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2020-05-14 11:31 医学教育网


Headache (cephalalgia) is a common symptom, often associated with disability, but rarely life threatening. Headaches may be a primary disorder (migraine, cluster, or tension headache) or a secondary symptom of such disorders as acute systemic or intracranial infection, intracranial tumor, head injuries, severe hypertension, cerebral hypoxia, and many diseases of the eyes, nose, throat, teeth, ears, and cervical vertebrae. Sometimes no cause is found.  


Headaches may result from stimulation of, traction of, or pressure on any of the pain-sensitive structures of the head: all tissues covering the cranium; the 5th, 9th, and 10th cranial nerves; the upper cervical nerves; the large intracranial venous sinuses; the large arteries at the base of the brain; the large dural arteries; and the dura mater at the skull base. Dilation or contraction of blood vessel walls stimulates nerve endings, causing headache. The cause of most headaches is extracranial rather than intracranial. Stroke, vascular abnormalities, and venous thromboses are uncommon causes of headache. 


DiagnosisThe frequency, duration, location, and severity of the headache; the factors that make it better or worse; associated symptoms and signs, such as fever, stiff neck, nausea, and vomiting; and special studies help identify the cause of headache.  



Secondary headaches may have specific characteristics. An acute whole-cranial, severe headache associated with fever, photophobia, and stiff neck indicates an infectious process, such as meningitis, until proved otherwise. Subarachnoid hemorrhage also causes acute headache with symptoms and signs of meningeal irritation. Space-occupying lesions often cause subacute, progressive headache. New-onset headache in an adult > 40 yr always requires thorough evaluation. With space-occupying lesions, the following may occur: headache on awakening or at night, fluctuation of headache with postural changes, and nausea and vomiting. Additional neurologic complaints, such as seizure, confusion, weakness, or sensory changes, may occur late and are ominous.  


Tension headache tends to be chronic or continuous and commonly originates in the occipital or bifrontal region, then spreads over the entire head. It is usually described as a pressure sensation or a viselike constriction of the skull. Febrile illnesses, arterial hypertension, and migraine usually cause throbbing pain that can occur in any part of the head.  


Useful tests include CBC, STS, serum chemistry profile, ESR, CSF examination, and, for specific symptoms, ocular tests (acuity, visual fields, refraction, intraocular pressure) or sinus x-rays. If the cause of recent, persistent, recurrent, or increasing headache remains in doubt, MRI and/or CT is appropriate, especially if abnormal neurologic signs are present.  


Treatment Many headaches are of short duration and require no treatment other than mild analgesics (eg, aspirin, acetaminophen) and rest.  



Treatment of primary headaches is discussed under the specific disorders, below. Alternative approaches, such as biofeedback, acupuncture, dietary manipulations, and some less conventional modes, have been advocated for these disorders. None of these treatments has shown clear-cut benefits in rigorous studies. However, to the extent that an alternative treatment poses little risk, it may be tried, with the idea that effective headache management is multidimensional.  


Treatment of secondary headaches depends on treatment of the underlying disorder. For meningitis, prompt antibiotic therapy is critical. Subsequently, symptoms can be relieved with analgesics, including acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or opioid narcotics. Certain disorders require more specific treatment; eg, temporal arteritis is treated with corticosteroids, and headache due to benign intracranial hypertension is treated with acetazolamide or diuretics and weight loss. Subdural hematomas or brain tumors may be treated surgically.  


Stress management taught by a psychologist often reduces the incidence of headaches. However, most patients are helped by an understanding physician who accepts the pain as real, sees the patient regularly, and encourages discussion of emotional difficulties, whether they are the cause or the result of chronic headaches. The physician can reassure the patient that no organic lesion is present and recommend environmental readjustments and the removal of irritants and stresses. For particularly difficult problems, a team composed of a physician, psychotherapist, and physiotherapist is most effective in managing chronic headache.  


Night sweats are drenching sweats that require a change of bedding. 


