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March 27, 2007 — A clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends best practices for administering self-injectable epinephrine for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children in the community. The new guidelines are published in the March issue of Pediatrics. Controversies in management addressed by these guidelines include the selection of dose, indications for prescribing an autoinjector, and decisions regarding when to inject epinephrine.

"Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially fatal systemic allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death," write Scott H. Sicherer, MD, from the Section on Allergy and Immunology of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and colleagues. "Epinephrine is the primary medical therapy, and it must be administered promptly.... Prompt injection of epinephrine is nearly always effective in the treatment of anaphylaxis, and delayed injection of epinephrine is associated with poor outcomes including fatality."

Anaphylaxis is usually mediated by an immunologic mechanism involving immunoglobulin E and resulting in sudden systemic release of mast-cell and basophil mediators including histamine and tryptase. Although there are many clinical presentations of anaphylaxis, respiratory compromise and cardiovascular collapse are of the greatest concern because they may be fatal.

Many different triggers for anaphylaxis episodes have been identified, but food and insect stings are the most frequently reported triggers in the community setting, often necessitating emergency care plans for anaphylaxis occurring outside the hospital/medical setting.

Epinephrine is the mainstay of anaphylaxis therapy. Adjunctive therapy with antihistamines and, for those with asthma, inhaled selective ß2-adrenergic agonists, such as albuterol, may be helpful but cannot replace epinephrine.

"Physicians should carefully instruct patients and families on the indications for, and the technique for using, self-injectable epinephrine," the authors write. "Prompt administration of epinephrine is clearly indicated for treatment of significant respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms of anaphylaxis, but considerable judgment is required in many actual or possible allergic reactions in which life-threatening symptoms have not yet developed but may develop. Previous guidelines have suggested that epinephrine should be administered promptly at the onset of symptoms after exposure to an allergen that had previously caused anaphylaxis and possibly even in the absence of symptoms if there was a known exposure to an allergen that previously caused anaphylaxis with cardiovascular collapse."

After epinephrine injection for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis, advanced care should be sought urgently by calling 911 (in the United States) or the equivalent for additional care and emergency transport to a hospital emergency department.

Based primarily on anecdotal evidence, the recommended epinephrine dose for anaphylaxis in children is 0.01 mg/kg, not to exceed 0.30 mg. The preferred route of administration for first-aid treatment is intramuscular injection of epinephrine into the vastus lateralis of the lateral thigh, which allows early peak epinephrine concentration needed for effective management. Intravenous administration of epinephrine carries increased risks for dilution errors and dosing errors, which may lead to overdose and adverse effects such as cardiac dysrhythmias.

Epinephrine autoinjectors are currently available in only 2 fixed doses: 0.15 and 0.30 mg. On the basis of most recent, but somewhat limited data, the guidelines recommend using autoinjectors with 0.15 mg of epinephrine for otherwise healthy young children weighing 10 to 25 kg (22 - 55 lb) and autoinjectors with 0.30 mg of epinephrine for those weighing 25 kg (55 lb) or more. However, specific clinical circumstances also must be considered in these decisions.

"The lack of additional autoinjector doses is a serious concern," the authors write. "Nevertheless, pediatricians are advised to prescribe the optimal dose from an autoinjector for each child, even when that dose cannot possibly be precisely 0.01 mg/kg.... For children who weigh less than 10 kg (22 lb), the physician and family should weigh the risks of delay in dosing and dosing errors when an ampule/syringe/needle is used against accepting nonideal autoinjector doses, taking into consideration the specific health needs of the individual child and abilities of the caregivers."

Effective care for individuals at risk for anaphylaxis mandates comprehensive management involving families, allergic children, schools, camps, and other youth organizations.

Reducing the risk for anaphylaxis requires confirmation of the trigger, teaching the patient and family to avoid the relevant allergen, preparing an individualized written emergency anaphylaxis action plan, and educating supervising adults regarding how to recognize and treat anaphylaxis.

