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U.S. Stroke Rates Vary Widely by States


By Amanda Gardner
HealthDay Reporter
Thursday, May 17, 2007; 12:00 AM

健康报Amanda Gardner于2007年5月17日,星期四,上午12点报道

THURSDAY, May 17 (HealthDay News) -- The prevalence of stroke varies widely across the United States, with some states reporting rates more than twice as high as other states, a new study found.

5月17日,星期四(健康报新闻)-- 一项新的研究发现,全美中风发病率有明显不同,一些州报道的中风发病率甚至是其它州的两倍以上。

Stroke prevalence also differs by race and ethnicity, age group and educational level, the researchers said.


Compounding the problem, less than half of stroke victims arrive at a hospital within two hours of the start of symptoms, when therapy is most effective, a second report found.


Both reports are published in the May 18 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, a publication of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. May is also National Stroke Awareness Month.


Stroke is the third-leading cause of death in the United States. This year, an estimated 700,000 people in the United States will have a stroke, and 160,000 will die from it. Of those who live, 15 percent to 30 percent become permanently disabled, and 20 percent require institutionalization during the first three months after the stroke.


"Stroke is a huge public health problem both in the U.S. and in many developing countries," said Dr. Ralph Sacco, a stroke expert and professor and chairman of neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. "The numbers are going up, principally because our population is aging, and people are surviving after heart disease and therefore at risk for stroke. Some projections say it won't be too long before we see about a million strokes per year in the U.S."

"一位中风专家和教授兼美国迈阿密大学米勒医学院神经科主席,Dr. Ralph Sacco说道,在美国和许多发展中国家一样,中风是一个巨大的公共健康问题。" "数目正不断上升,这主要是因为我们的人口正在老龄化,患心脏疾病存活的人,而这些人都有患中风的危险性。有人预测说,每年在美国,我们看到约100万的中风患者前是不会太久的。"

Previous stroke data had found stark regional differences, with a higher prevalence in the southeastern states, the so-called "Stroke Belt." There has also been state-specific and even county-level mortality data, but this is the first time state-specific prevalence estimates have been available.

先前的中风数据已经找到明显的区域差异,这些差异显示在东南部的州有较高的患病率,即所谓的"中风带。" 也有特殊州乃至县级死亡率数据 不过,这是首次由特殊州的患病率被采用。

"The novel finding in this report is that we have prevalence estimates which are a good gauge of disability and are important to begin to understand health-care costs, because strokes can be expensive to treat," said Jonathan Neyer, the first study's lead author and an epidemiologist with the CDC's Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention.

第一份研究报告的主要作者同时也是一位疾病控制司心脏病和中风的预防流行病学专家,Jonathan Neyer 说道,“在这份报告中我么出新的提出,患病率的评估有助于对疾病有一个精确的估计和认识到医疗费用的重要性,因为中风的治疗是昂贵的,

The authors looked at state-by-state statistics for adults aged 18 and older.


Stroke prevalence ranged from a low of 1.5 percent in Connecticut to a high of 4.3 percent in Mississippi.


Almost one quarter of states, as well as the District of Columbia, had a stroke prevalence rate of 3 percent or above. Those states were Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia.

近四分之一的州,同哥伦比亚区一样, 中风患病率为3%或更高. 这些州包括阿拉巴马,阿肯色,伊利诺伊,肯塔基,路易斯安那,密执安,密西西比,密苏里,内华达,俄克拉荷马,田纳西州,得克萨斯和西弗吉尼亚.

The lowest levels of stroke prevalence -- less than 2.6 percent -- were in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
The national prevalence was 2.6 percent, which mirrors previous findings, the study authors said.


"Our findings correspond with a lot that is already known in the literature, but the amount of variation and magnitude of variation between states and ethnic/racial groups is always noteworthy," Neyer said.


While the prevalence of stroke was similar among men (2.7 percent) and women (2.5 percent), there were great differences among racial and ethnic groups. American Indian/Alaska Natives had the highest rate (6 percent). Blacks had almost double the rate of whites, 4 percent vs. 2.3 percent, respectively. Asians had the lowest rate at 1.6 percent.

