in tissue
regeneration. Cardiovasc Res 58: 390-398, 2003
7. Peichev M, Naiyer AJ, Pereira D, Zhu Z, Lane WJ, Williams M, Oz MC, Hicklin DJ, Witte L, Moore MA,
Rafii S: Expression of VEGFR-2 and AC133 by circulating human CD34+ cells identifies a population of
functional endothelial precursors. Blood 95: 952-958, 2000
8. Asahara T, Murohara T, Sullivan A, Silver M, van der Zee R, Li T, Witzenbichler B, Schatteman G, Isner
JM: Isolation of putative progenitor endothelial cells for angiogenesis. Science 275: 964-967, 1997
9. Pelosi E, Valtieri M, Coppola S, Botta R, Gabbianelli M, Lilli V, Marzia G, Masella B, Muller R, Sgadari D,
Testa U, Bonanno G, Peschle C: Identification of the hemangioblast in postnatal life. Blood 100: 3203-
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10. Kocher AA, Schuster MD, Szabolcs MJ, Takuma S, Burkhoff D, Wang J, Homma S, Edwards NM, Itescu
S: Neovascularization of ischemic myocardium by human bone-marrow-derived angioblasts prevents
cardiomyocyte apoptosis, reduces remodeling and improves cardiac function. Nat Med 7: 430-436, 2001
11. Reyes M, Dudek A, Jahagirdar B, Koodie L, Marker PH, Verfaillie CM: Origin of endothelial progenitors in
human postnatal bone marrow. J Clin Invest 109: 337-346, 2002
12. Majka SM, Jackson KA, Kienstra KA, Majesky MW, Goodell MA, Hirschi KK: Distinct progenitor
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13. Jackson KA, Majka SM, Wang H, Pocius J, Hartley CJ, Majesky MW, Entman ML, Michael LH, Hirschi
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Identification of a novel hierarchy of endothelial progenitor cells using human peripheral and umbilical
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16. Shi Q, Rafii S, Wu MH, Wijelath ES, Yu C, Ishida A, Fujita Y, Kothari S, Mohle R, Sauvage LR, Moore MA,
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17. Quirici N, Soligo D, Caneva L, Servida F, Bossolasco P, Deliliers GL: Differentiation and expansion of
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18. Kalka C, Masuda H, Takahashi T, Gordon R, Tepper O, Gravereaux E, Pieczek A, Iwaguro H, Hayashi SI,
Isner JM, Asahara T: Vascular endothelial growth factor165 gene transfer augments circulating
endothelial progenitor cells in human subjects. Circ Res 86: 1198-1202, 2000
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20. Hill JM, Zalos G, Halcox JP, Schenke WH, Waclawiw MA, Quyyumi AA, Finkel T: Circulating endothelial
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25. Llevadot J, Murasawa S, Kureishi Y, Uchida S, Masuda H, Kawamoto A, Walsh K, Isner JM, Asahara T.:
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26. Heeschen C, Aicher A, Lehmann R, Fichtlscherer S, Vasa M, Urbich C, Mildner-Rihm C, Martin H,
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27. Murohara T, Ikeda H, Duan J, Shintani S, Sasaki K, Eguchi H, Onitsuka I, Matsui K, Imaizumi T:
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28. Gill M, Dias S, Hattori K, Rivera ML, Hicklin D, Witte L, Girardi L, Yurt R, Himel H, Rafii S: Vascular
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30. Carmeliet P: Angiogenesis in health and disease. Nat Med 9: 653-660, 2003
Morphological and phenotypical characterization of human endothelial progenitor cells in an early stage of differentiation
Lydia Bellik, Fabrizio Ledda, Astrid Parenti*

We demonstrate, for the first time, that PBMC cellular fraction in suspension, which is usually discarded or seeded again after a few days, displays comparable behaviour and may constitute a non-negligible target.
So it is more necessary and feasible to culture PMNCs in EGM-2 for the fourth day.

Abstract The exact phenotype and lineage of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are still a matter of debate and different expansion protocols are used to obtain them. In this study, EPC expansion from peripheral blood mononuclear cells was analyzed within the first week of culture. Both the adherent and suspended cells, of which the latter usually discarded, were considered. We provide, for the first time, a systematic study of EPC phenotype and functional features within the first 3 days of culture. Moreover, within the 2nd day, both cellular fractions displayed a significant increase in endothelial marker expression which correlated with EPC properties. _

2005 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
ex vivo EPC expansion protocols.
EPCs have been isolated from adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) using magnetic bead selection against different stem cell antigens [1,3] or by primary adherence on fibronectin [4].
Unselected or selected EPCs have been cultured on fibronectin and non-adherent cells discarded or seeded again within 3–4 days; the immunophenotype of the adherent EPCs has been assessed after a culture period of several days to weeks [5,6].
infusion of ex vivo expanded EPCs derived from PBMCs in nude mice or rats has improved neovascularization in ischemia models [4] and initial pilot trials indicate that infusion of EPCs improve the blood supply to ischemic tissue and that this therapeutic approach is safe and feasible [7].