Epinephrine should be prescribed for children who have experienced anaphylaxis who may re-encounter the trigger in the community. In some cases, self-injectable epinephrine should be prescribed for children who have not yet experienced anaphylaxis but who are at increased risk based on their specific trigger, comorbid conditions such as asthma, and/or limited ability to recognize anaphylaxis.

"Optimally, evaluation by an allergy/immunology specialist with American Board of Allergy and Immunology or international equivalent certification should be obtained to confirm allergic triggers, to provide education on trigger avoidance, and to initiate specific preventive treatment (eg, venom-injection immunotherapy for insect-sting anaphylaxis)," the authors conclude. "Written emergency action plans and review of care plans in the child's medical home with specific responsibilities for school, child care, or camp personnel; families; and children are needed to ensure a safe environment for those at risk."

All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics automatically expire 5 years after publication unless they are reaffirmed, revised, or retired at that time or earlier. The report states that the recommendations provided do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations may be appropriate based on individual circumstances.

Pediatrics. 2007;119:638-646.

Clinical Context
Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening illness that can be confusing to both patient and clinician. Patients may overstate or understate their symptoms following a significant allergic reaction, making the diagnosis of anaphylaxis unclear. Generally, anaphylaxis requires the acute onset of symptoms involving the skin (hives, pruritis, flushing), respiratory system (dyspnea, wheeze, stridor), or cardiovascular system (hypotonia, syncope). One set of criteria for the diagnosis of anaphylaxis also includes possible gastrointestinal symptoms, including crampy abdominal pain and vomiting.

Epinephrine is critical to rapidly improve the course of anaphylaxis. The current review examines the use of epinephrine as first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children outside of the healthcare setting.

Study Highlights
An intramuscular injection into the vastus lateralis muscle of the lateral thigh is the best route of administration of epinephrine. This type of injection produces peak plasma epinephrine concentrations in 8 minutes compared with 34 minutes after subcutaneous injection into the deltoid region. Intravenous epinephrine should be reserved for patients who do not improve with intramuscular epinephrine.
The standard needle length on the autoinjector is a half inch, which may not be sufficient to reach the muscle in obese adolescents.
The dose of epinephrine should be 0.01 mg/kg, up to a maximum of 0.30 mg. This presents a dilemma for clinicians in that the prefilled autoinjector kits use doses of only 0.15 and 0.30 kg, making the precise dosing of children and adolescents difficult if not impossible. While there is little direct evidence comparing one dose with another, the authors suggest the following dosing algorithm based on patient weight:
10 kg or less: Consider use of ampule of epinephrine with needle and syringe to draw correct dose (0.01 mg/kg) of epinephrine. The main difficulties with this approach are timing and accuracy. One study demonstrated that parents required 142 seconds to draw a dose of 0.09 mL of epinephrine vs 52 seconds for clinicians. Moreover, the actual dose of epinephrine drawn by parents ranged between 0.004 and 0.151 mL.
10 to 25 kg: Autoinjection with 0.15 mg of epinephrine.
25 kg or more: Autoinjection with 0.30 mg of epinephrine.
A second dose of epinephrine is required for anaphylaxis in up to 35% of cases. Epinephrine may be repeated 5 to 20 minutes after the initial dose.
Differentiating between a severe allergic reaction and anaphylaxis can be difficult, and patients should be instructed to err on the side of caution in terms of when to use their epinephrine.
All children with a history of anaphylaxis should be considered for treatment with epinephrine. In addition, children with acute generalized urticaria following an insect sting should receive epinephrine to use after future stings, as the risk for anaphylaxis with future stings is approximately 10%. Patients with a history of severe allergy and asthma also should be considered for epinephrine therapy, as should children with severe allergy who use nonselective β-blockers.
The epinephrine injection may be applied through clothing. Epinephrine should be kept away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight to protect against drug degradation, and the solution will not necessarily appear different after degradation has occurred.
Possible transient adverse events associated with epinephrine administration include tremor, anxiety, and palpitations.
Pearls for Practice
Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include hives, pruritis, flushing, dyspnea, wheeze, stridor, syncope, crampy abdominal pain, and vomiting.
Treatment of anaphylaxis in children weighing less than 10 kg consists of a needle and syringe to draw the correct dose (0.01 mg/kg) of epinephrine. Children who weigh between 10 and 25 kg should receive autoinjection with 0.15 mg of epinephrine, and children who weigh 25 kg or more may receive autoinjection with 0.30 mg of epinephrine.
March 27, 2007 — A clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends best practices for administering self-injectable epinephrine for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children in the community. The new guidelines are published in the March issue of Pediatrics. Controversies in management addressed by these guidelines include the selection of dose, indications for prescribing an autoinjector, and decisions regarding when to inject epinephrine.

"Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially fatal systemic allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death," write Scott H. Sicherer, MD, from the Section on Allergy and Immunology of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and colleagues. "Epinephrine is the primary medical therapy, and it must be administered promptly.... Prompt injection of epinephrine is nearly always effective in the treatment of anaphylaxis, and delayed injection of epinephrine is associated with poor outcomes including fatality."
“速发型过敏反应是一种严重的、潜在致死性全身性过敏反应”,来自美国小儿科学会过敏与免疫分会Scott H. Sicherer博士及其同事写道,“治疗首选肾上腺素,而且必须快速注射...,快速注射肾上腺素治疗速发型过敏反应几乎常常有效,延迟注射肾上腺素与包括死亡在内的不良预后相关。”

Anaphylaxis is usually mediated by an immunologic mechanism involving immunoglobulin E and resulting in sudden systemic release of mast-cell and basophil mediators including histamine and tryptase. Although there are many clinical presentations of anaphylaxis, respiratory compromise and cardiovascular collapse are of the greatest concern because they may be fatal.

Many different triggers for anaphylaxis episodes have been identified, but food and insect stings are the most frequently reported triggers in the community setting, often necessitating emergency care plans for anaphylaxis occurring outside the hospital/medical setting.

Epinephrine is the mainstay of anaphylaxis therapy. Adjunctive therapy with antihistamines and, for those with asthma, inhaled selective ß2-adrenergic agonists, such as albuterol, may be helpful but cannot replace epinephrine.

"Physicians should carefully instruct patients and families on the indications for, and the technique for using, self-injectable epinephrine," the authors write. "Prompt administration of epinephrine is clearly indicated for treatment of significant respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms of anaphylaxis, but considerable judgment is required in many actual or possible allergic reactions in which life-threatening symptoms have not yet developed but may develop. Previous guidelines have suggested that epinephrine should be administered promptly at the onset of symptoms after exposure to an allergen that had previously caused anaphylaxis and possibly even in the absence of symptoms if there was a known exposure to an allergen that previously caused anaphylaxis with cardiovascular collapse."

After epinephrine injection for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis, advanced care should be sought urgently by calling 911 (in the United States) or the equivalent for additional care and emergency transport to a hospital emergency department.

Based primarily on anecdotal evidence, the recommended epinephrine dose for anaphylaxis in children is 0.01 mg/kg, not to exceed 0.30 mg. The preferred route of administration for first-aid treatment is intramuscular injection of epinephrine into the vastus lateralis of the lateral thigh, which allows early peak epinephrine concentration needed for effective management. Intravenous administration of epinephrine carries increased risks for dilution errors and dosing errors, which may lead to overdose and adverse effects such as cardiac dysrhythmias.
主要根据经验证据,治疗儿童速发型过敏反应肾上腺素推荐剂量为0.01 mg/kg,不超过0.30 mg。紧急治疗时,首选部位是大腿外侧股外侧肌肌内注射肾上腺素,这就能及早达到有效治疗所需的肾上腺素浓度峰值。血管内注射肾上腺素增加了稀释误差与剂量误差风险,这可能导致过量及如心律失常之类的作用。

