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Normal Vaginal Births Cause Infant Brain Hemorrhages

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Jan. 30 -- Intracranial bleeding in newborns has been found common after a vaginal birth, although the bleeding is limited and apparently has no effect, according to researchers here. Action Points

Explain to expectant parents that this study has found small intracranial hemorrhages in about one in four infants delivered vaginally, compared with none among babies delivered by Caesarian section.

Point out that the bleeding was limited and had no apparent short-term clinical effects.

Caution that more research is needed and note that the vast majority of people delivered vaginally appear to have no later difficulties.
In a study using magnetic resonance imaging, about one infant in four delivered vaginally had at least one form of intracranial hemorrhage, found John Gilmore, M.D., of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, and colleagues.

MRI did not show signs of bleeding for babies born by caesarian delivery, they reported in the February issue of Radiology.

"Small bleeds in and around the brain are very common in infants who are born vaginally," Dr. Gilmore said. "It seems that a normal vaginal birth can cause these small bleeds."

But he added that although more research is needed on the implications of the hemorrhages, vaginal birth has not suddenly become unduly risky.

"Obviously, the vast majority of us who were born vaginally and may have had these types of bleeds are doing just fine," he said. "Humans have been born vaginally for a very long time, and our brains probably evolved to handle vaginal birth without major difficulty."

Intracranial hemorrhage in full-term infants is usually associated with symptoms such as apnea, bradycardia and seizures, Dr. Gilmore and colleagues said, and a range of factors has been suggested to account for the bleeding, including prolonged labor and assisted delivery.

But for this study, the researchers studied 88 asymptomatic newborns, evenly divided between male and female, of whom 65 were delivered vaginally and the remainder by caesarian.

The babies were studied using a 3-Tesla MR machine, without anesthetic, between the ages of one and five weeks, the researchers said.

Analysis found that:

Seventeen of the babies -- or 26% of the cohort -- had bleeding, including 16 subdural, two subarachnoid, one intraventricular, and six parenchymal hemorrhages.
Seven infants had two or more types of bleeding.
None of the infants with bleeding had been delivered by C-section.
Intracranial bleeding was significantly associated with vaginal birth (at P<0.005) but not with prolonged duration of labor or with traumatic or assisted vaginal birth.

Typically, such small hemorrhages resolve over time without causing problems, the researchers said, although larger events may cause such issues as seizures, learning disabilities, or problems with motor development.

The author noted several limitations of the study which may have led to underestimates of the frequency of bleeding.

"The images were not obtained immediately after birth but in weeks one to five after birth, and, perhaps, we missed cases of intracerebral hemorrhage that had resolved. Also, our imaging protocol did not include T2*-weighted or magnetic susceptibility-weighted images, which might be even more sensitive for depiction of hemorrhage."

They also pointed out that "no follow-up images were obtained to determine imaging resolution of hemorrhage, and no clinical follow-up was performed after the identification of intracerebral hemorrhage."

"We just don't know at this time what these bleeds may mean over the long term," Dr. Gilmore said. "Ultimately, we hope to be able to determine whether intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with later neurodevelopmental problems." The group plans to follow this cohort longitudinally to see whether the perinatal bleeding is associated with future difficulties, such as idiopathic epilepsy.

