


1. medico- in【medical, medicate, medication】means:
A. human
B. sanatory
C. steroid
D. medicine
2. -logy in【adenology, bacteriology, morphology】means:
A. medulla
B. information
C. the study of
D. division
3. cyto- in【cytology, cytopathology, agranulocytosis】means:
A. adrenaline
B. blood
C. cell
D. stress
4. histo- in【histology, histocyte, histotome】means:
A. tissue
B. processes
C. carbon
D. medicine
5. endo- in【endotoxin, endocrinology, endothelium】means
A. inner
B. outer
C. upper
D. lower
6. crino- or –crine in【endocrine, endocrinology, exocrine】means:
A. secretion
B. phenomena
C. color
D. hemoglobin
7. hemato-, hemo-, -em- in【hemodialysis, hematologist,anemia】means:
A. blood
B. tissue
C. skin
D. head
8. immuno- in【immunology, immunodeficiency, immunoassay】means:
A. resistance
B. nucleus
C. science
D. medicine
9. psycho- in【psychology, psychoactivity, psychotherapy】means:
A. head
B. heart
C. mind
D. brain
10. musculo- in【muscular, musculoskeletal, muscularity】means:
A. bone
B. muscle
C. tissue
D. stomach
11. spir- spiro- in【respiration, perspiration, respirometry】means:
A. beat
B. breathe
C. move
D. sense
12. urino- or urin- or uro- or –uria in【urogenital, urology, hematuria】means:
A. feces
B. urine
C. saliva
D. diaphoresis
13. cardio- or cardi- in【endocarditis, cardiology, myocardial】means:
A. brain
B. stomach
C. intestine
D. heart
14. –let in【droplet, piglet, booklet 】means:
A. small
B. large
C. of
D. in
15. patho-, -pathy in【pathology, hepatopathy, pathophysiology】means:
A. normal
B. disease
C. variation
D. colon
16. –therapy in【chemotherapy, radiotherapy, physiotherapy】means:
A. term
B. treatment
C. instrument
D. examination
17. hepato- in【hepatitis, hepatology, hepatopathy】means:
A. pancreas
B. lung
C. liver
D. intestine
18. mammo- in【mammary, mammography, mammoplasty】means:
A. mather
B. breast
C. nipple
D. joint
19. angio- in【angiitis, angioplasty, angioma】means:
A. vessel
B. blood
C. lymph
D. heart
20. phago- or –phagia in【phagocyte, dysphagia, phagocytosis】means:
A. swallow
B. eat
C. expel
D. inhale
21. stetho- in【stethoscope, stethalgia,stethometer】means:
A. back
B. abdomen
C. chest
D. foot
22. arterio- in【arteritis,arteriole,arteriovenous】means:
A. artery
B. vein
C. lymph vessel
D. thoracic duct
23. dermato- or dermo- in【dermatology, dermatitis, dermoid】means:
A. fiber
B. gland
C. hair
D. skin
24. dys- in【dysfunction, dystrophy, dysuria】means:
A. no
B. difficult
C. easy
D. absent
25. –ectomy in【appendectomy, gastrectomy, hepatectomy】means:
A. inflammation
B. remove
C. open
D. close
26. fibro- in【fibroma, fibroblast, fibrin】means:
A. muscle