Epinephrine autoinjectors are currently available in only 2 fixed doses: 0.15 and 0.30 mg. On the basis of most recent, but somewhat limited data, the guidelines recommend using autoinjectors with 0.15 mg of epinephrine for otherwise healthy young children weighing 10 to 25 kg (22 - 55 lb) and autoinjectors with 0.30 mg of epinephrine for those weighing 25 kg (55 lb) or more. However, specific clinical circumstances also must be considered in these decisions.
目前可用的自动注射肾上腺素制剂仅有2种固定剂量:0.15 and 0.30 mg。基于最新近的、但有点局限的资料,《指南》推荐体重在10-25kg(22-55lb)的健康年幼儿童使用0.15mg的肾上腺素自动注射制剂 ,体重在 0.30 mg(55lb)或以上的使用0.3mg的肾上腺素自动注射制剂.但是,在作出这些决定时也必须考虑特殊临床情况。

"The lack of additional autoinjector doses is a serious concern," the authors write. "Nevertheless, pediatricians are advised to prescribe the optimal dose from an autoinjector for each child, even when that dose cannot possibly be precisely 0.01 mg/kg.... For children who weigh less than 10 kg (22 lb), the physician and family should weigh the risks of delay in dosing and dosing errors when an ampule/syringe/needle is used against accepting nonideal autoinjector doses, taking into consideration the specific health needs of the individual child and abilities of the caregivers."
“附加剂量的缺乏受到密切关注,”作者写道,“不过,即使不能按0.01 mg/kg精确计算剂量时,仍建议儿科医师为每个儿童开出自动注射剂最优剂量...,对于体重轻于10kg(22lb)的儿童,考虑到儿童个体特殊健康需求及家庭护理人员的能力,当使用的安瓿、针头、注射器与接受非理想自动注射剂量不配套时,医师和家长应当权衡剂量延误及剂量误差风险。”

Effective care for individuals at risk for anaphylaxis mandates comprehensive management involving families, allergic children, schools, camps, and other youth organizations.

Reducing the risk for anaphylaxis requires confirmation of the trigger, teaching the patient and family to avoid the relevant allergen, preparing an individualized written emergency anaphylaxis action plan, and educating supervising adults regarding how to recognize and treat anaphylaxis.

Epinephrine should be prescribed for children who have experienced anaphylaxis who may re-encounter the trigger in the community. In some cases, self-injectable epinephrine should be prescribed for children who have not yet experienced anaphylaxis but who are at increased risk based on their specific trigger, comorbid conditions such as asthma, and/or limited ability to recognize anaphylaxis.

"Optimally, evaluation by an allergy/immunology specialist with American Board of Allergy and Immunology or international equivalent certification should be obtained to confirm allergic triggers, to provide education on trigger avoidance, and to initiate specific preventive treatment (eg, venom-injection immunotherapy for insect-sting anaphylaxis)," the authors conclude. "Written emergency action plans and review of care plans in the child's medical home with specific responsibilities for school, child care, or camp personnel; families; and children are needed to ensure a safe environment for those at risk."

All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics automatically expire 5 years after publication unless they are reaffirmed, revised, or retired at that time or earlier. The report states that the recommendations provided do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations may be appropriate based on individual circumstances.

Pediatrics. 2007;119:638-646.

Clinical Context

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening illness that can be confusing to both patient and clinician. Patients may overstate or understate their symptoms following a significant allergic reaction, making the diagnosis of anaphylaxis unclear. Generally, anaphylaxis requires the acute onset of symptoms involving the skin (hives, pruritis, flushing), respiratory system (dyspnea, wheeze, stridor), or cardiovascular system (hypotonia, syncope). One set of criteria for the diagnosis of anaphylaxis also includes possible gastrointestinal symptoms, including crampy abdominal pain and vomiting.

Epinephrine is critical to rapidly improve the course of anaphylaxis. The current review examines the use of epinephrine as first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children outside of the healthcare setting.

