

RESOURCE: Vol. 297 No. 19, May 16, 2007 JAMA OR JAMA. 2007;297:2081-2091.

TITLE: Effects of Different Doses of Physical Activity on Cardiorespiratory Fitness Among Sedentary, Overweight or Obese Postmenopausal Women With Elevated Blood Pressure
A Randomized Controlled Trial

AUTHOR: Timothy S. Church, MD, MPH, PhD; Conrad P. Earnest, PhD; James S. Skinner, PhD; Steven N. Blair, PED


Context Low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with high risk of mortality, and improvements in fitness are associated with reduced mortality risk. However, a poor understanding of the physical activity–fitness dose response relation remains.

Objective To examine the effect of 50%, 100%, and 150% of the NIH Consensus Development Panel recommended physical activity dose on fitness in women.

Design, Setting, and Participants Randomized controlled trial of 464 sedentary, postmenopausal overweight or obese women whose body mass index ranged from 25.0 to 43.0 and whose systolic blood pressure ranged from 120.0 to 159.9 mm Hg. Enrollment took place between April 2001 and June 2005 in the Dallas, Tex, area.

Intervention Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: 102 to the nonexercise control group and 155 to the 4-kcal/kg, 104 to the 8-kcal/kg, and 103 to the 12-kcal/kg per week energy-expenditure groups for the 6-month intervention period. Target training intensity was the heart rate associated with 50% of each woman's peak O2.

Main Outcome Measure The primary outcome was aerobic fitness assessed on a cycle ergometer and quantified as peak absolute oxygen consumption (O2abs, L/min).

Results The mean (SD) baseline O2abs values were 1.30 (0.25) L/min. The mean (SD) minutes of exercising per week were 72.2 (12.3) for the 4-kcal/kg, 135.8 (19.5) for the 8-kcal/kg, and 191.7 (33.7) for the 12-kcal/kg per week exercise groups. After adjustment for age, race/ethnicity, weight, and peak heart rate, the exercise groups increased their O2abs compared with the control group by 4.2% in the 4-kcal/kg, 6.0% in the 8-kcal/kg, and 8.2% in the 12-kcal/kg per week groups (P<.001 for each vs control; P for trend <.001). There was no treatment x subgroup interaction for age, body mass index, weight, baseline O2abs, race/ethnicity, or baseline hormone therapy use. There were no significant changes in systolic or diastolic blood pressure values from baseline to 6 months in any of the exercise groups vs the control group.

Conclusion In this study, previously sedentary, overweight or obese postmenopausal women experienced a graded dose-response change in fitness across levels of exercise training.
RESOURCE: Vol. 297 No. 19, May 16, 2007 JAMA OR JAMA. 2007;297:2081-2091.

TITLE: Effects of Different Doses of Physical Activity on Cardiorespiratory Fitness Among Sedentary, Overweight or Obese Postmenopausal Women With Elevated Blood Pressure
A Randomized Controlled Trial
AUTHOR: Timothy S. Church, MD, MPH, PhD; Conrad P. Earnest, PhD; James S. Skinner, PhD; Steven N. Blair, PED

Context Low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with high risk of mortality, and improvements in fitness are associated with reduced mortality risk. However, a poor understanding of the physical activity–fitness dose response relation remains.
Objective To examine the effect of 50%, 100%, and 150% of the NIH Consensus Development Panel recommended physical activity dose on fitness in women.
Design, Setting, and Participants Randomized controlled trial of 464 sedentary, postmenopausal overweight or obese women whose body mass index ranged from 25.0 to 43.0 and whose systolic blood pressure ranged from 120.0 to 159.9 mm Hg. Enrollment took place between April 2001 and June 2005 in the Dallas, Tex, area.
设计、地点和对象:对体重指数在25.0-43.0之间,收缩压在120.0-159.9 mm Hg之间的464个久坐的超重或肥胖的绝经后妇女进行随机对照实验。2001.4-2005.7于Dallas, Tex, are登记报名。
Intervention Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: 102 to the nonexercise control group and 155 to the 4-kcal/kg, 104 to the 8-kcal/kg, and 103 to the 12-kcal/kg per week energy-expenditure groups for the 6-month intervention period. Target training intensity was the heart rate associated with 50% of each woman's peak O2.
Main Outcome Measure The primary outcome was aerobic fitness assessed on a cycle ergometer and quantified as peak absolute oxygen consumption (O2abs, L/min).
主要测定项目:主要是通过循环的功率计和定量的绝对耗氧量O2abs, L/min来评估有氧适应性。
Results The mean (SD) baseline O2abs values were 1.30 (0.25) L/min. The mean (SD) minutes of exercising per week were 72.2 (12.3) for the 4-kcal/kg, 135.8 (19.5) for the 8-kcal/kg, and 191.7 (33.7) for the 12-kcal/kg per week exercise groups. After adjustment for age, race/ethnicity, weight, and peak heart rate, the exercise groups increased their O2abs compared with the control group by 4.2% in the 4-kcal/kg, 6.0% in the 8-kcal/kg, and 8.2% in the 12-kcal/kg per week groups (P<.001 for each vs control; P for trend <.001).
There was no treatment x subgroup interaction for age, body mass index, weight, baseline O2abs, race/ethnicity, or baseline hormone therapy use. There were no significant changes in systolic or diastolic blood pressure values from baseline to 6 months in any of the exercise groups vs the control group.
结果: O2abs平均基线是1.30 (0.25) L/min,4-kcal/kg组每周平均运动时间为72.2分钟(12.3),8-kcal/kg组为135.8(19.5)分钟,12-kcal/kg组为191.7(33.7)分钟。对年龄、种族、体重和心率峰值调整后,运动组与对照组相比,其O2abs在4-kcal/kg组增加4.2%,8-kcal/kg组增加6.0%,12-kcal/kg组增加8.2%(与对照组相比,P<0.001)。
Conclusion In this study, previously sedentary, overweight or obese postmenopausal women experienced a graded dose-response change in fitness across levels of exercise training.


低水平的心肺功能与发病率的高风险相关,提高其适应性可以减少发病风险。然而,对于体力活动的强度反应关系还了解的很少。Timothy S. Church等于2001.4-2005.7在Dallas, Tex对体重指数在25.0-43.0之间,收缩压在120.0-159.9 mm Hg之间的464个久坐的超重或肥胖的绝经后妇女进行了一个随机对照实验,调查了国立卫生研究院推荐体力活动强度的50%、100%和150%分别对妇女健康的影响。他们将参与者随机分成四组:对照组为不运动组,102人;每周能量消耗4-kcal/kg的155人;每周能量消耗8-kcal/kg的104人和每周能量消耗12-kcal/kg的103人,分别进行为期6个月的干预期。其主要测定项目主要是通过循环的功率计和定量的绝对耗氧量O2abs, L/min来评估有氧适应性。结果显示 O2abs平均基线是1.30 (0.25) L/min,4-kcal/kg组每周平均运动时间为72.2分钟(12.3),8-kcal/kg组为135.8(19.5)分钟,12-kcal/kg组为191.7(33.7)分钟。对年龄、种族、体重和心率峰值调整后,运动组与对照组相比,其O2abs在4-kcal/kg组增加4.2%,8-kcal/kg组增加6.0%,12-kcal/kg组增加8.2%(与对照组相比,P<0.001)。对年龄、体重指数、体重、基本O2abs、种族或激素治疗等亚组间没有分析。而且对照组和运动组的收缩压或舒张压在六个月干预前后没有明显改变。
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