虽然中风的患病率男性(2.7%)与女性(2.5%)相近,但在种族和民族上还是有很大的差异。 美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加土著人的患病率最高(6%). 黑人的患病率几乎是白人的一倍,分别是4%对比2.3%。亚洲人的患病率最低为1.6%.

Stroke prevalence was almost twice as high in people with less than 12 years of education (4.4 percent) compared to college graduates (1.8 percent).


No one knows for sure why these disparities exist. But a likely explanation is that the higher rates are seen among groups of people with more risk factors.


The second study found delays in getting proper treatment to stroke victims. Only 48 percent of stroke patients arrived at an emergency department within two hours of the onset of symptoms. People who were transported by ambulance tended to get to a hospital within the two-hour window compared with those who didn't go by ambulance -- 56.8 percent vs. 36.2 percent, respectively.


Victims of ischemic stroke -- caused by a clot in a vessel supplying blood to the brain -- are most likely to benefit from clot-busting tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) therapy within two hours of initial symptoms.


The difference between arrival at an emergency department and brain imaging was also shorter for those arriving by ambulance.


Fewer blacks or African-Americans (42.4 percent) arrived within the critical two-hour window than did whites (49.5 percent).


Prevention remains key when it comes to stroke.


"We have acute therapies that work to treat stroke, but most of those therapies only work if given within the first few hours after a stroke," Sacco said. "Therefore, the importance of prevention becomes even greater."

我们有对治疗中风起作用的紧急治疗方法,但大多数这些疗法只是对中风后头几个小时内起作用,"sacco说道。 "因此,预防的重要性变得更加重要。"

"The major risk factors for stroke are high blood pressure, preexisting heart disease, atrial fibrillation, which is a very common heart rhythm abnormality, high blood cholesterol levels, diabetes, tobacco use, alcohol use, physical inactivity and obesity," Neyer said.

"中风的主要危险因素是血压高,先发心脏疾病,心房颤动,这是一种很常见的心脏节律紊乱,高血脂高胆固醇,糖尿病,抽烟,饮酒, 无体育锻炼和肥胖,"neyer说道。

"If people take measures to stay physically active, eat a healthy diet, control their blood pressure and cholesterol levels either through lifestyle modifications or through taking medications, all of those things will lower their risk of having a stroke," he said.


Another expert agreed.


"The bottom line conclusion of this study is that prevention of stroke is the most important thing," said Dr. Ann Miller, director of the Stroke Center at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. "Prevention is really the best kind of treatment for stroke. Once the process has become established it's just intervening, trying to limit damage, so it's critical to control hypertension, stop smoking and limit alcohol intake."

这项预防中风研究的底线结论是最重要的事,"纽约市Montefiore医学中心中中风科主任Dr. Ann Miller说道。 "预防是治疗中风的最好方法。 一旦中风已成定局,我们只能干扰和努力降低伤害。所以,对于控制高血压,戒烟及限制饮酒是关键的。"

More information
The CDC has more on stroke prevention.


SOURCES: Jonathan Neyer, epidemiologist, Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; Ralph Sacco, M.D., professor and chairman, neurology department, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Ann Miller, M.D., director, Stroke Center, Montefiore Medical Center, New York City; May 18, 2007,Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

资料来源: Jonathan Neyer,美国亚特兰大疾病控制及预防中心,心脏疾病和中风预防部流行病学家; Ralph Sacco, M.D.,美国迈阿密大学米勒医学院神经内科教授兼系主任;Ann Miller, M.D.,纽约市Montefiore医学中心,脑中风科主任;2007年5月18日,《发病率和死亡率每周报告》



健康报Amanda Gardner于2007年5月17日,星期四,上午12点报道,一项新的研究发现,全美中风发病率有明显不同,一些州报道的中风发病率甚至是其它州的两倍以上。在第一份报告中研究者说:由种族和民族,年龄组和教育程度的差异,中风发病率也是不同的;第二份报告发现,只有不到一半的患者在症状发作两小时内赶到了医院,这种情况使问题更加复杂化,因为只有在那个时间段的治疗能起到最大的效果。两份报告都刊登在5月18日发行的美国疾病控制预防中心的出版物《发病率和死亡率周刊报道》上。5月也是全国中风宣传月。