Study Highlights

An intramuscular injection into the vastus lateralis muscle of the lateral thigh is the best route of administration of epinephrine. This type of injection produces peak plasma epinephrine concentrations in 8 minutes compared with 34 minutes after subcutaneous injection into the deltoid region. Intravenous epinephrine should be reserved for patients who do not improve with intramuscular epinephrine.

The standard needle length on the autoinjector is a half inch, which may not be sufficient to reach the muscle in obese adolescents.

The dose of epinephrine should be 0.01 mg/kg, up to a maximum of 0.30 mg. This presents a dilemma for clinicians in that the prefilled autoinjector kits use doses of only 0.15 and 0.30 kg, making the precise dosing of children and adolescents difficult if not impossible. While there is little direct evidence comparing one dose with another, the authors suggest the following dosing algorithm based on patient weight:
肾上腺素注射剂量应为 0.01 mg/kg,最大不超过0.30 mg。由于预装的自动注射装置使用剂量只有0.15和0.30 mg两种,这给医师带来两难境地,使确定儿童和青少年准确剂量是困难的,甚至是不可能的。由于几乎没有直接证据比较多种剂量,作者建议根据患者体重遵循下面的剂量换算规则:

10 kg or less: Consider use of ampule of epinephrine with needle and syringe to draw correct dose (0.01 mg/kg) of epinephrine. The main difficulties with this approach are timing and accuracy. One study demonstrated that parents required 142 seconds to draw a dose of 0.09 mL of epinephrine vs 52 seconds for clinicians. Moreover, the actual dose of epinephrine drawn by parents ranged between 0.004 and 0.151 mL.
10kg及以下:考虑使用肾上腺素安瓿,用注射器和针头抽吸肾上腺素正确剂量 (0.01 mg/kg)。这种方法的主要难点是抽吸时间及准确性。一项研究表明患者父母亲抽0.09ml剂量需142秒,而医师只要52秒。而且,父母亲抽吸的肾上腺素剂量波动范围在0.004至0.151ml之间。

10 to 25 kg: Autoinjection with 0.15 mg of epinephrine.

25 kg or more: Autoinjection with 0.30 mg of epinephrine.

A second dose of epinephrine is required for anaphylaxis in up to 35% of cases. Epinephrine may be repeated 5 to 20 minutes after the initial dose.

Differentiating between a severe allergic reaction and anaphylaxis can be difficult, and patients should be instructed to err on the side of caution in terms of when to use their epinephrine.

All children with a history of anaphylaxis should be considered for treatment with epinephrine. In addition, children with acute generalized urticaria following an insect sting should receive epinephrine to use after future stings, as the risk for anaphylaxis with future stings is approximately 10%. Patients with a history of severe allergy and asthma also should be considered for epinephrine therapy, as should children with severe allergy who use nonselective β-blockers.

The epinephrine injection may be applied through clothing. Epinephrine should be kept away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight to protect against drug degradation, and the solution will not necessarily appear different after degradation has occurred.

Possible transient adverse events associated with epinephrine administration include tremor, anxiety, and palpitations.

Pearls for Practice

Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include hives, pruritis, flushing, dyspnea, wheeze, stridor, syncope, crampy abdominal pain, and vomiting.

Treatment of anaphylaxis in children weighing less than 10 kg consists of a needle and syringe to draw the correct dose (0.01 mg/kg) of epinephrine. Children who weigh between 10 and 25 kg should receive autoinjection with 0.15 mg of epinephrine, and children who weigh 25 kg or more may receive autoinjection with 0.30 mg of epinephrine.
儿童速发型过敏反应的治疗:体重10kg及以下的儿童使用注射器和针头抽吸肾上腺素正确剂量 (0.01 mg/kg);体重10 至25 kg的儿童使用 0.15mg的肾上腺素自动注射剂;体重25kg及以上的儿童使用0.30mg的肾上腺素自动注射剂。
编译: (共2818字)