B. fiber
C. bone
D. skin
27. myo- in【myocardial, myoma, myopathy】means:
A. muscle
B. fiber
C. bone
D. skin
28. neuro- in【neurology, neuritis, neurosurgery】means:
A. nerve
B. muscle
C. brain
D. spleen
29. –oma in【fibroma, thymoma, myoma】means:
A. tumor
B. disease
C. cancer
D. disorder
30. sarco- in【sarcoma, sarcoid, myosarcoma】means:
A. muscle
B. flesh
D. Tendon
31.polio-in【poliomyelitis, poliomyelopathy, polioclastic】means:
A. green
B. grey
C. yellow
D. red
32. thymo- in【thymocyte, thymoma, thymectomy】means:
A. thorax
B. chest
C. thymus
D. abdomen
33. oculo- in【extraocular, oculomotor, oculus dexter】means:
A. chest
B. ear
C. nose
D. eye
34. erythro- in【erythrocyte, erythema, erythromycin】means:
A. green
B. grey
C. yellow
D. red
35. leuko- in【leukemia, leukocyte, leucomycin 】means:
A. green
B. white
C. red
D. yellow
36. vasculo- in【vascular, vasculitis, vascularity】means:
A. muscle
B. bone
C. vessel
D. heart
37. arthro- in【arthritis, arthrology, arthrodynia 】means:
A. ligament
B. cartilage
C. joint
D. tendon
38. chondro- in【chondritis, chondroblast, hypochondium】means:
A. ligament
B. cartilage
C. tendon
D. joint
39. cranio- in【cranial, intracranial, cranioscopy】means:
A. head
B. brain
C. skull
D. scalp
40. costo- in【intercostal, costochondral】means:
A. chest
B. rib
C. lung
D. trachea
41. osteo- in【osteoblast, osteoclast, osteodynia】means:
A. muscle
B. bone
C. rib
D. thymus
42. cortico- in【corticospinal, corticotropin, corticosteroid】means:
A. cortex
B. medulla
C. gland
D. steroid
43. bio- in【biology, biochemistry, antibiotics】means:
A. biceps
B. abiosis
C. living things
D. amorphous
44. –itis in【gastritis, hepatitis,enteritis】means:
A. disease
B. infection
C. inflammation
D. disorder
45. entero- in【enteritis, enteropathy, gastroenteritis】means:
A. stomach
B. intestine
C. large bowel
D. colon
46. procto- in【proctitis, proctology, proctosope 】means:
A. bowel
B. rectum
C. peritoneum
D. genital
47. linguo- in【sublingual, bilingual, lingual】means:
A. tongue
B. tooth
C. mouth
D. oral cavity
48. spleno- in【splenectomy, splenomegaly, splenic 】means:
A. liver
B. lung
C. pancreas
D. spleen
49. colo- in【colitis, colectomy, colostomy】means:
A. liver
B. intestine
C. colon
D. rectum
50. cyano- in【cyanosis, cyanopathy】means:
A. blue
B. grey
C. fast
D. slow
1-D 2-C 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-A 9-C 10-B 11-B 12-B 13-D 14-A 15-B 16-B 17-C 18-B 19-A 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-D 24-B 25-B 26-B 27-A 28-A 29-A 30-B 31-B 32-C 33-D 34-D 35-B
36-C 37-C 38-B 39-C 40-B 41-B 42-A 43-C 44-C 45-B 46-B 47-A 48-D 49-C 50-A