I. Approach. The first priority is to exclude night sweats caused by fever. Sweating associated with fever is a separate evaluation. Before the 20th century, night sweats implied infection with tuberculosis. Now, many other ailments are associated with this symptom. Night sweats are often the mark of a known condition such as diabetes (especially with nocturnal hypoglycemia), cancer, head trauma, and rheumatologic disorders. Night sweats can also be a symptom of a new disorder. The investigation of a patient reporting night sweats requires a review of past illnesses and new symptoms. 

I. 诊断。首先要排除发烧引起的出汗。发烧性出汗应另行诊断。20世纪前,盗汗通常提示有结核菌感染。现在,其他很多不适都与此症状相关。盗汗通常是某已知病症的标志,如糖尿病(特别是伴夜间低血糖者)、癌症、头外伤和各种风湿病。盗汗也可能是新的疾病的一种症状,在给盗汗报告病人进行检查时,需检查既往病史及新的症状。

II. History. Night sweats can be characterized by determining onset, frequency, exacerbations, and remissions of symptoms. Question patients about the current state of known disorders. Excessive sweating is associated with poor nocturnal glycemic control. Flares of rheumatologic disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and temporal arteritis) cause sweating too. Pregnancy temporarily changes the intrinsic thermostat in many women who perspire excessively. Patients who are immuno-compromised are at increased risk for infections, especially with atypical agents. Patients with a history of substance abuse need to be asked about needle use and contaminants.

II. 病史。盗汗可通过确认发作时间、次数、加剧及症状消退加以确定。询问病人已知疾病。多汗也与夜间血糖控制不良有关。风湿性疾病(如类风湿关节炎、狼疮、幼儿性类风湿性关节炎、颞关节炎等)也导致出汗,妇娠也会暂时的改变很多妇女的体温状况,导致出汗过多。免疫代偿病人感染风险增加,特别是非典型性病原体感染。有药物滥用史病人需询问其针头使用及其他接触状况。

A. Review of systems. Other symptoms that can accompany night sweats include flushing (carcinoid syndrome, pheochromocytoma), joint pain, sleep apnea, menstrual irregularities, reflux, cough, headache, dysuria, dyspnea, rashes, fatigue, palpitations, and weight and bowel habit changes. 

A. 系统检查。伴随盗汗的其他症状包括潮红(类癌综合症、嗜铬细胞瘤)、关节痛、睡眠性呼吸暂停、月经不调、反流、咳嗽、头痛、排尿困难、睡眠困难、皮疹、疲乏、心悸及体重与排便习惯改变。

B. Exposure factors. Inquire about recent immunizations or new medicines such as antidepressants, cholinergics, meperidine, estrogen inhibitors, gonadotropin inhibitors, niacin, steroids, stimulants, over-the-counter preparations, antipyretics, and naturopathic therapies. Question patients about exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, tuberculosis, or occupational and travel-related exposures. Also ask about increases in general changes in the ambient night temperature. B. 


C. Psychological factors. Anxiety, nightmares, and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals. C. 


D. Family history. Patients who report a family history of hereditary disorders and possible malignancies should have appropriate screening. D. 


III. Physical examination. The physical examination should address the pertinent positives noted in the patient's medical history. Note the patient's weight and temperature. Examination of the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT) should focus on common types of infection: sinusitis, pharyngitis, and otitis. A thorough examination of lymph nodes is helpful to identify infection or lymphatic abnormalities. The cardiopulmonary examination can also signal infection, valvular disease, and stimulant use. Patients should be examined for abscesses, skin ulcers, septic joints, phlebitis, and osteomyelitis. 

III. 身体检查。身体检查应针对病人医疗史中的相关阳性记录。注意病人体重体温。头、眼、耳、鼻及喉检查的重点是普通类型的感染:鼻窦炎、喉炎和耳炎。淋巴结彻底检查有助于确认感染及淋巴病变。心肺检查也可提示感染、辨膜疾病及兴奋剂使用情况。应检查病人是否有脓肿、皮肤溃疡、关节脓肿、静膜炎和骨髓炎。


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