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Feb. 20, 2007 -- Multiple low-energy treatments with a plasma skin regeneration tool may be an improvement over high-energy treatments for facial wrinkles.

A new study shows that multiple low-energy plasma skin regeneration treatments may have about the same wrinkle-reducing effect as one high-energy session -- and with less healing time.

During plasma skin regeneration, energy from plasma rather than light or radiofrequency is delivered to skin tissues. The energy stimulates new skin growth in the targeted area and can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or superficial skin lesions.

Researchers say previous studies have focused on using the technology in single, high-energy treatment, which can be effective but also take up to a week or more for healing.

The study, published in the Archives of Dermatology, looked at the effects of three full-face low-energy plasma skin regeneration treatments given to eight participants.

Three months after treatment, the results showed that the participants had 37% fewer wrinkles, as judged by the researchers. Overall, the volunteers reported a 68% improvement in facial appearance.

Researchers found new skin tissue had regrown over the treated area about four days after treatment, and patients said skin redness lasted about six days. No scarring or loss of pigment was reported.

When researchers examined the treated skin tissue under the microscope, they found a new band of collagen, the primary protein in skin, had formed in the inner layers of skin.

“The healing time in our study averaged approximately five days per treatment; however, this was a patient-assessed number that included days it took for any residual redness and peeling to completely resolve," writes researcher Melissa A. Bogle, MD, of the Laser and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Houston, and colleagues. "While nearly a week of healing time may not seem to be an improvement over other minimally invasive resurfacing procedures and micropeels, the intensity of the healing process is quite minor, which makes it an attractive option for many patients."

Feb. 20, 2007 -- Multiple low-energy treatments with a plasma skin regeneration tool may be an improvement over high-energy treatments for facial wrinkles.
2007年2月,20日 --使用等离子皮肤再生工具多种低能能量治疗,比高能量治疗面部皱纹可能使一个进步。
A new study shows that multiple low-energy plasma skin regeneration treatments may have about the same wrinkle-reducing effect as one high-energy session -- and with less healing time.
During plasma skin regeneration, energy from plasma rather than light or radiofrequency is delivered to skin tissues. The energy stimulates new skin growth in the targeted area and can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or superficial skin lesions.
Researchers say previous studies have focused on using the technology in single, high-energy treatment, which can be effective but also take up to a week or more for healing.
The study, published in the Archives of Dermatology, looked at the effects of three full-face low-energy plasma skin regeneration treatments given to eight participants.
这项研究发表在皮肤病学, 观察八个参与者三个正面低能量等离子皮肤再生治疗。
Three months after treatment, the results showed that the participants had 37% fewer wrinkles, as judged by the researchers. Overall, the volunteers reported a 68% improvement in facial appearance.
三个月治疗后,根据研究者的判断,结果表明参与者减少37%的皱纹。 总的说来,志愿者认为颜面外观有68%的改善。
Researchers found new skin tissue had regrown over the treated area about four days after treatment, and patients said skin redness lasted about six days. No scarring or loss of pigment was reported.
研究者发现治疗后大约四天新的皮肤组织再生已经超过治疗面积,病人说,皮肤红肿大约六天。 无疤痕或色素损失报导。
When researchers examined the treated skin tissue under the microscope, they found a new band of collagen, the primary protein in skin, had formed in the inner layers of skin.
“The healing time in our study averaged approximately five days per treatment; however, this was a patient-assessed number that included days it took for any residual redness and peeling to completely resolve," writes researcher Melissa A. Bogle, MD, of the Laser and Cosmetic Surgery Center of Houston, and colleagues. "While nearly a week of healing time may not seem to be an improvement over other minimally invasive resurfacing procedures and micropeels, the intensity of the healing process is quite minor, which makes it an attractive option for many patients."
“每次治疗在我们研究中愈合时间平均大约五天, 但是,这是一个病人评估的数字—包括任何残余红肿、脱皮彻底解决所需要的天数,”"研究员、休斯顿激光与美容外科中心Melissa A. Bogle博士与同事们写道。“尽管与其他微创侵入操作和微创剥皮相比,近一个星期的愈合时间可能不见得是一个进步,不过愈合过程的痛苦相当轻微,这对许多病人来说是一个有吸引力的选择项目。”

编译(597字) 低能量的皮肤再生工具更能有效去除皮肤皱纹
2007年2月20日 —使用等离子皮肤再生工具多种低能能量治疗,比高能量治疗面部皱纹可能是一个进步。一项新研究显示,多重低能等离子皮肤再生治疗可能有与高能治疗大约相同的除皱效果并且需要愈合的时间更短。在等离子皮肤再生治疗时,来自于等离子而不是来自光或射频的能源被发送到皮肤组织。在靶点区域,能量刺激新皮肤生长,并且可以用来减少皱纹外观,减轻表浅皮肤损害。研究人员报导以前的研究集中于使用单一、高能量治疗技术,这种技术很有效但需要一个星期或更多的时间愈合。这项研究发表在皮肤病学上,观察八个参与者三个正面低能量等离子皮肤再生治疗。三个月治疗后,根据研究者的判断,结果表明参与者减少约37%的皱纹。 总的说来,志愿者自身认为颜面外观有68%的改善。研究者发现治疗后大约四天新的皮肤组织再生已经超过治疗面积,病人诉说,皮肤红肿大约六天,无疤痕或色素损失报导。当研究人员在显微镜下检查治疗皮肤,他们发现在皮肤的一个新胶原带,初级蛋白质,已经在皮肤内层形成。“在我们研究中每次治疗愈合时间平均大约五天, 但是,这是一个病人评估的数字—包括任何残余红肿、脱皮彻底解决所需要的天数,”研究员、休斯顿激光与美容外科中心Melissa A. Bogle博士与同事们写道:“尽管与其他微创侵入操作和微创去皮相比,近一个星期的愈合时间可能不见得是一个进步,不过愈合过程的痛苦相当轻微,这对许多病人来说是一个有吸引力的选择项目。”
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