An 18-year-old man was brought to the accident and emergency department after becoming acutely unwell while scuba diving. He was one of a party of students who were diving off the south coast of England. His friends had witnessed him coming to the surface in considerable distress and without his breathing apparatus. He was floundering in the water and was assisted to the shore by others. He was breathless and complaining of severe central chest pain, cough and acute left-sided earache. He said that objects appeared indistinct. He was given oxygen to breathe by the diving instructor and his symptoms improved during the ambulance journey to hospital.On examination he was moderately dyspnoeic but not cyanosed. BP 128/70, pulse 88 regular. There was a fullness in the neck, the trachea was central, and breath sounds were present and normal on both sides. Both ear drums appeared normal. The optic fundi were normal, but there was restricted vision in the temporal field of the right eye. The rest of the physical examination was normal.

1. What is the likely cause of the chest pain and cough?
2. How would you account for the visual field defect?
3. What further steps in management should be taken?
1,medico in medical, medicate, medication means medicine
2.-logy in adenology ,bacteriology,morphology means the study of
3.cyte- in cytology ,cytopathology ,agranulocytosis means cell
4.histo- in histology, histocyte ,histotome means tissue
5.endo- in endotoxin, endocrinology. endothelium means inner
6.crino -or-crine in endocrine, endocrinology, exocrine means secretion
7.hemato-,hemo-,- em- in hemodilysis,hematologist,anemia, means blood
8. immuno- in immunology ,immunodeficiency, immunoassay means resestance ,
9.psycho- in psychology, psychoactivity ,psychotherapy means mind .
10.spir-spiro- in respiration,perspiration, respirometry means breathe
11.musculo- in muscular, musculoskeletal,muscularity,means muscle
12.urino-or urin-or uro-or uria in urogeniral ,urology, hemaruria.means urine.
13.cardio-or cardi -in endocarditis, cardiology ,myocardial means heart
14.-let,in droplet,piglet,booklet ,means small
15.patho,pathy,in pathology, hepatopathy,pathophysiology,means disease
16.-therapy in chemotherapy , radiotherapy, physiotherapy means treatment
17.hepato-in hepatitis, hepatology, hepatopathy means liver
18.mammo-in mammary , mammography, mammoplasty means breast
19.angio-,in angitis, angioplasty , angioma means vessel
20.phago-or -phagia in phagocyte, dysphagio, phagocytosis means eat
21.stetho-, in stethoscope, stethalgia, stethometer means chest
22.arterio- in arteritis, arteriole, arteriovenous means artery
23.dermato- or dermo- in dermatology , dermatitis , dermoid means skin
24.dys- in dysfunction, dystrophy , dysuria means no
25.-ectomy in appendectomy, gastrectomy ,hepatectomy means remove
26.fibro- in fibromo, fibroblast, fibrin means fiber
27.myo- in myocardical, myoma, myopathy means muscle
28.neuro- in neurology , neuritis , neurosurgery means nerve
29.-oma in fibroma, thymoma, myoma means tumor
30.sarco- in sarcoma, sarcoid ,myosarcoma means flesh .
31.polio- in poliomyelitis , poliomyelopathy, polioclastic means grey
32.thymo- in thymocute, thymoma ,thymectomy means thumus
33.oculo- in extraocular, oculomotor, oculus dexter means eye
34.erythro- in erythrocyte ,erythrema, erythromycin means red

35.leuko- in leukemia , leukocyte ,leucomycin means white
36.vasculo - in vasvular, vasculitis , vascularity means vessel
37.arthro- in arthritis, arthrology, arthrodynia means joint
38.chondro - in chondritis, chondroblast, hypochondium means cartilage
39.cranio- in cranial, intracranial, cranioscopy means skull
40.costo- in intercostal, costochondral , means rib
41.osteo- in osteoblast ,osteoclast, osteodynia means bone
42.cortico-in corticospinal,corticotropin, corticosteroid means medulla
43.bio- in biology, biochemistry , antibiotics means living things

44.-itis in gastritis, hepatitis , enteritis means inflammation
45.entero - in enteritis , enteropathy , gastroenteritis means intestine
46.procto- in proctitis ,proctology , proctoscope means rectum

47.linguo - in sublingual, bilingual , lingual means tongue
48.spleno- in splenectomy, splenomegaly , splenic means spleen
49.colo- in colitis, colectomy, colostomy ,means colon
50.cyano- in cyanosis, cyanopathy means fast
186tkc wrote:
An 18-year-old man was brought to the accident and emergency department after becoming acutely unwell while scuba diving. He was one of a party of students who were diving off the south coast of England. His friends had witnessed him coming to the surface in considerable distress and without his breathing apparatus. He was floundering in the water and was assisted to the shore by others. He was breathless and complaining of severe central chest pain, cough and acute left-sided earache. He said that objects appeared indistinct. He was given oxygen to breathe by the diving instructor and his symptoms improved during the ambulance journey to hospital.On examination he was moderately dyspnoeic but not cyanosed. BP 128/70, pulse 88 regular. There was a fullness in the neck, the trachea was central, and breath sounds were present and normal on both sides. Both ear drums appeared normal. The optic fundi were normal, but there was restricted vision in the temporal field of the right eye. The rest of the physical examination was normal.

