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The Claim: Heat Wraps Ease Back Pain (NYT)

Published: May 1, 2007

About half of all working-age Americans experience chronic back pain at some point. For relief, many people turn to heat therapy, a cheap and age-old home remedy.

But how effective is it?

Over the years, dozens of studies have sought an answer. Most have found that applying heat in the early stages of an episode provides short-term relief, increasing mobility and reducing pain by dilating blood vessels and relaxing stiffness.

One of the largest studies looked at nine previous studies of nearly 1,200 people. The analysis, published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, found that five days of heat therapy — mostly in the form of wraps — significantly reduced pain after five days compared with oral placebos and other remedies. There was less evidence for the reverse technique, cold therapy, though many doctors swear by it.

But combining therapies may be the best approach. One large, randomized study in 2005, for example, compared various treatments and found that after seven days, about 70 percent of subjects who combined heat therapy with light exercise returned to “pre-injury function,” compared with 20 percent who used heat or exercise alone.

Bed rest, however, seems to be another story. Most studies have found that it helps at first but that after two days it begins to do harm, weakening muscles and increasing the risk of blood clots.


At least in the short term, heat therapy appears to relieve back pain.
The Claim: Heat Wraps Ease Back Pain (NYT)
Published: May 1, 2007

About half of all working-age Americans experience chronic back pain at some point. For relief, many people turn to heat therapy, a cheap and age-old home remedy.

But how effective is it?

Over the years, dozens of studies have sought an answer. Most have found that applying heat in the early stages of an episode provides short-term relief, increasing mobility and reducing pain by dilating blood vessels and relaxing stiffness.
One of the largest studies looked at nine previous studies of nearly 1,200 people. The analysis, published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, found that five days of heat therapy — mostly in the form of wraps — significantly reduced pain after five days compared with oral placebos and other remedies. There was less evidence for the reverse technique, cold therapy, though many doctors swear by it.
其中最大的一项研究注意了九项先前的近1200例患者的研究。由Cochrane系统评价资料库(CDSR)发表的该研究结果发现,5天的热疗-绝大多数以围绕的方式-在5天后较口服安慰剂或者其他药物相比能显著的降低疼痛。较少的证据表明相反的技术-冷疗有效,尽管很多医生推荐该疗法。(swear to 立誓,~ at 咒骂,~ by 深信,推荐)

But combining therapies may be the best approach. One large, randomized study in 2005, for example, compared various treatments and found that after seven days, about 70 percent of subjects who combined heat therapy with light exercise returned to “pre-injury function,” compared with 20 percent who used heat or exercise alone.
但是 综合疗法么能是最好的方法。比如,2005年一项大样本、随机研究比较了不同的治疗方法,在7天后发现,联合了热疗的70%的受试者伴随着轻快的经历回复到损伤前的功能,对比的是单独使用热疗或者物理锻炼的仅有20%的患者(能回复到损伤前的功能)。

Bed rest, however, seems to be another story. Most studies have found that it helps at first but that after two days it begins to do harm, weakening muscles and increasing the risk of blood clots.

At least in the short term, heat therapy appears to relieve back pain.


Cochrane系统评价协作组或Cochrane系统评价组(Collaborative Review Group,CRG)是CC内部最核心的生产单位,主要任务是生产和制作Cochrane系统评价(Cochrane systematic review, CSR)。即按照对人类健康影响最大、研究基础相对较好,且共同感兴趣的大病种成立的系统评价小组(systematic review groups, SRG),例如中风组、传染病组、性传播疾病组,肿瘤组等。其次是按照疾病发生、发展的规律,将相关SRG组合而成更大的实体—即领域和网络,如现已有肿瘤网络、补充医学(Complementary Medicine)、老年医学保健、健康促进、初级保健、康复医疗及相关治疗和疫苗等7个领域。正在筹措儿童保健、护理和药品领域,逐渐涵盖医疗保健领域的方方面面
Cochrane系统评价按照特定的病种和疗法,收集全世界所有能收集到的质量可靠的随机试验(randomized controlled trial, RCT)进行Meta-分析,从而得出简明、扼要的综合结论--即这种疗法究竟有效、无效、还是尚需进一步研究。根据CSR研究的立题不同,Meta-分析又可分为病因/危险因素研究、诊断性试验和防治性研究的Meta-分析。目前以防治性研究随机对照试验的Meta-分析为最常用,方法最为成熟。
Cochrane 领域 (Fields) 领域强调的是健康保健而非健康问题,是指按照CSG相互关系的远近组成不同的领域和网络实体,如保健(初级保健)、用户类型(老年人)、干预类型(疫苗)。与领域相关的工作人员检索相关研究的专业资源,帮助确保共同感兴趣的领域在协作评价小组的工作中得到优选或考虑;整理编辑专业注册资料库;协调协作网外相关机构的活动以及对特殊领域的相关系统评价进行评议。
Cochrane中心(Cochrane Center)是协作网指导委员会的主要职能部门,促进Cochrane协作网的所有工作包括:协作小组、方法学组、领域、用户网络。负责对所在地区系统评价人员和协作者的培训、提供咨询、以及对内对外的协调;检索所在国家或地区的医学杂志,并向Cochrane协作网资料库提交原始研究资料;促进Cochrane协作网活动在所在国家或地区的开展;促进系统评价在医疗实践、卫生决策者和用户中的广泛应用。
Cochrane协网指导委员会(Cochrane Collaboration Steering Group)是协作网的最高领导决策机构。由14名来自各系统评价小组、方法学工作组、领域、用户网络和Cochrane中心的代表组成。委员会选举主席,在每年Cochrane年会上公布选举结果,每届成员和主席任期两年。指导委员会一年召开两次指导小组和中心主任联系会议。主要任务是总结协作网过去的工作、发现存在的问题、制定来年的工作计划和奋斗目标。
Cochrane系统评价资料库(Cochrane Database of Systematic Review, CDSR) 该库收集了各Cochrane系统评价组在统一工作手册指导下对各种健康干预措施所作的系统评价,包括全文(Completed Review)和研究方案(Protocols)。还包括评论与批评系统,以确保用户有助于改进Cochrane系统评价的质量。目前主要是根据随机对照试验完成的系统评价,并将随着新的临床试验的出现不断补充、更新。
疗效评价文摘库 (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, DARE)该库包括非Cochrane系统评价(非Cochrane协作网成员发表的普通系统评价)的摘要和目录,是对Cochrane系统评价的补充,由英国约克大学的国家卫生服务部评价和传播中心提供。DARE的特点是其系统评价的摘要包括了作者对系统评价质量的评估。与CDSR不同的是它只收集了评论性摘要、题目及出处,而没有全文。
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