庆祝上市 全新改版


黄金周 prime week
黄金时间 prime time
① 藏象学说
1 theory of viscera and their manifestations
2 theory of visceral manifestations√◆
3 theory of state of viscera
4 theory of Zangxiang√◆
藏象学说 中提及五脏 六腑 奇恒之腑。
② 五脏/六腑
five zang-organs/six fu-organs
奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs
1 three warms/heaters/burners(不宜采纳)
2 tri-jiao(国内)
3 triple energizer(who)
④ 命门学说
1 life gate/the gate of life
2 vital gate
3 Mingmen(who)
essence /essence qi
精 气 神 essence qi spirit/mind/vitality(状态)
安神 tranquilize the mind
先天之精 prenatal essence
后天之精 postnatal essence
Congenital 先天性,遗传的 acquired 获得的
⑥神 spirit 指思想、思维意识
⑦开窍 open into
肝开窍于目 the liver opens into the eyes
心开窍于舌 the heart opens into the tongue
芳香开窍 resuscitation therapy
1 藏象学说 theory of visceral manifestations
2 五脏六腑 five Zang-organs and six fu-organs
3 奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs
4 水谷精微 essence of water and food (国内曾用)
cereal nutrients (国外) refined food and water
5 传化水谷 transmission (无形中,细微的转化) transportation(转换,大量传)
transmission and transformation of food
6 贮 storage of essence
7 表里关系 exterior and interior relationship
8 治疗效果 therapeutic/curative effect
9 临床实践 clinical practice
10 藏而不泄 storage without excretion
11 泄而不藏 excretion without strorage
12 表热里寒 heat in the exterior and cold in the interior/exterior heat and interior cold
13 病缓起/病急发
Acute 急性
Chronic 慢性
急 sudden /缓 gradual onset of disease
发病 onset of disease /occurrence
14 大肉陷下 obvious emaciation/extreme emaciation and muscular atrophy
15 地道不通 menopause (与月经、更年期有关)
16 胆虚不得眠 insomnia/sleeplessness due to gallblader
17 导便法 laxation (柔和)
18 跌打损伤 骨伤traumatic 骨头伤 injury
19 动静结合 integration of motion and stillness/quietness
20 定喘 relieving asthma 喘 asthma 止咳 checking cough
1 藏象学说是研究人体各脏腑器官的生理功能,病理变化及其相互关系得学说。
The theory of Zangxiang studies the physiological functions and pathological changes of viscera as well as their relationship.
2 五脏的共同生理特点是生化和贮藏精气。
The common physiological function of the five Zang_organs is to transform and store essence.
3 六腑的共同生理特征是受承和传化水谷。
The common physiological function of the six Fu-organs is to transform and store essence.
4 一脏一腑互为表里,主要依据经络的相互络属关系。
The exterior and interior relationships between one Zang-organs and one Fu-organs is mainly deduced on the bases of/according to the interrelationship between the meridians.
5 脏病为虚,腑病为实。
The disorder of Zang-organs is usually deficiency syndrome, while the disorder of Fu-organs is often excess syndrome.
6 脏实者可泄其腑,腑虚者可补其脏。
The excess syndrome of the Zang-organs can be treated by purging the corresponding fu-organs; while the deficiency syndrome of the fu-organs can be treated by tonifying the corresponding Zang-organs.
7 心与小肠相表里!
The heart and the small intestine are exteriorly and interiorly related to each other.
8 五脏与形体诸窍连接成一个整体。
The five Zang-organs and all the orifices on the body constitute an inteqrity.
9 脾开窍于口,其华在唇。
The spleen opens into the mouth and its conditions are manifested on the lips.

胆虚不得眠 insomnia/sleeplessness due to gallblader
insomnia/sleeplessness due to deficiency of gallblader

8 五脏与形体诸窍连接成一个整体。
The five Zang-organs and all the orifices on the body constitute an inteqrity.

inteqrity打错一个字母了, integrity

2 五脏的共同生理特点是生化和贮藏精气。
The common physiological function of the five Zang_organs is to transform and store essence.
3 六腑的共同生理特征是受承和传化水谷。
The common physiological function of the six Fu-organs is to transform and store essence.

to generate and store essence
to store, transport and transform the water and grain
or to store, transport and digest the ingested foodstuff

5 脏病为虚,腑病为实。
The disorder of Zang-organs is usually deficiency syndrome, while the disorder of Fu-organs is often excess syndrome.

The disorder of Zang-organs is usually characterized by deficiency syndrome, while the disorder of Fu-organs by excess syndrome.

7 心与小肠相表里!
The heart and the small intestine are exteriorly and interiorly related to each other.

The relationship of the heart to the intestine is that of the interior to the exterior.
胆虚不得眠 insomnia/sleeplessness due to gallblader
insomnia/sleeplessness due to deficiency of gallblader
8 五脏与形体诸窍连接成一个整体。
The five Zang-organs and all the orifices on the body constitute an inteqrity.

inteqrity打错一个字母了, integrity ( 谢谢您的指导!)
2 五脏的共同生理特点是生化和贮藏精气。
The common physiological function of the five Zang_organs is to transform and store essence.
3 六腑的共同生理特征是受承和传化水谷。
The common physiological function of the six Fu-organs is to transform and store essence.


receive,transport and transform water and food!

disorder 常常表示一种机体的紊乱,障碍!

syndrome 表示症状,综和症!

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