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Big health risks tied to nightly blood pressure


STUDY | 24-hour monitoring may help avert heart attack, stroke


May 21, 2007
BY JIM RITTER Health Reporter jritter@suntimes.com
WARNING: Having the wrong blood pressure when you're asleep may be dangerous to your health.
2007年5月21日,JIM RITTER 健康通讯员r jritter@suntimes.com。

Blood pressure normally drops between 10 percent and 20 percent in sleep.


Renee Thompson, a nurse at Provena St. Joseph Medical Center in Joliet, checks Sheila Seaberg's blood pressure.

Renee Thompson,一名护士在Provena St。乔利埃特圣约瑟夫医疗中心,检查Sheila Seaberg的血压。

A new study has found that if the decrease is outside that range -- either less than 10 percent or more than 20 percent -- the patient faces a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes and kidney problems.

一项新的研究发现,如果减少超出了这个范围--无论是不到10 % 或超过了20 % --病人都将会面临在心脏病发作,中风和肾脏疾病的更高风险率。

The findings illustrate the need for nighttime blood pressure monitoring, said Italian researcher Dr. Sante Pierdomenico, lead author of a study being presented at a meeting in Chicago of the American Society of Hypertension.

意大利研究员Dr. Sante Pierdomenico说道,结果表明夜间血压监测需要的。Dr. Sante Pierdomenico是该研究的主要作者,并出席了在芝加哥举行的美国高血压学会议。

A 24-hour monitoring device can measure blood pressure while a patient sleeps. The patient wears the battery-operated device on the hip and a blood pressure cuff on the arm. A plastic tube connects the monitor and the cuff.


But insurance doesn't pay
The device periodically inflates the cuff and takes a blood pressure reading. Some patients wake up when the cuff inflates; others sleep through it. A University of Iowa study found that only 20 percent of patients found the device uncomfortable.

定期气囊打气及进行血压读数。有些病人在气囊膨胀醒来;其他人则在整个过程中处于睡眠。 一个衣阿华大学的研究发现,只有20 %的病人发现装置时不舒服的。

University of Chicago blood pressure specialist Dr. George Bakris recommends 24-hour blood pressure monitoring for high-risk groups, including African Americans, obese patients, diabetics and kidney patients. Results can help determine whether patients should take blood pressure pills in the morning or evening.

芝加哥大学的血压专科医生Dr. George Bakris建议,对高危人群进行24小时的血压监测,包括非裔美国人,肥胖病人,糖尿病和肾脏病人。监测结果可以帮助病人确定,是否在早晨或傍晚服用降压丸。

Twenty-four-hour monitoring costs $250 to $400. Medicare provides limited coverage for a few patients and no coverage for most. Many insurers also deny coverage. Some patients decline to have 24-hour monitoring because of cost, Bakris said.
Bakris说道,24小时监测费用为250美元至400美元。提供医疗保险被限制普及于少数病人,并没有普及大多数。 不少保险公司也否拒绝普及这方面。 有些病人低于24小时监测,主要是由于成本因素。

Previous studies found that little or no blood pressure dip at night increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The new study is the first to show that a large dip also is bad, Bakris said. Low blood pressure can reduce blood flow and increase the risk of clots, he said.


Medicare will pay for 24-hour monitoring when a patient is suspected of having "white coat hypertension." This is when otherwise normal blood pressure increases when it's taken by a doctor or nurse.




2007年5月21日,健康通讯员JIM RITTER 报道

一项新的研究发现,如果减少超出了这个范围--无论是不到10 % 或超过了20 % --病人都将会面临在心脏病发作,中风和肾脏疾病的更高风险率。

意大利研究员Dr. Sante Pierdomenico说道,结果表明夜间血压监测需要的。Dr. Sante Pierdomenico是上述研究的主要作者,并出席了在芝加哥举行的美国高血压学会议。


定期气囊打气及进行血压读数时,有些病人在气囊膨胀醒来,其他人则在整个过程中处于睡眠状态。 一项衣阿华大学的研究发现,只有20 %的病人发现装置不舒服。

芝加哥大学的血压专科医生Dr. George Bakris建议,对高危人群进行24小时的血压监测,包括非裔美国人,肥胖病人,糖尿病和肾脏病人。监测结果可以帮助病人确定,是否在早晨或傍晚服用降压丸。




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