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The Times
November 29, 2006

Simple surgery can restore male fertility
Mark Henderson

Varicose veins in testicles to blame

Operation can revive sperm count

Graphic: how it works
One of the commonest causes of male infertility can be treated successfully with a simple and minimally invasive surgical procedure that improves significantly the chances of fathering a child.

The new technique can correct knots of varicose veins in the scrotum, known as varicoceles, that can adversely affect a man’s sperm count and quality, research in Germany has shown.

Within six months of 173 previously infertile men with at least one varicocele receiving the therapy, a quarter of their partners had become pregnant, scientists at the University of Bonn found.

The treatment also significantly improved average sperm counts and enhanced sperm motility — a measure of its swimming ability which is critical to fertility.

“We found that spermatic vein embolisation combined with anti-inflammatory treatment improves sperm motility and sperm count in infertile men with varicoceles,” said Sebastian Flacke, who led the study. “Six months after treatment, 26 per cent of couples had achieved a pregnancy.”

Varicoceles are common, affecting up to 20 per cent of adult men. The networks of faulty veins usually develop between the ages of 15 and 25. They are often harmless and lead to no serious symptoms, but can at times cause pain and damage the testis.

As with varicose veins in the legs, varicoceles occur when the one-way valves inside veins that draw blood away from the testicles and back towards the heart fail. This means that blood does not circulate properly out of the testicles, causing swelling and the formation of a clump of tangled blood vessels that can be felt through the scrotum.

The reverse blood flow can both raise pressure on the testis, potentially causing tissue damage and shrinkage, and raise the temperature with adverse effects on sperm quality. About 40 per cent of infertile men have varicoceles, many more than in the general population, though the link to infertility is not universally accepted by specialists.

Traditional treatment has normally involved open surgery to remove the faulty veins, but the new embolisation process now offers a much less invasive alternative.

A small cut is made in the groin area, and a catheter is fed into the affected vein, using x-ray guidance to find the right place. A special fluid and tiny platinum coils are then injected, which cause the blood to clot and close off the faulty vein. Blood then cannot flow back down it towards the testicles, and instead returns towards the heart using healthy veins. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, it is not normally painful, and patients can usually leave hospital and even return to work the next day.

In the study, which was presented yesterday at the Radiological Society of North America conference in Chicago, Dr Flacke’s team treated 223 infertile men aged between 18 and 50 for varicoceles, using embolisation. A semen analysis was performed on 173 of them. All the men had healthy, apparently fertile female partners with whom they were trying to conceive. Of the 228 varicoceles treated in this way (some patients had more than one), 226 were cured.

Six months after treatment, 45 of the men’s partners were pregnant. “This study confirms that varicocele repair can significantly improve sperm count and motility,” Dr Flacke said.

The Times
November 29, 2006
《时代》杂志 2006年11月29日
Simple surgery can restore male fertility
Mark Henderson
作者:Mark Henderson
Varicose veins in testicles to blame
Operation can revive sperm count
Graphic: how it works
One of the commonest causes of male infertility can be treated successfully with a simple and minimally invasive surgical procedure that improves significantly the chances of fathering a child.
The new technique can correct knots of varicose veins in the scrotum, known as varicoceles, that can adversely affect a man’s sperm count and quality, research in Germany has shown.
Within six months of 173 previously infertile men with at least one varicocele receiving the therapy, a quarter of their partners had become pregnant, scientists at the University of Bonn found.
The treatment also significantly improved average sperm counts and enhanced sperm motility — a measure of its swimming ability which is critical to fertility.
“We found that spermatic vein embolisation combined with anti-inflammatory treatment improves sperm motility and sperm count in infertile men with varicoceles,” said Sebastian Flacke, who led the study. “Six months after treatment, 26 per cent of couples had achieved a pregnancy.”
研究的领导者Sebastian Flacke说,“我们发现精巢静脉栓塞合并抗炎处理可以提高有精索静脉曲张的不育男性的精子的运动性和数目。治疗6个月后有26%的伴侣怀孕。”
Varicoceles are common, affecting up to 20 per cent of adult men. The networks of faulty veins usually develop between the ages of 15 and 25. They are often harmless and lead to no serious symptoms, but can at times cause pain and damage the testis.
As with varicose veins in the legs, varicoceles occur when the one-way valves inside veins that draw blood away from the testicles and back towards the heart fail. This means that blood does not circulate properly out of the testicles, causing swelling and the formation of a clump of tangled blood vessels that can be felt through the scrotum.
The reverse blood flow can both raise pressure on the testis, potentially causing tissue damage and shrinkage, and raise the temperature with adverse effects on sperm quality. About 40 per cent of infertile men have varicoceles, many more than in the general population, though the link to infertility is not universally accepted by specialists.
Traditional treatment has normally involved open surgery to remove the faulty veins, but the new embolisation process now offers a much less invasive alternative.
A small cut is made in the groin area, and a catheter is fed into the affected vein, using x-ray guidance to find the right place. A special fluid and tiny platinum coils are then injected, which cause the blood to clot and close off the faulty vein. Blood then cannot flow back down it towards the testicles, and instead returns towards the heart using healthy veins. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, it is not normally painful, and patients can usually leave hospital and even return to work the next day.
In the study, which was presented yesterday at the Radiological Society of North America conference in Chicago, Dr Flacke’s team treated 223 infertile men aged between 18 and 50 for varicoceles, using embolisation. A semen analysis was performed on 173 of them. All the men had healthy, apparently fertile female partners with whom they were trying to conceive. Of the 228 varicoceles treated in this way (some patients had more than one), 226 were cured.
Six months after treatment, 45 of the men’s partners were pregnant. “This study confirms that varicocele repair can significantly improve sperm count and motility,” Dr Flacke said.
《时代》杂志 2006年11月29日

作者:Mark Henderson


波恩大学的科学家发现在173名不育男性在6个月内至少进行一侧精索静脉曲张的治疗,则四分之一的伴侣会怀孕。治疗结果可显著提高平均精子数目和提高精子的运动性-即它的泳动能力(这是不育的关键因素)。研究的领导者Sebastian Flacke说,“我们发现精巢静脉栓塞合并抗炎处理可以提高有精索静脉曲张的不育男性的精子的运动性和数目。治疗6个月后有26%的伴侣怀孕。”首先在腹股沟处开一小口,然后在X-射线的指导下将导管正确放置在受影响血管。将一种特殊的液体和小的铂丝注入血管导致血液凝固和病变血管关闭,于是血液不能回流至睾丸而直接利用健康血管流向心脏。手术在局麻下进行,疼痛少,病人通常可当天离院,甚至第二天可去上班。

1. Varicose veins in testicles to blame
2. One of the commonest causes of male infertility can be treated successfully with a simple and minimally invasive surgical procedure that improves significantly the chances of fathering a child.
3. sperm motility :精子活动力
l  对于亚临床和Ⅰ度精索静脉曲张需要进一步辅助诊断。
l  可选用介入栓塞术和外科手术治疗。
l  如果精索静脉曲张手术成功后12~24月没有妊娠,根据精液结果按特发性异常处理。
l  亚临床和Ⅰ度精索静脉曲张伴有睾丸总体积(或严重)减小(<30ml)
l  无精子症伴有正常睾丸体积,而且FSH在正常范围(怀疑梗阻性无精子症)
l  无精症伴有FSH的升高,揭示存在生精上皮的严重损伤。
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