1. What is the likely cause of the chest pain and cough?
2. How would you account for the visual field defect?
3. What further steps in management should be taken?

qqmpa wrote:
1-D 2-C 3-C 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-A 9-C 10-B 11-B 12-B 13-D 14-A 15-B 16-B 17-C 18-B 19-A 20-B 21-C 22-A 23-D 24-B 25-B 26-B 27-A 28-A 29-A 30-B 31-B 32-C 33-D 34-D 35-B
36-C 37-C 38-B 39-C 40-B 41-B 42-A 43-C 44-C 45-B 46-B 47-A 48-D 49-C 50-A


1,medico means medicine
medicate, (用药医治,加入药物)
2.-logy means the study of
adenology (腺学,一门研究腺的性质和功能的学科)
morphology (形态学,形态论;(语法:词法,词态学)
cytology 细胞学
cytopathology 细胞病理学
3.cyte , means cell
4.histo- means tissue
histocyte ,组织细胞
5.endo- means inner
endotoxin, 内毒素
endocrinology. 内分泌学
endothelium 内皮;内种皮
6.crino -or-crine means secretion
endocrinology, 内分泌学
exocrine 外分泌的
7.hemato-,hemo-,- em- means blood
8. immuno- means resestance ,
immunology ,免疫学
immunodeficiency, 免疫缺陷
9.psycho- means mind .
psychoactivity ,作用于精神,影响心理状态
10.spir-spiro- means breathe
perspiration, 排汗
respirometry 呼吸运动计量法
11.musculo- means muscle
muscular, 肌肉的 强健的
12.urino-or urin-or uro-or uriameans urine
13.cardio-or cardi -means heart
cardiology ,心脏病学
myocardial 心肌的
14.-let, means small
booklet , 小册子
15.patho,pathy, means disease
pathophysiology, 病理生理学
16.-therapy means treatment
chemotherapy ,化学疗法
physiotherapy 物理疗法
17.hepato- means liver
hepatitis, 肝炎
hepatology, 肝脏病学
18.mammo- means breast
mammary ,乳房的,乳腺的
mammography, 乳腺X线照相术
mammoplasty 乳房成型术
19.angio-, means vessel
angitis, 脉管炎,血管炎,淋巴管炎
angioplasty , 血管成型术?
angioma 血管瘤,血管肿
20.phago-or –phagia means eat
phagocyte, 吞噬细胞
dysphagio, ?
phagocytosis 吞噬作用
21.stetho means chest
stethalgia, ?
22.arterio- means artery
arteritis, 动脉炎
arteriole, 细动脉
arteriovenous 动静脉的,连接动静脉的
23.dermato- or dermo- means skin
dermatology , 皮肤医学
dermatitis , 皮炎
dermoid 皮样的,皮状的
24.dys- means no
dysfunction, 机能不良,功能紊乱,官能障碍
dystrophy ,营养失调
dysuria 排尿困难
25.-ectomy means remove
appendectomy, 阑尾切除术
gastrectomy ,胃切除术
hepatectomy 肝切除术
26.fibro- means fiber
fibromo, ?
fibrin 纤维蛋白,纤维
27.myo- means muscle
myocardial, 心肌的
myoma, 肌瘤
myopathy 肌病
28.neuro- means nerve
neurology , 神经病学,神经学
neuritis , 神经炎
neurosurgery 神经外科
29.-oma means tumor
fibroma, 纤维瘤
thymoma, 胸腺瘤
myoma 肌瘤
30.sarco- means flesh .
sarcoma, 肉瘤,恶性毒瘤
sarcoid ,肉的,肉状的
myosarcoma 肌肉瘤
31.polio- means grey
poliomyelitis , 小儿麻痹症,急性骨髓灰白质炎
poliomyelopathy, 脊髓病,骨髓病
polioclastic ?
32.thymo- means thumus腐殖质
thymocute, ?
thymoma ,胸腺瘤
thymectomy 胸腺切除术
33.oculo- means eye
extraocular, 眼睛外面的,眼外的
oculomotor, 眼球运动的
oculus ?
dexter 右侧的,右边的
34.erythro- means red
erythrocyte ,红血球
erythrema, ?
erythromycin 红霉素
35.leuko- means white
leukemia , 白血病
leukocyte ,?白细胞-leucocyte
leucomycin 白霉素
36.vasculo - means vessel
vasvular, 脉管的,血管的vascular
vasculitis , 脉管炎,血管炎
vascularity 血管分布
37.arthro- means joint
arthrodynia 关节痛
38.chondro - means cartilage软骨
chondritis, ?
hypochondium ?
39.cranio- means skull
cranial, 头盖的,头盖型的
intracranial, 头颅内的,颅骨内的
40.costo- means rib
intercostal, 脉间的
costochondral , 肋软骨的
41.osteo- means bone
osteoblast ,造骨细胞
osteodynia ?
42.cortico- means medulla
corticotropin, 促肾上腺皮质激素
corticosteroid 皮质类固醇的,皮质类固醇
43.bio- means living things
biochemistry , 生物化学
antibiotics 抗生素,抗生学
44.-itis means inflammation
gastritis, 胃炎
hepatitis , 肝炎
enteritis 肠炎
45.entero - means intestine
enteritis ,肠炎
enteropathy , 肠下垂,肠病
gastroenteritis 肠胃炎
46.procto- means rectum
proctitis ,直肠炎
proctology ,直肠病学
proctoscope 直肠镜