The research was support by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. The researchers said they had no financial conflicts.
Normal Vaginal Births Cause Infant Brain Hemorrhages
CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Jan. 30 -- Intracranial bleeding in newborns has been found common after a vaginal birth, although the bleeding is limited and apparently has no effect, according to researchers here.
北卡罗来纳大学Chapel Hill校园,1月30--据研究人员称经产道生产的新生儿颅内出血是相当常见的,虽然出血量都较小目前看也没什么明显的影响。
Action Points
Explain to expectant parents that this study has found small intracranial hemorrhages in about one in four infants delivered vaginally, compared with none among babies delivered by Caesarian section.
Point out that the bleeding was limited and had no apparent short-term clinical effects.
Caution that more research is needed and note that the vast majority of people delivered vaginally appear to have no later difficulties.
In a study using magnetic resonance imaging, about one infant in four delivered vaginally had at least one form of intracranial hemorrhage, found John Gilmore, M.D., of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, and colleagues.
美国北卡罗来纳州大学医学院John Gilmore博士和其同事研究发现,核磁共振成像显示四分之一产道出生的婴儿至少有一种形式的颅内出血。
MRI did not show signs of bleeding for babies born by caesarian delivery, they reported in the February issue of Radiology.
"Small bleeds in and around the brain are very common in infants who are born vaginally," Dr. Gilmore said. "It seems that a normal vaginal birth can cause these small bleeds."
But he added that although more research is needed on the implications of the hemorrhages, vaginal birth has not suddenly become unduly risky.
"Obviously, the vast majority of us who were born vaginally and may have had these types of bleeds are doing just fine," he said. "Humans have been born vaginally for a very long time, and our brains probably evolved to handle vaginal birth without major difficulty."
Intracranial hemorrhage in full-term infants is usually associated with symptoms such as apnea, bradycardia and seizures, Dr. Gilmore and colleagues said, and a range of factors has been suggested to account for the bleeding, including prolonged labor and assisted delivery.
But for this study, the researchers studied 88 asymptomatic newborns, evenly divided between male and female, of whom 65 were delivered vaginally and the remainder by caesarian.
The babies were studied using a 3-Tesla MR machine, without anesthetic, between the ages of one and five weeks, the researchers said.
研究者称所有婴儿年龄在1-5周之间,采用3-T MR机器,不麻醉进行MRI检查。
Analysis found that:
Seventeen of the babies -- or 26% of the cohort -- had bleeding, including 16 subdural, two subarachnoid, one intraventricular, and six parenchymal hemorrhages.
Seven infants had two or more types of bleeding.
None of the infants with bleeding had been delivered by C-section.
Intracranial bleeding was significantly associated with vaginal birth (at P<0.005) but not with prolonged duration of labor or with traumatic or assisted vaginal birth.
Typically, such small hemorrhages resolve over time without causing problems, the researchers said, although larger events may cause such issues as seizures, learning disabilities, or problems with motor development.
The author noted several limitations of the study which may have led to underestimates of the frequency of bleeding.
"The images were not obtained immediately after birth but in weeks one to five after birth, and, perhaps, we missed cases of intracerebral hemorrhage that had resolved. Also, our imaging protocol did not include T2*-weighted or magnetic susceptibility-weighted images, which might be even more sensitive for depiction of hemorrhage."
They also pointed out that "no follow-up images were obtained to determine imaging resolution of hemorrhage, and no clinical follow-up was performed after the identification of intracerebral hemorrhage."
"We just don't know at this time what these bleeds may mean over the long term," Dr. Gilmore said. "Ultimately, we hope to be able to determine whether intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with later neurodevelopmental problems." The group plans to follow this cohort longitudinally to see whether the perinatal bleeding is associated with future difficulties, such as idiopathic epilepsy.
The research was support by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. The researchers said they had no financial conflicts.

编译:标题:正常产道生产可能导致婴儿脑出血 字数统计1088

北卡罗来纳大学Chapel Hill医学院,1月30--据研究人员称经产道生产的新生儿颅内出血是相当常见的,虽然出血量都较小目前看也没什么明显的影响。



美国北卡罗来纳州大学医学院John Gilmore博士和其同事研究发现,并在《放射医学》2月份期刊报道,说核磁共振成像显示四分之一产道出生的婴儿至少有一种形式的颅内出血,但没有发现剖腹产婴儿有出血情况。Gilmore博士讲到,“产道出生的婴儿颅内出血相当常见,看来是正常产道生产造成的”。还说到虽然还有待更多研究出血的意义,但并不是说产道生产就非常不适合了。他说:“很明显,绝大多数产道出生的包括有这种形式出血的婴儿都很好,产道生产已经有悠久的历史了,我们的大脑都没有什么大问题的”。

Gilmore博士和其同事说到,足月儿颅内出血常合并呼吸暂停、心动过缓和癫痫发作等症状,与出血有关的一些因素包括产程延长和助产等。该研究包括88例无症状的新生儿,男女各半,65例产道出生,13例剖腹产。所有婴儿年龄在1-5周之间,采用3-T MR机器,不麻醉进行MRI检查。




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