“速发型过敏反应是一种严重的、潜在致死性全身性过敏反应”,来自美国小儿科学会过敏与免疫分会Scott H. Sicherer博士及其同事写道,“治疗首选肾上腺素,而且必须快速注射...,快速注射肾上腺素治疗速发型过敏反应几乎常常有效,延迟注射肾上腺素与包括死亡在内的不良预后相关。”






主要根据经验证据,治疗儿童速发型过敏反应肾上腺素推荐剂量为0.01 mg/kg,不超过0.30 mg。紧急治疗时,首选部位是大腿外侧股外侧肌肌内注射肾上腺素,这就能及早达到有效治疗所需的肾上腺素浓度峰值。血管内注射肾上腺素增加了稀释误差与剂量误差风险,这可能导致药物过量及如心律失常之类的副作用。

目前可用的自动注射肾上腺素制剂仅有2种固定剂量:0.15 和 0.30 mg。基于最新近的、但有些局限的资料,《指南》推荐体重在10-25kg(22-55lb)的健康年幼儿童使用0.15mg的肾上腺素自动注射制剂 ,体重在 0.30 mg(55lb)或以上的使用0.3mg的肾上腺素自动注射制剂.但是,在作出这些决定时也必须考虑临床特殊情况。

“附加剂量的缺乏受到密切关注,”作者写道,“不过,即使不能按0.01 mg/kg精确计算剂量时,仍建议儿科医师为每个儿童开出自动注射剂最优剂量...,对于体重轻于10kg(22lb)的儿童,考虑到儿童个体特殊健康需求及家庭护理人员的能力,当使用的安瓿、针头、注射器与接受非理想自动注射剂量不配套时,医师和家长应当权衡剂量延误及剂量误差风险。”













肾上腺素注射剂量应为 0.01 mg/kg,最大不超过0.30 mg。由于预装的自动注射装置使用剂量只有0.15和0.30 mg两种,这使医师处于两难境地,很难确定儿童和青少年准确剂量,有时甚至是不可能的。由于几乎没有直接证据比较多种剂量,作者建议根据患者体重遵循下面的剂量换算法则:

10kg及以下:考虑使用肾上腺素安瓿,用注射器和针头抽吸肾上腺素正确剂量 (0.01 mg/kg)。这种方法的主要难点是抽吸时间及准确性。一项研究表明患者父母亲抽0.09ml剂量需142秒,而医师只要52秒。而且,父母亲抽吸的肾上腺素剂量波动范围在0.004至0.151ml之间。










儿童速发型过敏反应的治疗:体重10kg及以下的儿童使用注射器和针头抽吸肾上腺素正确剂量 (0.01 mg/kg);体重10 至25 kg的儿童使用 0.15mg的肾上腺素自动注射剂;体重25kg及以上的儿童使用0.30mg的肾上腺素自动注射剂。
Study Highlights
A clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends best practices for administering self-injectable epinephrine for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children in the community.

后半句“急救”的对象为“速发型过敏反应”,感觉似乎欠妥,是否急救的对象应为 儿童?


American Academy of Pediatrics

recommends best practices for administering self-injectable epinephrine for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children in the community.


Controversies in management addressed by these guidelines

Prompt injection of epinephrine is nearly always effective in the treatment of anaphylaxis, and delayed injection of epinephrine is associated with poor outcomes including fatality."

Anaphylaxis is usually mediated by an immunologic mechanism involving immunoglobulin E and resulting in sudden systemic release of mast-cell and basophil mediators including histamine and tryptase.

Although there are many clinical presentations of anaphylaxis, respiratory compromise and cardiovascular collapse are of the greatest concern because they may be fatal.

Many different triggers for anaphylaxis episodes have been identified, but food and insect stings are the most frequently reported triggers in the community setting, often necessitating emergency care plans for anaphylaxis occurring outside the hospital/medical setting.

Epinephrine is the mainstay of anaphylaxis therapy. Adjunctive therapy with antihistamines and, for those with asthma, inhaled selective ß2-adrenergic agonists, such as albuterol, may be helpful but cannot replace epinephrine.

Pediatrics. 2007;119:638-646.
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