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In Vivo Degradation of Heparan Sulfates in the Glomerular Basement Membrane Does Not Result in Proteinuria

Heparan sulfates (HS) are long, unbranched, negatively charged polysaccharides that are bound to core proteins. HS in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) is reported to be important for charge-selective permeability. Aberrant GBM HS expression has been observed in several glomerular diseases, such as diabetic nephropathy and membranous glomerulopathy, and a decrease in HS generally is associated with proteinuria. This study, with the use of a controlled in vivo approach, evaluated whether degradation of HS in rat GBM resulted in acute proteinuria. Rats received two intravenous injections of either heparinase III to digest HS or neuraminidase to remove neuraminic acids (positive control). Urine samples were taken at various time points, and at the end of the experiment, kidneys were removed and analyzed. Injection with heparinase III resulted in a complete loss of glomerular HS as demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining using anti-HS antibodies and by electron microscopy using cupromeronic blue in a critical electrolyte concentration mode. In the urine, a strong increase in HS was found within 2 h after the first injection. Staining for agrin, the major HS proteoglycan core protein in the GBM, was unaltered. No urinary albumin or other proteins were detected at any time point, and no changes in glomerular morphology were noticed. Injection of rats with neuraminidase, however, resulted in a major increase of urinary albumin and was associated with an increase in urinary free neuraminic acid. An increased glomerular staining with Peanut agglutinin lectin, indicative of removal of neuraminic acid, was noted. In conclusion, removal of HS from the GBM does not result in acute albuminuria, whereas removal of neuraminic acid does.

Tessa J.M. et al. J Am Soc Nephrol 18: 823-832, 2007
In Vivo Degradation of Heparan Sulfates in the Glomerular Basement Membrane Does Not Result in Proteinuria

Heparan sulfates (HS) are long, unbranched, negatively charged polysaccharides that are bound to core proteins. HS in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) is reported to be important for charge-selective permeability. Aberrant GBM HS expression has been observed in several glomerular diseases, such as diabetic nephropathy and membranous glomerulopathy, and a decrease in HS generally is associated with proteinuria.
This study, with the use of a controlled in vivo approach, evaluated whether degradation of HS in rat GBM resulted in acute proteinuria. Rats received two intravenous injections of either heparinase III to digest HS or neuraminidase to remove neuraminic acids (positive control). Urine samples were taken at various time points, and at the end of the experiment, kidneys were removed and analyzed.
Injection with heparinase III resulted in a complete loss of glomerular HS as demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining using anti-HS antibodies and by electron microscopy using cupromeronic blue in a critical electrolyte concentration mode. In the urine, a strong increase in HS was found within 2 h after the first injection. Staining for agrin, the major HS proteoglycan core protein in the GBM, was unaltered. No urinary albumin or other proteins were detected at any time point, and no changes in glomerular morphology were noticed.
通过抗HS抗体免疫荧光染色和cupromeronic blue临界电解质浓度模式电镜检查证实注射肝素酶III可使肾小球HS完全丧失。第一次注射后2小时尿中HS明显增加。而GBM内主要的HS蛋白多糖核心蛋白—集聚蛋白(Agrin)染色没有变化。在任何一个时间点都没有检测到尿白蛋白或其它蛋白,肾小球形态也没有改变。
Injection of rats with neuraminidase, however, resulted in a major increase of urinary albumin and was associated with an increase in urinary free neuraminic acid. An increased glomerular staining with Peanut agglutinin lectin, indicative of removal of neuraminic acid, was noted. In conclusion, removal of HS from the GBM does not result in acute albuminuria, whereas removal of neuraminic acid does.

Tessa J.M. et al. J Am Soc Nephrol 18: 823-832, 2007



硫酸乙酰肝素(HS)是一种结合在核心蛋白上的带负电荷的长直链多糖。据报道,肾小球基底膜(GBM)内的HS对于电荷选择通透性至关重要。GBM内HS表达异常曾见于某些肾小球疾病,如糖尿病肾病和膜性肾病,HS减少通常与蛋白尿相关。本研究利用设置对照的体内技术评价了大鼠GBM内HS降解是否会导致急性蛋白尿。实验大鼠接受两次肝素酶III注射以消化HS,或两次神经氨酸酶注射以除去神经氨酸(阳性对照)。在不同时间点收集尿液标本,实验结束时切除肾脏用于分析。通过抗HS抗体免疫荧光染色和cupromeronic blue临界电解质浓度模式电镜检查证实注射肝素酶III可使肾小球HS完全丧失。第一次注射后2小时尿中HS明显增加。而GBM内主要的HS蛋白多糖核心蛋白—集聚蛋白(Agrin)染色没有变化。在任何一个时间点都没有检测到尿白蛋白或其它蛋白,肾小球形态也没有改变。但是给大鼠注射神经氨酸酶却可以使尿白蛋白大量增加,并伴有尿液游离神经氨酸增加。实验中所观察到的肾小球花生凝集素染色增强标志着神经氨酸被清除。可得出结论,从肾小球中除掉HS不会导致蛋白尿,但除掉神经氨酸则可以引起蛋白尿。(丁香)
by electron microscopy using cupromeronic blue in a critical electrolyte concentration mode.
本来自己在翻译的,谁知碰到 cupromeronic blue in a critical electrolyte concentration mode不太明白,上百度一搜,竟然有现成已翻译好了的,于是就copy下来省事了。

我查了些文献好像cupromeronic blue 是用来给微量蛋白聚糖 和硫酸化葡萄糖胺聚糖染色常用制剂。

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