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83655867 wrote:



The death rate of severe multiple injury is very high , it is reported that the number of patient died of multiple injury accounted for 86.6% during patients died of external injury , which patients died of shock in the early stage , and mainly died of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in the later stage

13.. ECMO在治疗中所起的作用:ECMO支持治疗能保证一定的平均动脉压和较高的心脏灌注压及心排量,同时还可减轻心脏的前后负荷,增加各器官的灌注压,降低肺动脉高压和右心室负荷, 减少左心室的充盈和射血,对双侧心室的
The role of ECMO in therapy : ECMO supportive treatment can ensure definite mean arterial pressure and upper heart perfusion pressure and heart stroke , meanwhile can lessen heart preload and afterload , increase organ perfusion pressure , degrade pulmonary artery hypertension and right ventricle load , decrease engorgement and ejection of left ventricular , which may be benefit for ventricular functional recovery

The role of ECMO in Supportive treatment : ECMO can provide circulation supportive safeguard for implant frame in high risk patient , in the follow-up 3 years , the patients’ living quality was good .

The role of ECMO in Supportive treatment : It can maintain blood and oxygen supply for critical organs such as heart and brain , and provide therapy condition for treating heart primary disease .

16. 患者入抢救室时呈深昏迷状态,心跳呼吸骤停,心电监护提示为室颤.
The patient was in deep comatose state when taken into rescue room , cardiopulmonary was arrested , it was ventricular fibrillation on electrocardio monitoring .

17.ECMO在治疗中所起的作用: 使患者恢复并维持循环稳定,为进一步开通梗塞血管赢得时机和条件。
The role of ECMO in Supportive treatment : it can make patient restore and maintain circulation stabilization and win opportunity and condition for further dredging blocking vessel .

18  体外循环功能:替代或部分替代心脏功能,维持血压和组织灌流; 膜肺功能:可替代或部分替代肺的功能,给肺一个休息和恢复的时间.
The role of extracorporeal circulation : to completely or partly replace cardiac function , to maintain blood pressure and tissue perfusion ; ertro corporeal membrane oxygenation : can completely or partly replace pulmonary function to have pulmonary resting and restoring .

19  原理:将体内的静脉血引出体外,经过人工心肺旁路氧合重新注入病人动脉或静脉系统,起到心肺部分替代作用.
Principle : to take venous blood in vivo out of body , and reinfuse to patients’ artery or venous system by artificial heart and lung bypass oxygenation to partly replace heart and lung function .

20  美国每年约有30万人发生心脏性猝死,占全部心血管病死亡的>50%,,心肌梗塞合并心原性休克及恶性心律失常,死亡率约70~90%.
There is about 300000 people taking place sudden cardiac death every year in U.S., which accounts for 50% in death of total angiocardiopathy , the death rate of myocardial infarction complicating cardiogenic shock and malignant arrhythmia is about 70-90% .

[摘要] 目的 通过对急诊输液室输液流程的改革,找出适合输液室现状的个性化护理模式,减轻护理人员的工作压力,提高护理满意度。方法 对过去工作流程中存在的隐患和弊端进行总结研究,通过明确分工,简化流程,引进计算机技术,探索出新的工作流程。结果 新的输液流程适合现时输液室的工作要求,护理人员工作效率大大提高,明显减少护理投诉,提高满意度,个性化护理服务得到有效的开展。结论 加强工作流程的监控可有利于个性化护理模式的开展,创造出护理成效。

Optimization of transfusion procedure and effect observation during practicing individual nursing in transfusion room
[Abstract] Objective to find out individual nursing model fitting to transfusion room status , to ease pressure of nursing staff and to enhance nursing satisfaction by reforming transfusion procedure in emergency transfusion room . Methods The hidden danger and malpractice existing in past work procedure was summarized and studied , a new work procedure was explored by clear division of labour , simplifying procedure , introducing computer technique . Results The new transfusion procedure fitted to work requirement of modern transfusion room , the efficiency of nursing staff was greatly enhanced , nursing complaint was obviously decreased , satisfaction was enhanced , individual nursing service was effectively carried out . Conclusions Strengthenin g monitor of work procedure may be in favor of carrying out individual nursing model and creating nursing achievement .
zqooo 实在是厉害

Sincere thanks:
In the procedure of ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) technique development and application also the results declaration, we got enthusiastic help and support from many professors and experts, which made this task successfully completed. Thank you sincerely!
Sincere thanks:
Thank professors and experts for their enthusiastic help and support in the procedure of ECMO technique development and application also the results declaration, which made this task successfully completed. Thank you sincerely!