47.linguo - means tongue
sublingual, 舌下的,舌下腺的
bilingual ,能 说两种语言的
lingual 语言的
48.spleno- means spleen
splenomegaly ,脾肿大
splenic 脾脏的,脾的
49.colo- means colon
colitis, 大肠炎
colectomy, 结肠切除术
colostomy , 结肠造口术
50.cyano- means fast ?
cyanosis, 苍白病,黄萎病,发绀
cyanopathy 发绀
hematuria 血尿
fibroma 纤维瘤
我错8个.26的fibromo,就是在29中fibroma, 纤维瘤打问号的可以推敲出来.比如
chondritis,38.chondro - means cartilage软骨,itis为炎症,那么chondritis就是软骨炎喽
drugyou123 wrote:
1,medico means medicine
medicate, (用药医治,加入药物)
2.-logy means the study of
adenology (腺学,一门研究腺的性质和功能的学科)
morphology (形态学,形态论;(语法:词法,词态学)
cytology 细胞学
cytopathology 细胞病理学
3.cyte , means cell
4.histo- means tissue
histocyte ,组织细胞
5.endo- means inner
endotoxin, 内毒素
endocrinology. 内分泌学
endothelium 内皮;内种皮
6.crino -or-crine means secretion
endocrinology, 内分泌学
exocrine 外分泌的
7.hemato-,hemo-,- em- means blood
8. immuno- means resestance ,
immunology ,免疫学
immunodeficiency, 免疫缺陷
9.psycho- means mind .
psychoactivity ,作用于精神,影响心理状态
10.spir-spiro- means breathe
perspiration, 排汗
respirometry 呼吸运动计量法
11.musculo- means muscle
muscular, 肌肉的 强健的
12.urino-or urin-or uro-or uriameans urine
13.cardio-or cardi -means heart
cardiology ,心脏病学
myocardial 心肌的
14.-let, means small
booklet , 小册子
15.patho,pathy, means disease
pathophysiology, 病理生理学
16.-therapy means treatment
chemotherapy ,化学疗法
physiotherapy 物理疗法
17.hepato- means liver
hepatitis, 肝炎
hepatology, 肝脏病学
18.mammo- means breast
mammary ,乳房的,乳腺的
mammography, 乳腺X线照相术
mammoplasty 乳房成型术
19.angio-, means vessel
angitis, 脉管炎,血管炎,淋巴管炎
angioplasty , 血管成型术?
angioma 血管瘤,血管肿
20.phago-or –phagia means eat
phagocyte, 吞噬细胞
dysphagio, ?
phagocytosis 吞噬作用
21.stetho means chest
stethalgia, ?
22.arterio- means artery
arteritis, 动脉炎
arteriole, 细动脉
arteriovenous 动静脉的,连接动静脉的
23.dermato- or dermo- means skin
dermatology , 皮肤医学
dermatitis , 皮炎
dermoid 皮样的,皮状的
24.dys- means no
dysfunction, 机能不良,功能紊乱,官能障碍
dystrophy ,营养失调
dysuria 排尿困难
25.-ectomy means remove
appendectomy, 阑尾切除术
gastrectomy ,胃切除术
hepatectomy 肝切除术