2. Materials and methods
2.1. Cell culture
PBMCs were isolated by Ficoll/Paque density gradient centrifugation from healthy human peripheral blood. 5*106 cells were stained immediately while remaining cells were cultured on fibronectin (Sigma)- coated dishes for 1, 2, 3 and 7 days in EBM-2 (Clonetics, San Diego) supplemented with EGM-2 MV Single-Quots and 10% FCS.

2.2. Flow cytometry analysis
An Epics XL flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter) was used for all analyses.
Light scatter profiles were collected on the cell using two electronic gates to discriminate among different PBMC populations. PBMCs were labelled and analyzed on day 0 and after 1, 2, 3 and 7 days of culture. At every time-point adherent and suspended PBMCs were separately recovered.
The following fluorescent antibodies were used: PECAM-1-FITC and aVb3 (BD-PharMingen; San Diego, CA), VE-cadherin-FITC and CD45-FITC (Chemicon; Temecula, CA), VEGF-R2-PE (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN), CD14-PE (Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz, CA). Results were expressed as percent positive cells. Isotype-identical antibodies served as controls and dead cells were excluded by 7-ADD. Each analysis included 100000 events. The mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) > 2 was considered positive.

2.3. Immunostaining
Cells were incubated with DiI–acLDL (Molecular Probes, Leiden, The Netherlands) and after fixation with FITC-UEA-1 (VECTOR Laboratories, Peterborough, England). Samples were viewed with an inverted fluorescent microscope [5].

2.4. RT-PCR analysis
Total RNA was extracted using Purescript RNA isolation kit (Gentra, Minneapolis, MN). RT-PCR was performed using 1ug of total RNA.
Primers for amplification:
VEGF-R2, sense-5’-AgACTTTgAGCATggAAg- 3’, antisense-5’-CCATTCCACCAAAAgATg-3’;
VECadherin sense-5’-AAgACATCAATgACAACTTCC-3’, antisense- 5’-CCTCCACAgTCAggTTATACC-3’ [9];
vWF sense-5’-gAggCTg- AgTTTgAAgTgC-3’, antisense-5’-CTgCTCCAgCTCATCCAC-3’ [9];
PECAM-1 sense-5’-CAACgAGAAAATgTCAgA-3’, antisense-5’- ggAgCCTTCCgTTCTAgAgT-3’ [10];
GAPDH sense-5’-CCATggAgAAggCTgggg- 3’, antisense-5’-CAAAgTTgTCATggATgACC-3’ [11].
The PCR programs: KDR (40 cycles); PECAM-1 (30 cycles); GAPDH (23 cycles), annealing at 56 _C; VE-Cadherin (40 cycles) and vWF (23 cycles) annealing at 60 _C. Quantitative evaluation was obtained as ratios between optical density of the target genes and GAPDH amplification products.

2.5. Migration assay
A modified Boyden chamber (48-well plates; Neuroprobe) was used as previously described [8]. Adherent and suspended cells (5 • 104), cultured for 2 and 3 days, were seeded in the upper wells of the chamber; SDF-1a (10 ng/ml) and VEGF (50 ng/ml) were added to lower wells. After 5 h at 37 _C, migrated cells were methanol-fixed, stained with Diff-Quick and counted by microscopic evaluation (400• in 10 random fields. Each experimental point was measured in triplicate.

2.6. Matrigel tubule assay
Twenty-four-well multidishes were coated with growth factor reduced Matrigel_ (50 ll/cm2, BD-PharMingen; San Diego, CA) according to the manufacturers instructions. Suspended and adherent (6.5 • 105) plated cells were suspended in EBM-2 and incubated at 37 _C. Network formation was observed using a phase contrast microscope. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were used as positive control.

2.7. Statistical evaluation
Data are reported as means ± S.E.M. Statistical analysis was performed using the ANOVA test (Bonferroni_s and Dunnett_s Multiple Comparison Test). P < 0.05 was considered significant.