2.ECMO支持技术便捷易行,涉及多临床学科,易推广. ECMO支持技术应用于急危重患者,其救治率显著提高,前景无限.
The ECMO supportive technique is quite convenient for operation, easy to generalize and involves in many clinical departments. It can be applied for some critical patients, which increases the cure rate significantly, has brilliant prospects.

3.本研究显示:急危重症患者多发为中青年,而且死亡率极高! 救治率的提高,给社会带来劳动价值,提高了社会救助能力和社会整体救治水平。
This research shows that: the critical patients are mostly middle-aged and young, but the mortality rate is quite high. The increase of cure rate brings labor value to the society, also elevates the social relief competence and treatment level.

4. ECMO支持技术,属于微创技术,便捷易行,涉及多临床学科,可在救治床边进行,使系统性操作转变成行之有效的程序化操作。本研究无疑为ECMO的推广应用提供了有力的依据。
The ECMO supportive technique, a kind of micro-traumatic techniques, involves in many clinical departments, is quite convenient for operation even bedside, which changes the systematic operation to effective procedure. This research undoubtedly provides important basis for the generalization and application of ECMO technique.

This research shows that: the application of the ECMO supportive technique can reduce the mortality rate of critical patients significantly.

6.ECMO支持技术深入应用到各个学科及临床救治前沿. ECMO支持技术,体现了现代医学发展---多学科协作
The ECMO supportive technique is being applied deeply at the front line of every department and clinical treatment. It reflects the development of modern medicine --- multidisciplinary collaboration.

7.ECMO技术应用于急危重患者的抢救,拓宽ECMO的应用领域. 由于ECMO支持,提高了急危重症抢救成功率,并在国内外领先.
The ECMO technique applies for emergency rescue of critical patients, broadens the application fields. Because of the ECMO support, the cure rate of critical illness increases and leads both home and abroad.

8.ECMO在治疗中所起的作用: 经ECMO辅助治疗后低氧血症均迅速改善,PaO2与SaO2较转流前明显升高。与ECMO前比较,行ECMO治疗后,动脉血氧分压、血氧饱和度明显上升 .应用ECMO 技术, 机体氧供不依赖于肺泡进行气体交换, 能迅速改善低氧血症, 改善机体氧代谢, 从而提高组织氧摄取率,可迅速改善全身组织的缺氧状态,为原发病的治疗提供了前提条件。
Effect of ECMO in the treatment: after the ECMO adjuvant therapy, the hypoxemia had been rapidly improved, PaO2 and SaO2 increased significantly. After the application of ECMO technique, body oxygen supply is not dependent on alveolar gas exchange, it can quickly improve hypoxemia, improve body oxygen metabolism, and then improve tissue oxygen uptake, can rapidly improve the body tissue hypoxia, which provides preconditions for the treatment of the primary disease.

ARDS mortality rate is very high, nowadays it shows abroad that after the application of ECMO technique, neonatal survival rate increases to 80%, and adult 50%.

10. ECMO在治疗中所起的作用:ECMO能有效地替代病人自体心泵, 维持循环功能,为患者成功手术提供了时机和前提条件。
Effect of ECMO in the treatment: ECMO can substitute the patient’s autogenous heart to maintain circulatory function, which provides opportunity and prerequisite for the successful surgery.

11.ECMO在治疗中所起的作用:在多发伤中应用ECMO治疗,为及时手术控制休克创造了条件,同时ECMO治疗后由于患者维持了良好的血供和氧供,患者的器官功能得到了有效的保护, 降低了MODS的发生。
Effect of ECMO in the treatment: the application of ECMO treatment in multiple injuries can create condition for timely surgical control for shock, also maintain a good blood supply and oxygen supply, protect the organ function for the patient, reduce the incidence of MODS.

The mortality rate of severe multiple injuries is extremely high. It is reported in the literature that multiple injuries accounts for 86.6% of the number of deaths in the trauma patients deaths. In earlier period the patients die of shock mostly, and in the later period mainly of MODS (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome)

2.急危重患者: 我选用了the critical patients 可选 the acute severe patients
3.救治率: 我选用了the cure rate
4.社会救助能力: 我选用了the social relief competence
5.临床学科: 我选用了clinical departments 可选 clinical specialities 或者 clinical disciplines



zqooo: 83655867




The death rate of severe multiple injury is very high. It is reported that the number of patients died of multiple injury accounted for 86.6% among patients died of external injury. The main cause of death is attributed to shock at the early stage and ascribed to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) at the late stage.

Here, I’d like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to those experts and professionals who gave me immense help in the development of ECMO techniques and the declaration of the research result. Without their great support , this task could never be successfully completed.
真是牛人啊 敬佩
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