26.fibro- means fiber
fibromo, ?
fibrin 纤维蛋白,纤维
27.myo- means muscle
myocardial, 心肌的
myoma, 肌瘤
myopathy 肌病
28.neuro- means nerve
neurology , 神经病学,神经学
neuritis , 神经炎
neurosurgery 神经外科
29.-oma means tumor
fibroma, 纤维瘤
thymoma, 胸腺瘤
myoma 肌瘤
30.sarco- means flesh .
sarcoma, 肉瘤,恶性毒瘤
sarcoid ,肉的,肉状的
myosarcoma 肌肉瘤
31.polio- means grey
poliomyelitis , 小儿麻痹症,急性骨髓灰白质炎
poliomyelopathy, 脊髓病,骨髓病
polioclastic ?
32.thymo- means thumus腐殖质
thymocute, ?
thymoma ,胸腺瘤
thymectomy 胸腺切除术
33.oculo- means eye
extraocular, 眼睛外面的,眼外的
oculomotor, 眼球运动的
oculus ?
dexter 右侧的,右边的
34.erythro- means red
erythrocyte ,红血球
erythrema, ?
erythromycin 红霉素
35.leuko- means white
leukemia , 白血病
leukocyte ,?白细胞-leucocyte
leucomycin 白霉素
36.vasculo - means vessel
vasvular, 脉管的,血管的vascular
vasculitis , 脉管炎,血管炎
vascularity 血管分布
37.arthro- means joint
arthrodynia 关节痛
38.chondro - means cartilage软骨
chondritis, ?
hypochondium ?
39.cranio- means skull
cranial, 头盖的,头盖型的
intracranial, 头颅内的,颅骨内的
40.costo- means rib
intercostal, 脉间的
costochondral , 肋软骨的
41.osteo- means bone
osteoblast ,造骨细胞
osteodynia ?
42.cortico- means medulla
corticotropin, 促肾上腺皮质激素
corticosteroid 皮质类固醇的,皮质类固醇
43.bio- means living things
biochemistry , 生物化学
antibiotics 抗生素,抗生学
44.-itis means inflammation
gastritis, 胃炎
hepatitis , 肝炎
enteritis 肠炎
45.entero - means intestine
enteritis ,肠炎
enteropathy , 肠下垂,肠病
gastroenteritis 肠胃炎
46.procto- means rectum
proctitis ,直肠炎
proctology ,直肠病学
proctoscope 直肠镜

47.linguo - means tongue
sublingual, 舌下的,舌下腺的
bilingual ,能 说两种语言的
lingual 语言的
48.spleno- means spleen
splenomegaly ,脾肿大
splenic 脾脏的,脾的
49.colo- means colon
colitis, 大肠炎
colectomy, 结肠切除术
colostomy , 结肠造口术
50.cyano- means fast ?
cyanosis, 苍白病,黄萎病,发绀
cyanopathy 发绀

我错了12个哟,我查了下部分没有给出的词意:hemodialysis 血液透析(作用) urogenital泌尿生殖的  hematuria 血尿(症)  stethalgia胸痛  
fibroma 纤维瘤   polioclastic 破坏(神经系统)灰质的病毒指脊髓灰质炎病毒.流行性脑炎病毒.狂犬病病毒  oculus眼  erythema 红斑      chondritis 软骨病   osteodynia骨痛
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