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Carotid ultrasound offers incremental value to EST
10 May 2007

MedWire News: Carotid ultrasound is a useful adjunct to exercise stress testing (EST) for detecting significant coronary artery disease (CAD), a study in symptomatic individuals has found.
Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), determined by ultrasound, is an established tool for screening asymptomatic patients for cardiovascular disease risk but its role in symptomatic individuals is unclear.
In the present study, Manpreet Kanwar and co-workers from Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan, hypothesized that measuring CIMT could improve the ability of EST to identify symptomatic patients with ≥50% coronary diameter stenosis.
在最近的研究中,来自密西根州底特律市Wayne州大学医学院的 Manpreet Kanwar和他的同事假设超声测量颈动脉内膜中层厚度改良运动负荷试验在鉴定≥50%冠脉直径狭窄的有症状病人的能力。
They enrolled 50 individuals with angina but no known CAD. Their pretest probability of CAD was calculated on the basis of age, gender, and nature of symptoms before undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography, carotid ultrasound, and exercise or pharmacologic stress testing.
Writing in the American Journal of Cardiology, Kanwar et al reveal that patients with a CIMT above the 75th percentile were significantly more likely to have CAD ≥50% than those with lower CIMT values (74% vs 44%, p=0.047).
他们的文章发表在美国心脏病杂志上,Kanwar等人揭示了:颈动脉内膜中层的厚度在75%以上的病人和低颈动脉内膜中层厚度的病人比起来,患≥50%冠状动脉疾病的可能性显著增加(74%对44%, p=0.047)。
Similarly, the presence of carotid plaque was associated with an increased likelihood of significant coronary stenosis (96% vs 59%, p=0.003).
与之类似,颈动脉斑点的存在伴随着冠状动脉狭窄的可能性显著增高(96%对59%, p=0.003)。
Of note, carotid plaque was useful in defining risk in patients with a negative or equivocal result from stress testing. Of 38 such patients, significant CAD was detected in 46% of patients with carotid plaque versus none of those without such plaque (p=0.007).
The value of carotid ultrasound was confirmed in multivariate analysis; independent predictors of CAD ≥50% were the pretest probability of CAD, presence of carotid plaque, moderately/severely abnormal stress testing result, and hypertension.
“Carotid ultrasound appears to offer incremental value to EST in predicting presence or absence of ≥50% coronary diameter stenosis in symptomatic patients with equivocal/negative EST result,” Kanwar and co-authors conclude.
Kanwar 和他的同事得出结论:在运动负荷试验结果阴性或可疑的有症状的病人中,颈动脉超声增加了运动负荷试验预测是否存在≥50%冠脉狭窄的价值。
“Whether there might be a role for carotid ultrasound as an adjunctive test in all patients referred for EST deserves further study.”
Am J Cardiol 2007; 99: 1196-1200


超声测量出颈动脉内膜中层的厚度,是已建立的筛选非症状性心血管疾病风险病人的工具,但是,这个测量在有症状的个体中所扮演的角色还不清楚。在最近的研究中,来自密西根州底特律市Wayne州大学医学院的 Manpreet Kanwar和他的同事假设超声测量颈动脉内膜中层厚度改进了运动负荷试验在鉴定≥50%冠脉直径狭窄的有症状病人的能力。他们研究了50名有心绞痛但是未确定是否有冠状动脉疾病的病人。通过病人年龄基础,性别,在经历诊断性冠状动脉造影术,颈动脉超声和运动或药物负荷试验之前的自然症状来计算他们患冠状动脉疾病的可能性。在他们这篇发表在美国心脏病杂志上的文章中,Kanwar等人揭示了:颈动脉内膜中层的厚度在75%以上的病人和低颈动脉内膜中层厚度的病人比起来,患≥50%冠状动脉疾病的可能性显著增加(74%对44%, p=0.047)。与之类似,颈动脉斑点的存在伴随着冠状动脉狭窄的可能性显著增高(96%对59%, p=0.003)。这些病人中的38人,在有颈动脉斑点的病人中46%的病人检测出显著的冠状动脉疾病,而在没有斑点的病人中,未检测出显著的冠状动脉疾病。说明颈动脉斑点对定义阴性和可疑负荷试验结果病人的风险是有效的。多变量分析也证实了颈动脉超声的价值;冠状动脉疾病预先检测几率,颈动脉斑点的存在与否,中度或者严重的负荷试验结果异常和高血压是对冠状动脉疾病≥50%的独立预测。因此, Kanwar 和他的同事得出结论:在运动负荷试验结果阴性或可疑的有症状的病人中,颈动脉超声增加了运动负荷试验预测是否存在≥50%冠脉狭窄的价值。但是,颈动脉超声是否在所有进行运动负荷试验病人都能作为辅助诊断,有待于进一步研究。
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