3. Results
3.1. Morphologic analysis of the heterogeneous PBMC population
Flow cytometric morphological discrimination of PBMC populations was performed using their light scatter properties so as to identify them by their position in the light scatter plot (Fig. 1). The forward and right angle light scatter detectors were set so that lymphocytes and monocytes were observed in gate R1, while gate R2 was set using HUVEC with the light scatter characteristics of mature endothelial cells (Fig. 1A0). The starting population, confined in R1, showed lymphomonocytic morphology which was small and slightly granular. After 1 day of culture, 21 ± 4% of PBMCs were adherent and reached 33.5 ± 6.3% (P < 0.01 vs day 1, n = ;16) after 1 week, showing that the majority of cultured PBMCs were still in suspension. From day 2 to one week, a new population appeared in R2 with a different morphology which was large and granular (Fig. 1. This trend was highlighted by both the adherent and suspended cells. In gate R2, suspended cells (5%, day 1) doubled after 3 days (P < 0.01 vs day 1, n = 16). Likewise, the adherent cells (28.5 ± 3.45%, day 1) increased by 34% after 3 days (P < 0.05 vs day 1, n = 16).

3.2. Early endothelial marker expression in PBMCs
The immunophenotype of R1- and R2-gated cells, was selectively characterized during cell differentiation in the presence of angiogenic stimuli. The expression of monocytic marker CD14 of suspended fraction in R1 was 17% on day zero and decreased within the first 3 days (Fig. 2A). After a week there were no CD14+ suspended cells, while CD14+ expression significantly increased in R2-gated adherent PBMCs, representing 64% of the cellular population after 3 days. In gate R1, nearly 2% of both suspended and adherent PBMCs expressed VEGF-R2 (Fig. 2 during one week of culture, even if a significant difference was observed on day 2. Conversely, this receptor was highly expressed in R2-gated cells in which 3% of freshly isolated PBMCs expressed VEGF-R2, a value which increased up to 50% after 2 days. On the other hand, 40% of adherent cells expressed VEGFR2 on day 1 and reached the maximal expression on day 3, which was 68%. Nearly 5% of both suspended and adherent PBMCs were VE-cadherin+ in gate R1 (Fig. 2C), while in R2 there was a significant and time-dependent increase in VE-cadherin expression in both cell fractions. After 3 days 38% of suspended and 50% of adherent cells were VE-cadherin+. Multi-labeling analysis on R2-gated cells on day 2 demonstrated that coexpression of VEGF-R2 and VE-cadherin was displayed by 2.22 + 0.43% of suspended and 4.66 + 1.1% of adherent PBMCs. PECAM-1 was expressed in 34% of freshly isolated PBMCs in R1 while it was higher in R2-PBMCs (Table 1). R2-gated cells always expressed the highest percentage of CD31-positivity. The adherent and suspended PBMCs were also investigated for the expression of integrin aVb3. In our culture conditions this integrin was not expressed in suspended or in adherent PBMCs. The leukocyte marker CD45 was always highly expressed by all gated cells (70–80%) in both suspended or adherent PBMCs (data not shown).
Immunostaining performed on adherent cells after day 1 showed only UEA-1 positivity, while at day 2 also a weak capacity to take up acLDL appeared. After 3 days cells were strongly positive for both markers (Fig. 3). The same analysis was performed on suspended cells in which 1.9 ± 0.5% of R2- gated cells were UEA-1+/acLDL+ on day one, reaching 10.9 ± 1.3% of positivity after 3 days (P < 0.001 vs day 1, n = 7).

3.3. Gene expression of endothelial markers
Fig. 4 shows temporal expression of VEGF-R2, VE-cadherin, PECAM-1 and vWF mRNA in the first 3 days of culture. RT-PCR was performed in the whole suspended and adherent PBMCs without morphological discrimination of the two fractions. VEGF-R2 mRNA expression on adherent PBMCs significantly increased on days 2 and 3 compared with day 1. Likewise the expression of VE-cadherin mRNA signifi- cantly increased on days 2, only in the adherent PBMCs. PECAM-1 and vWF genes did not seem modulated in a timedependent manner, either in adherent or suspended PBMCs.

3.4. Migration of adherent and suspended PBMCs
After 2 days of culture, the ability of suspended and adherent PBMCs to respond to chemotactic factors was assessed by using SDF-1a and VEGF. Both the stimuli induced significant cell migration which was similar in suspended or adherent cells (Fig. 5). Moreover, VEGF induced a twofold increase in cell migration in suspended and adherent PBMCs. Similar findings were obtained using the cells after 3 days of culture in the presence of angiogenic stimuli.

3.5. Matrigel_ tubule assay
A Matrigel_ tubule assay was performed to assess the ability of adherent and suspended PBMCs to form cord and tubularlike structures. After 2 days of culture the two cellular fractions were separately seeded on basement matrix gel. After a few days of culture the formation of cord and tubular-like structures was observed in adherent cells (Fig. 6A and . The suspended PBMCs had similar behaviour with a slower kinetic (Fig. 6C and D).