"中风专家,美国迈阿密大学米勒医学院神经科教授兼主任,Dr. Ralph Sacco说道,在美国和许多发展中国家一样,中风是一个巨大的公共健康问题。" "数目正不断上升,这主要是因为我们的人口正在老龄化,和患心脏疾病存活的人,而这些人都有患中风的危险性。有人预测说,在美国,每年我们看到约100万的中风患者前是不会太久的。"

先前的中风数据已经找到明显的区域差异,这些差异显示在东南部的州有较高的患病率,即所谓的"中风带。" 也有特殊州乃至县级死亡率数据 不过,这是首次由特殊州的患病率被采用。

第一份研究报告的主要作者同时也是一位疾病控制司心脏病和中风的预防流行病学专家,Jonathan Neyer 说道,“在这份报告中我么推陈出新的提出,患病率的评估有助于对疾病有一个精确的估计和认识到医疗费用的重要性,因为中风的治疗费用是昂贵的。

研究者调查了每个州18岁和18岁以上的中风统计数据。中风患病率范围从低至1.5%的康涅狄格州到高达4.3个百分点的密西西比州。近四分之一的州,同哥伦比亚区一样, 中风患病率为3%或更高. 这些州包括阿拉巴马州,阿肯色州,伊利诺伊州,肯塔基州,路易斯安那州,密执安州,密西西比州,密苏里州,内华达州,俄克拉荷马州,田纳西州州,得克萨斯州和西弗吉尼亚州。

最低水平中风发病--小于2.6%--是在亚利桑那州,科罗拉多州,康涅狄格州,马里兰州,马萨诸塞州,明尼苏达州,蒙大拿州,新泽西州,北达科他州,波多黎各罗得岛州,佛蒙特州,威斯康星州和怀俄明. 这项研究的作者说道,以前的研究结果反映,全国患病率为2.6%。


虽然中风的患病率男性(2.7%)与女性(2.5%)相近,但在种族和民族上还是有很大的差异。 美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加土著人的患病率最高(6%). 黑人的患病率几乎是白人的一倍,分别是4%对比2.3%。亚洲人的患病率最低为1.6%。中风患病率少于12年的教育者(4.4%)对比高等教育者(1.8%),几乎高达后者两倍。没有人知道为什么这些差异存在,但一个可能的解释是,被观测的群体中高患病率的人有更多的风险因素存在。



sacco说道,我们有对治疗中风起作用的紧急治疗方法,但大多数这些疗法只是对中风后头几个小时内起作用," "因此,预防的重要性变得更加重要。"

neyer说道"中风的主要危险因素是血压高,先发心脏疾病,心房颤动,这是一种很常见的心脏节律紊乱,高血脂高胆固醇,糖尿病,抽烟,饮酒, 无体育锻炼和肥胖,""如果人们采取措施,以保持身体活动,饮食健康,要么通过生活方式改变或服用药物控制自己的血压和胆固醇水平,所有这些都会降低患中风的风险,"另一位专家表示赞同这一观点。

这项预防中风研究的底线结论是最重要的事,"纽约市Montefiore医学中心中中风科主任Dr. Ann Miller说道。 "预防是治疗中风的最好方法。 一旦中风已成定局,我们只能干扰和努力降低伤害。所以,对于控制高血压,戒烟及限制饮酒是关键的。"疾病控制中心对于中风预防有更多信息。

以上来自,Jonathan Neyer,美国亚特兰大疾病控制及预防中心,心脏疾病和中风预防部流行病学家; Ralph Sacco, M.D.,美国迈阿密大学米勒医学院神经内科教授兼系主任;Ann Miller, M.D.,纽约市Montefiore医学中心,脑中风科主任;2007年5月18日,《发病率和死亡率每周报告》

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