4. Discussion
several groups have identified different sources which can gave rise to EPCs in peripheral blood [3,9]. Nevertheless a systematic description of phenotypic and functional changes occurring in the heterogeneous PBMC populations during the early stages of differentiation would be relevant and of interest for both basic research and clinical applications.
In this study, early differentiation of human PBMCs into EPCs under angiogenic conditions, was evaluated by flow cytometry analysis, which allows the simultaneous determination of both cell differentiation and cellular morphology. In this technique the shift of cellular light scatter properties represents a very sensitive indicator for changes in cell size and complexity. Cultured PBMCs displayed, between the 2nd and 3rd day, a shift in their light scatter properties moving from gate R1 to gate R2, thus suggesting that the shift displayed by PBMCs can be interpreted as the sequential acquisition of mature endothelial cell morphology. The selective immunophenotype analysis of the cells gated in R1 and R2 confirmed the initial hypothesis. After two days of culture, R2-gated cells showed 50% more expression of both VEGF-R2 and VE-cadherin, 50% of cells were still CD14+ and more than 70% were PECAM-1+ and CD45+. It is remarkable that only 2 days of culture were required to significantly change the immunophenotype on both suspended and adherent PBMCs. However, VEGF-R2 expression decreased in both non-adherent and adherent cells after 1 week of culture. This observation, which is in contrast with some previous findings [4] and in line with others [1], again demonstrates the tight correlation between EPC source, phenotype and culture conditions. It may be noted that 3-days cultured PBMCs were still CD14+ and CD45+ supporting the knowledge that EPCs share an endothelial and leukocyte phenotype [10]. Owing to the pivotal role of aVb3 integrin in angiogenesis its expression was investigated on PBMCs. In the early stages of differentiation PBMCs did not express aVb3. It seems that this molecule is expressed in EPCs after 14 days of culture (11). The EPC phenotype on day 3 was further confirmed by strong positivity for UEA-1 and acLDL displayed by 90% of adherent PBMCs and by a fourfold increase of UEA-1+/ acLDL+ suspended cells. Flow cytometry analysis and immunostaining suggested that endothelial commitment of PBMCs may occur earlier than generally expected, so gene expression of endothelial markers was also investigated by RT-PCR. Both VEGF-R2 and VEcadherin mRNA expression on 2 days-cultured adherent PBMCs increased significantly and was higher than in suspended cells. Probably slight differences in the expression of PECAM-1 and vWF were not detectable because suspended and adherent PBMCs fractions were considered without discriminating between R1 and R2 gates by RT-PCR analysis.
In summary, these results may provide a molecular explanation for the detection of VEGF-R2 and VE-cadherin cell surface expression on PBMCs and are in line with cytofluorimetric analysis which shows their expression already on day 2.
To determine a relationship between flow cytometry immunophenotype analysis of PBMCs and their functional characteristic, we assessed the migration of either suspended or adherent PBMCs, previously grown for 2 days, in response to SDF-1a and VEGF. The former is a chemokine involved in hematopoietic stem cell grafting in bone marrow [12], the latter is an angiogenic factor upregulated during ischemia and an EPC chemoattractant [11]. Both cellular fractions were able to significantly respond to the stimuli. Moreover the number of adherent cells involved in migration appeared to be greater than the suspended one, thus supporting a more advanced endothelial commitment as suggested by immunophenotype. This was further demonstrated by the ability of adherent PBMCs to form a network on Matrigel_ after a few days of culture while the suspended cells showed a slower response. These observations suggest that, although suspended PBMCs display a phenotype similar to those of the adherent cells, they still display different cellular characteristics.
Our findings are not an attempt to characterize the phenotype hierarchy of EPC during in vitro culture and expansion, but rather are a detailed and sequential description of endothelial differentiation of PBMCs in an angiogenic environment which strongly suggests that the endothelial commitment may occur earlier than previously expected. Certainly, different cellular types are present in PBMCs which might contribute to EPC expansion and support our results [9].
It is important to demonstrate the specific features of EPCs expanded in vitro from peripheral blood in order to improve their therapeutic use. Most recent pilot clinical trials have involved infusion of EPCs isolated from peripheral blood and cultured for 3 days. The present data provide both a quantifi- cation of PBMC populations committed to an endothelial phenotype in response to angiogenic stimuli, and a quantitative evaluation of endothelial marker expression in these different cellular fractions. We demonstrate, for the first time, that PBMC cellular fraction in suspension, which is usually discarded or seeded again after a few days, displays comparable behaviour and may constitute a non-negligible target.

Acknowledgement: Supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research (FIR to Professor F. Ledda.

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zhaoli463700 wrote:

1.UEA-1 是EPCS的表面标记之一,但不具有特异性,CEC也可以有,
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